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批判性分析 critical analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-29 02:10:23


批判性分析 critical analysis英语短句 例句大全

批判性分析,critical analysis

1)critical analysis批判性分析

1.This paper provides acritical analysis of the design and implementation of New Horizon College English Book I-reading and writing module for the students in at Yunan Agricultural University.对"大学英语新视野第一册———综合读写教程"教学模块在云南农业大学级的设置和应用提供批判性分析,试图探究课程设计和应用所引起的相关问题。


1.a critical reading; a critical dissertation; a critical analysis of Melville"s writings.批判性的阅读;批判性的论文;对梅尔维尔作品的批判性分析。

2.Remember throughout that your paper should be a work of critical analysis.请牢记,文章中要始终进行批判性分析。

3.A Critical Analysis of Social Responsibilities of Contemporary Universities in the USA;现代美国大学社会责任的批判性分析

4.A Critical Analysis of Second Language Acquisition Theories and a Proposition of a Dialogical Constructivist Model;二语习得理论批判性分析和对话建构主义假设

5.A Critical Analysis of Functionalist Text Typology in Translation Studies;对功能主义文本类型翻译理论的批判性分析

6.Critical Studies of Political Discourse in the West and Its Implications to China;政治话语的批判性分析研究及其对中国的启示

7.A Critical Analysis and the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Political Culture;中国传统政治文化批判性分析及其现代化

8.The Context of Globalization of the "Universal Values" Critical Analysis全球化背景下的“普世价值观”批判性分析

9.Critical Analyses on the Power Relationship in Cross-sex Conversation-in the Speech Community of a Dream of Red Mansions;红楼梦言语社团跨性别交谈权势关系批判性分析

10.Critical Discourse Analysis Theory and Critical Text Reading;批判话语分析理论与批判性语篇阅读

11.A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Misleading Cosmetic Advertisements;误导性化妆品广告的批判性语篇分析

12.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Power in Chinese Judgments;中国法庭判决书中权力的批判性语篇分析

13.The Critical Discourse Analysis On College English Teaching;大学英语课堂教学的批判性话语分析

14.Functions of Advertising Languages: A Critical Discourse Analysis;广告语言的建构功能——批判性话语分析

15.An Analysis of Critical Thinking from the Perspectives of Social Cultural and Historical Theories;批判性思维的社会文化历史理论分析

16.Survey on Critical Thinking Ability of Nursing Students in Jiangxi Province;江西省大中专护生批判性思维能力调查分析

17.Marx s Analysis and Critique on the Rationalization of Capitalism;马克思对资本主义理性化的分析和批判

18.Operating Strategies Analysis on the Accounting Teaching Method of Critical Thinking;会计教学中批判性思维教学法运用策略分析


Critical Discourse Analysis批判性话语分析

1.How To Be Woman in the Top ——TheCritical Discourse Analysis of Women in the Top;如何成为“塔尖名媛”——对访谈录《塔尖名媛冯珏》的批判性话语分析

2.Drawing on the theory ofCritical Discourse Analysis, this paper makes anin-depth exploration of the reported discourse by carrying out a case study based on two news reportsconcerning Iran nuclear problem.本文以围绕伊朗核问题展开的两篇新闻报道为素材,采用批判性话语分析的方法,对其中的转述话语进行了深入的个案研究。

3.Critical discourse analysis is a linguistics arising in the mid-and late twentieth century,aiming to explore the relationship between discourse and social development by analyzing varied social aspects.批判性话语分析是上世纪中后期兴起的一门语言学科,旨在对社会生活的各方面进行批判性的文本分析,从而探究语言和社会发展的关系。

3)critical analysis批判分析

4)Critical Text Analysis语篇的批判性分析

5)critical discourse analysis批判话语分析

1.By narrative inquiry andcritical discourse analysis of four beginning teachers shifting identities,the study analyzes their shifting process of identifies about teaching,curriculum,students,profession and life.本文通过叙事探究和批判话语分析方法对初任教师的身份认同变化过程进行研究,分析他们受社会文化理论的影响在教学观、课程观、师生观、职业观和生活观五方面的身份认同变化。


1.He contributes greatly to the development of Conversational Discourse Analysis(CDA).Fairclough(1989)提出话语的社会理论和话语分析的社会取向,为批判话语分析(CDA)的发展作出了重大贡献。


