1200字范文 > 混流式转轮 Francis runner英语短句 例句大全

混流式转轮 Francis runner英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-27 16:23:18


混流式转轮 Francis runner英语短句 例句大全

混流式转轮,Francis runner

1)Francis runner混流式转轮

1.Vorticity dynamics analysis of flow field inFrancis runner;混流式转轮内部流场的涡动力学分析

2.Study on cavitation and energy properties of developed cascade nearFrancis runner band;混流式转轮近下环区域展开叶栅的能量和汽蚀特性研究

3.A 3-D rational flow inverse design ofFrancis runner;有旋流动的全三维反问题计算在混流式转轮设计中的应用


1.The Water Tunnel Experiment Study of Developed Cascade Near Francis Runner Band Cavitation Area and Profile Improvement混流式转轮近下环叶栅水洞实验研究

2.The Development of Combined Blad Template for Francis Turbine and Its Application混流式转轮叶片组合样板设计的改进及应用

3.CFD Analysis of Flow in Francis Hydraulic Turbine Runner;混流式水轮机转轮内部流动的CFD分析

4.The Internal Flow Calculation in a Runner of the Francis Turbine;混流式水轮机转轮内部流场计算研究

5.The Flow Field Calculation in Francis Turbine Runner with Half Vanes带半叶片的混流式水轮机转轮的流场计算

6.Dynamic Characteristic Study on Fluid-Structure Interaction for Francis Turbine Runner;混流式水轮机转轮流固耦合的动力特性分析

7.Cavitation Simulation of Francis Turbine Runner for Hydraulic Optimization Design混流式水轮机转轮优化设计的空化流计算

8.Technological guide for erection and welding of split runner of Francis turbine混流式水轮机分瓣转轮组装焊接工艺导则

9.The Methods of Measuring Intake and Outlet Profile for Francis Turbine Runner混流式水轮机转轮进、出口型线的测量方法

10.Study on Adjusting and Controlling for Welding Residual Stress Field of Francis Turbine Runners混流式水轮机转轮焊接残余应力场调控研究

11.Finite Element Analysis of the Stress Field of Mixed-flow Water Turbine Runner混流式水轮机转轮应力场的有限元分析

12.Numerical Investigation on Pressure Fluctuations Induced by Interblade Vortices in a Runner of Francis Turbine混流式水轮机转轮区叶道涡压力脉动数值研究

13.Research on Hydraulic Design of Bulb-francis Turbine Runner Based on CFD基于CFD灯泡混流式水轮机转轮水力设计的研究

14.The study of dynamic characteristics of francis turbine generator’s runner混流式水轮机转轮动力特性有限元仿真分析

15.Test and analysis of welding residual stress of interflow type hydraulic turbine runner混流式水轮机转轮焊接残余应力测试与分析

16.Study on characteristic of flow for the diversion components of the Francis turbine with high specific speed高比转速混流式水轮机引水部件水流特性研究

17.Internal Low and Performance Study of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow in High-head Francis Composite Runners高水头混流复合式转轮内部流动及其性能研究

18.Direct Three-Dimensional Finite Element Calculation for Flow Field in Francis Turbine Runner混流式水轮机转轮内部流场直接三维有限元计算


Francis turbine混流式转轮

1.In the case of aFrancis turbine of a certain hydro-power station, it is performed satisfactorily to the design requirements in the model experiment, while in the actual operation with different guide vane types, it could not produce enough power.某电站一混流式转轮在模型试验中性能均达到设计要求,在实际电站使用中采取了与模型试验不同的导叶与之匹配,出现出力不足现象。

3)Francis turbine runner混流式水轮机转轮

1.Vorticity analysis of aFrancis turbine runner;混流式水轮机转轮的涡量场分析

2.Stress ofFrancis turbine runners under fluctuant work conditions;混流式水轮机转轮动载荷作用下的应力特性

3.On basis of the relation of welding residual stress between practical structure and simulative component defined by similarity theory, the method of numerical simulation is adopted to optimize the welding technology ofFrancis turbine runner.在利用相似理论建立实际构件与模拟件之间焊接残余应力对应关系的基础上,采用数值模拟的方法对混流式水轮机转轮的焊接工艺进行了优化,使叶片危险区域附近产生了焊接残余压应力,达到了预期的效果。

4)mixed flow turbine runner blade混流式水轮机转轮叶片

5)axial flow runner轴流式转轮

1.In order to enhance design accuracy and performance,three dimensional viscous flow insideaxial flow runner is simulated based on time averaged Navier-Stokes equations,standard k-ε turbulence model,and SIMPLEC algorithm.为进一步提高轴流式转轮的设计精度与性能,采用时均Navier-Stokes控制方程,标准k-ε湍流模型及SIMPLEC算法,对一轴流定浆式水轮机转轮内三元粘性流动进行了数值模拟。

2.In order to raise the accuracy and speed of the hydraulic design of theaxial flow runner blades, the paper developed a runner CAD system.为提高轴流式转轮叶片水力设计的精度和速度,开发出水力设计CAD系统。

6)Deriaz turbine斜流式转轮

1.To resolve the problems ofDeriaz turbine about less output and low efficiency in Maojiacun power station,the renovations of turbine runner were performed.对毛家村电站斜流式转轮流道进行了优化设计 ,使转轮出力增大 ,效率提高 ;通过改变叶片密封的结构形式 ,使叶片密封漏油问题得到了解决 ;通过改变刮板接力器密封材料 ,使其高压油腔与低压油腔之间串油量减小 ;经过此次改造 ,使电站转轮存在的问题得到了很好的解决 ,收到明显效


GPD低压混流式喷雾干燥机工作原理:GPD系列低压混流式喷雾干燥机系气液两相混流式干燥设备,热风从塔顶沿塔壁进入塔内,物料由塔下部向上呈喷泉状喷出,与热风进行先逆流后并流的传热传质的运动过程。具有系统风阻小,单机干燥强度高,生产能力大的特点,尤其适用于无机类和低热敏性物料的大规模,连续化的干燥生产。性能特点:l.可实现对高固形物含量物料的干燥生产。2.干燥产品的流动性良好,颗粒直径大。3.适用于白炭黑、高岭土、陶瓷坯料、铁氧体等无机类和低热敏性物料的干燥生产。4.单机生产能力大,可采用油、气、汽、煤、电等多种热源,从25kgH2O/h~10,000kgH2O/h生产能力的干燥设备均有产品.①系统鼓风机②热源③料槽④料泵⑤干燥塔⑥旋风分离器⑦布袋除尘器⑧系统引风机技术特性:型 号 项 目GPD2550010001500200030005000蒸发能力Kg H2O/h2550010001500200030005000塔体直径m2.塔体高度m7.08.5111213151618占地 长×宽(m×m)5×45×612×1015×1015×1218×1218×1220×15雾化方式低压喷咀雾化进风温度120~700℃雾化压力1.5-3.5Mpa其它l蒸发能力指进风温度为350℃时脱除纯水的能力l 热源:蒸汽、电加热、燃煤、燃油、燃气、热风炉和烟气炉等。应用物料:化学工业:白炭黑、混凝土外加剂、硫酸钡、碱式硫酸铬、氧化铝、氧化钛、高岭土、铁氧体、块滑石、碳化物、肥料,腐值酸、染料、洗涤剂、CR助剂、胶乳、净水剂、树脂、塑料、化剂、冰晶石等。食品工业:糊精、麦芽糖、蛋白粉、蛋黄粉、低聚糖、颗粒油脂、速溶咖啡、淀粉、香料、果蔬颗粒。乳品工业:脱脂奶粉、全脂奶粉、豆奶粉、冰淇淋粉、乳精粉、酷朊酸钠等。医药工业:中西药粉剂、抗生素、生化产品、维生素、农药粉剂、水解蛋白、酶、单细胞蛋白等。建材工业:陶瓷坯料、釉料、超细粉料等环保:烟气脱硫、造纸黑液及药厂废液处理等。其它:鱼粉废液、饲料
