1200字范文 > 条件句悖论 conditional paradox英语短句 例句大全

条件句悖论 conditional paradox英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-07 13:10:39


条件句悖论 conditional paradox英语短句 例句大全

条件句悖论,conditional paradox

1)conditional paradox条件句悖论

1.Situation semantics claims that the causes of theconditional paradoxes are related to the background condition of the constraint described by a conditional statement.经典逻辑中的一些有效推理规则对自然语言条件句推理的失效导致条件句悖论。


1.A View of Philosophical Foundations of Information Flow Theory from the Perspective of Conditional Paradoxes从条件句悖论看信息流理论的哲学基础

2.Towards Conditional Conventionality;试论条件句和结论句之间的逻辑规约

3.The Paradox on Famous Star News Under the Glimpse of Market Economy;论市场经济条件下明星新闻遭遇的悖论

4.Paradox on Human Development under the Conditions of Market Economy: Approaches and Solution;市场经济条件下人的发展悖论及其破解

5.The intensional semantics of if-conditionals and its implications in the analysis of when-clauses;If-条件句的内涵语义分析——兼论if-条件句式和when-句式的相似性

6.“Logical Conventionality” Examined Methodologically;从If条件句研究方法论看“逻辑规约度”

7.Distribution of WH-words in Chinese Bare Conditionals;论汉语无标记条件句中WH-词的分布

8.Study on the Distribution of the Valence in Different Sentence Patterns略论“述结式”进入不同句式的条件

9.The Principle of Indifference on Trial Setup and Its Condition:A Solution of the Paradoxes of Indifference试验机制无差别原则及其条件——关于无差别悖论的一种解决

10.The conclusion, as of a syllogism or a conditional sentence.结论结论,如三段论中的推断或条件句中的结论句

11.Grammar Meaning of the Two Kinds of Non-comparison of the Sentence with the Word"Bi";“比”字句的两种非比较句法意义——兼论“比”字句语义的测试条件

12.Analyses on “Shizuan Contrary Argument”--Non-existing “Self-direct” Statements;“失钻悖论”剖析——不存在“自指”语句

13.On Identity Condition and Island Repair of Sluicing in English;论英语截省句中的等同条件和孤岛修复

14.A Study of Chinese Counterfactual Conditionals from the Perspective of Conceptual Integration;概念整合理论对汉语违实条件句的认知解读

15.A Study of the Futurate in Simple Sentences;论英语简单句中现在时表示将来时的使用条件

16.On the Semantics of Simple Present Tense Verb in "If" Conditional Clause Signifying Future;试论“If”条件句中动词一般现在时表将来的语义

17.Logic and Evidence: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach to If-Conditionals;逻辑与实据——英语IF条件句研究的一种理论框架

18.Scientific Laws and Counterfactual Conditionals--On The New Riddle of Induction;科学定律与反事实条件句——兼论“新归纳之谜”


paradoxical sentence悖论性语句

1.Aparadoxical sentence is one that has paradoxical property,which is that truth of such a sentence can imply false itself,and vice versa.悖论性语句是具有悖论性质的语句,特点是从其真可以推出其为假,从其假可以推出其为真;陈述是陈述句所表达的内容,有一个陈述句就有一个陈述;命题是反映对象事实的思维形式,特点是要么真要么假。

3)epigrammatic paradoxes警句式悖论

4)On Counterfactual Conditionals论反事实条件句




