1200字范文 > 中等职业学校 secondary vocational school英语短句 例句大全

中等职业学校 secondary vocational school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-11 19:05:30


中等职业学校 secondary vocational school英语短句 例句大全

中等职业学校,secondary vocational school

1)secondary vocational school中等职业学校

1.Focus on the teaching process of mathematics and participate in the improvement of students qualities insecondary vocational schools;注重数学教学过程参与 提高中等职业学校学生素质

2.On the Importance of Offering Chemistry Course in Secondary Vocational School;论在中等职业学校开设《化学》课程的重要性

3.The Research on the Operational Problems and Suggestions of Shared Practice Training Base in Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校共享型实训基地运行问题及对策研究


1.The Students Professional Ethics Education Researching of Secondary Technical School;中等职业学校学生职业道德教育研究

2.The Problems and Countermeasures in Vocational Guidance of the Secondary Vocational Schools;中等职业学校职业指导的问题与对策

3.The Research on Construction of Occupation Instruction System for Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校职业指导体系建构研究

4.A Research on the Learning Disabilities of Secondary Vocational School Students中等职业学校学生学业不良问题研究

5.The Study on "School Adaptation" of Freshmen in Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校新生“学校不适应症”探讨

6.Research on the All-the-way Employment Guidance of Middle-sized Vocational School;中等职业学校学生全程就业指导研究

7.Study on the Problem of the Secondary Vocational School Students Employment in Tibet;西藏中等职业学校学生就业问题研究

8.Secondary Vocational School Mathematics Teacher Professional Development Research;中等职业学校数学教师专业发展研究

9.The Discussion Of Case Teaching In Accountant Specialty Of Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校会计专业案例教学探讨

10.On the Ability Training of Chemical Majors in the Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校化工专业学生职业能力的培养

11.Rational consideration on school-based research in secondary vocational schools;对中等职业学校校本教研的理性思考

12.An Investigation into Mathematical Emotion Education in Secondary Vocational School s Students;中等职业学校学生数学情感教育探析

13.Research on the Teaching Mode of Mathematical Application in Secondary Vocational Schools;中等职业学校数学应用教学模式研究

14.A Research on the Teaching Tactics of Applied Mathematics of the Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校数学应用教学策略研究

15.A Study on Affect Cultivation in English Learning and Teaching in Secondary Vocational Schools;中等职业学校英语教学中的情感培养

16.Enrollment and Obtain Employment Problems, Measures of the Secondary Vocational Schools;论中等职业学校招生就业问题及对策

17.Meeting the needs of employment is the basis of existence for secondary vocational schools;面向就业是中等职业学校的生存之本

18.The Characteristics and Principles in Speciality Establishment of Secondary Vocational School;中等职业学校专业设置的特点与原则


secondary vocational schools中等职业学校

1.On the path and prospect of quality education based onsecondary vocational schools;中等职业学校实施素质教育的路径再择与前景展望

2.Current Situation and Countermeasure Research into the Cuisine Teaching of Secondary Vocational Schools;中等职业学校烹饪教学现状及其对策研究

3.An Investigation into Listening Teaching of English Majors in Secondary Vocational Schools;中等职业学校英语专业听力教学的探索与思考

3)vocational school中等职业学校

1.Application of case teaching in P.E. invocational schools;案例教学在中等职业学校体育教学中的运用

2.Informal student organizations invocational schools have positive and negative impact.本文结合中等职业技术学校学生实际,就中等职业学校学生中非正式组织的形成、特点及其正确引导的意义、方法等作一粗浅探讨。

3.There is a big difference of English basil knowledge among the students invocational school.中等职业学校学生英语基础差距较大,解决此问题的最好办法是实施分层次教学。

4)middle vocational school中等职业学校

1.Design and Actualize the Campus’ Networks of Middle Vocational School;中等职业学校校园网设计与实施

2.On the practical teaching system ofmiddle vocational school;谈中等职业学校的实践性教学体系

3.Discussion on the new ways of moral education inmiddle vocational school谈中等职业学校德育工作的新途径

5)the secondary vocational school中等职业学校

1.The Research of Strategy to Improving the Student with Leaning Difficulties Ability of Metacognition in Chemistry in the Secondary Vocational School;提高中等职业学校“学困生”化学元认知能力的策略研究

2.Practice and Research on Mathematic Curriculum Reform for Credit System of the Secondary Vocational School;学分制下中等职业学校数学课程改革的研究与实践

3.Forthe secondary vocational school, grasping high quality human resources will help it to be at initiative and the leading posotion in the process of raising knowledge economy talented person.在知识经济时代,人力资源的竞争已成为各个组织间竞争的核心,对于中等职业学校来说,掌握高素质的人力资源将使其在培养知识经济人才的过程中处于主动和领先地位。

6)vocation middle school职业中等学校


