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学科馆员制度 subject librarian system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-26 20:59:49


学科馆员制度 subject librarian system英语短句 例句大全

学科馆员制度,subject librarian system

1)subject librarian system学科馆员制度

1.Construction ofsubject librarian system in the library of the higher vocational college;试论高职院校图书馆学科馆员制度建设

2.Research on the Stages and Roles of Subject Librarian System Abroad;国外学科馆员制度的分期与角色演变研究

3.Reflections on the Establishment of Subject Librarian System in Universities of China;关于高校图书馆建立学科馆员制度的思考


1.Form the Librarian to the Subject Librarian--ProbeintotheConstructionofSubjectLibrarian System in Henan Polytechnic University从馆员到学科馆员——以河南理工大学为例探讨学科馆员制度的建设

2.On Perfecting the Discipline Librarian System of University Libraries;高校图书馆“学科馆员制度”完善之我见

3.Development of the Library of Guizhou University for Nationalities and Establishment of the Discipline-based Librarian System;我院图书馆发展与学科馆员制度建立

4.Analysis on the Establishment of Subject Librarian System of University Library;浅析高校图书馆学科馆员制度的建立

5.Discussion on the Establishment of Liaision Librarian System in Higher College Library;浅谈高校图书馆学科馆员制度的建立

6.On the Establishment of Liaision Librarian System in Our Library;试论我校图书馆学科馆员制度的建立

7.Discussion on setting up subject librarian system in library in institutions of higher education;试论高校图书馆学科馆员制度的建立

8.Disciplinary Librarian System in College Libraries in China s Transformative Period;转型时期高校图书馆的学科馆员制度

9.Probe into the Establishment of the Subject Librarian System in University Library高校图书馆建立学科馆员制度的探讨

10.On the System of Subject Librarians in University Libraries高校图书馆学科馆员制度建设的思考

11.Discussion on the Establishment of Subject Librarian System in Military Academies" Libraries试论军校图书馆学科馆员制度的建立

12.Probe into Establishing the System of Subject Librarian in Hospital Library医院图书馆建立学科馆员制度的探讨

13.The Quality of the Subject Librarians Is Very Crucial for Implementing the Subject Librarians System;学科馆员素质是实施图书馆学科馆员制度的关键

14.Ponder on Subject Librarian System in the University Library;对大学图书馆实施学科馆员制度的思考

15.The Subject Librarian System of The University of Hong Kong Library and Its Enlightenment香港大学图书馆学科馆员制度及其启示

16.Study on the Construction of the Subject Librarian System in Our Country"s University Library我国大学图书馆学科馆员制度建设研究

17.The Conception of Setting up a Subject Librarian Systen in the Library of Fujian Institute of Education福建教育学院图书馆建立学科馆员制度构想

18.Discussion about the Practice of System of Subject Librarian in Newly-Promoted Universities;浅谈新升本高校学科馆员制度的推行


disciplinary librarian system学科馆员制

1.Based on actualities and development ofdisciplinary librarian system,this paper analizes the importance of setting up the disciplinary libratian system in local university libraries,puts forword the tactics of applying disciplinary libratian system.从国内外学科馆员制的现状与发展趋势出发,分析了在地方高校实施学科馆员制的重要意义,提出了学科馆员制实施方案,论述了学科馆员所应具备的基本素质。

3)Regulation of Subject Librarian学科馆员采访制度

4)Elementary Introduction of Subject Librarian System学科馆员制度浅谈

5)subject librarians学科馆员

1.An analysis of the requirements for the human qualities ofsubject librarians;高校图书馆学科馆员素质需求分析

2.The Practice and Consideration on Subject Service——The Innovation of Subject Librarians in Tsinghua University Library;清华大学图书馆学科馆员工作的新思路和新举措

3.Discussion on the Performance Evaluation Indicators System of the Subject Librarians;学科馆员服务绩效评价指标体系的探讨

6)Subject librarian学科馆员

1.How to introduce and preserve subject librarian system in hospital li brary;论医院图书馆如何引进和完善学科馆员制度

2.Speculation upon the Establishment of Subject Librarians in Teachers College Library;对普通师范院校图书馆设立学科馆员的几点思考

3.Discussion of impcementation Strategy of subject librarians in vocational schools;高专院校图书馆学科馆员制度实施策略探讨


裁判员技术等级制度由国家体委制订公布施行,以前叫作裁判员等级制度。它的目的是鼓励裁判员不断提高政治觉悟和业务水平,搞好运动竞赛的裁判工作,提高竞赛质量,更好地为发展体育事业服务。其中规定,裁判员分 4个技术级别:国家级、1级、2级、3级。《裁判员等级制度条例》于1956年公布试行,1958年和1963年作了两次修订,1966年后一度中断试行。1978年恢复试行,并公布新修订的试行草案。
