1200字范文 > 理念论 idealism英语短句 例句大全

理念论 idealism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-20 10:52:14


理念论 idealism英语短句 例句大全



1.The Interaction of Idea and the Time -comparison between theidealism of Plato andidealism of Hegel;理念与时代的相互创生——柏拉图与黑格尔理念论之比较

2.The basis of Confucius Aesthetics is Benevolence while Plato s is Idealism.孔子美学思想的基础是仁学,而柏拉图的美学基础则是理念论。

3.On the basis ofidealism,Plato drew his theory of human justice after analyzing human nature and used it to the justice of the state.柏拉图以理念论为基础,从抽象的人性出发,提出了人性正义的理论,并用逻辑推理的方法,将人性的正义等同于国家的正义。


1.A Comparison between the Theory of Tao by Laotse and the Theory of Idea by Plato;老子“道论”与柏拉图“理念论”之比较

2.A comparative study of conceptual metaphor theory and conceptual integration;试比较概念隐喻理论和概念整合理论

3.I am slow at learning theoretical constructs.我学理论概念相当迟钝。

4.On the Theories of Deliberative Democracy: Core Idea and Schools;审议民主理论的基本理念和理论流派

5.Similarities and Differences Between Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Blending Theory;概念隐喻理论与概念整合理论的联系与区别

6.On the motto and the ideal of university;大学校训与大学理念——兼论道德论大学理念

patibility Study on Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual Integration Theory概念隐喻理论和概念整合理论的相容性探究

8.Caring and Escaping from Caring;念与离念——理解《大乘起信论》的新思路

9.The Study on Idea of the Acupuncture-Moxibustion Theory and Conception in HUANGDINEIJING《内经》针灸理论与概念的观念研究

10.Inclusion Degree Theory among Concepts of Formal Concept Analysis形式概念分析的概念之间包含度理论

11.The validity is a central concept of theory of argument or reasoning.有效性是论证或推理理论的核心概念。

12.On the Idea of the Original Position in Rawls Theory of Justice;论罗尔斯正义理论中的“原初状态理念”

13.Manifestation of Beauty in Ideas--Reflection on Ontology Aesthetics of Ideas;美在理念的自身显现——理念的存在论美学之思

14.The Discussion about the Evolution of Notions of University;大学理念的嬗变与发展——兼论西北大学教育理念

15.On the Idea of Running School and Talents of Higher Vocational Education;论高等职业教育的办学理念与人才理念

16.The managing principle of "Human-Centered Management" in the modern corporation;论“人本管理”的现代企业管理理念

17.Discussion on the management idea--people oriented of property management enterprise;论物业管理企业“以人为本”的管理理念

18.On Structure of Sense and Theoretical Limits of Constructivist Theory;试论建构主义理论的观念结构及其理论局限


Theory of idea理念论

1.The aesthetic thought of Plato, which has the theory of idea as its main concern, contains an integrated system of aesthetic axiology.柏拉图以理念论为核心的美学思想内含完整的美学价值论框架。

2.The paper discussed the active role of Plato s theory of idea in the history of human civilization and held that it is still of extremel y important meaning of reference for China s social progress now.本文阐述了柏拉图的理念论在人类文明史上的积极作用,认为其 对当代中国社会进步仍有极其重要的借鉴意义 。

3)theory of ideas理念论

1.Plato is the founder of objective idealism philosophy,who inherited and developed Socrates s conceptualism and Parmenides s ontology and then established his own philosophy focusing ontheory of ideas.柏拉图是客观唯心主义理念论哲学的创始人。

4)concept theory概念理论

1.This paper introduces the state-of-the-art in the terminological concept theories with the focus on the introduction of the classicalconcept theory and the prototypeconcept theory.介绍了术语学概念理论的发展状况,着重介绍了传统的概念理论和类典型概念理论,并且用类典型概念理论来分析矿物学中的一些术语实例,以此证明:类典型概念理论不仅适用于人文社科领域而且适用于自然科学领域。

5)theoretical concept理论概念

1.This paper quite thoroughly probes into the guiding ideology,theoretical concept, core content and technical line of the sandy desert industry.对沙产业的指导思想、理论概念、核心内容、技术路线做了比较详细的探讨。

6)Guiding Principle Debate理念辩论


善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of goods卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。
