1200字范文 > 简单少儿英语短文带翻译:杀鸡取蛋


时间:2023-07-10 01:02:40



There is an old woman, possessor of a hen. This hen, but a baby, the next day he Huangcan golden egg. Old woman can pick up such a large mound of gold every day, what thing they do not dry, the day also had quite lavish. She could not bored child, every day guarding her baby chickens, just hope he soon lay eggs.

One day, as usual, under a hen lays the golden eggs. Old woman put a gold egg tray in hand, and thought: "This baby chicken next day only a golden egg, it looked so was not as good as stuffiness kill him, his stomach egg old brain child taken out of it. "the old woman made up his mind, really put the baby chicken slaughtered. I did not expect to open the belly of a look, a golden egg did not find it - long into the golden eggs has been finished under the new golden eggs can not grow into.

"Golden eggs" that come from this story. In order to rush to get a benefit, destroying produce this fundamental interests, it can be said to be "the golden eggs."’



