1200字范文 > 文学批评 literary criticism英语短句 例句大全

文学批评 literary criticism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-01 04:01:59


文学批评 literary criticism英语短句 例句大全

文学批评,literary criticism

1)literary criticism文学批评

1.Beijing-style Literary Criticism As Seen in the Supplement to "Da Gong Paper";《大公报》“文艺副刊”与京派文学批评的形成

2.Cao Pi’sliterary criticism discussed in Wen Xin Diao Long;《文心雕龙》论曹丕的文学批评


1.The shift of Criticism:From Literary Criticism to Cultural Criticism;批评的转型:从文学批评到文化批评

2.Ethical Approach to Literary Studies: A New Perspective;文学伦理学批评:文学批评方法新探索

3.The Novel Door: Criticize from Big Culture to the Literary Criticism;《小说门》:从大文化批评到文学批评

4.On the Literary Criticism of Shen Congwen;徜徉于批评之野——论沈从文的文学批评

5.From Literary criticism to Cultural Criticism: Opportunity or Misfortune;从文学批评到文化批评:机遇还是厄运

6.Critical Consciousness and Conscious Criticism;批评意识与意识批评——现象学文学批评述要

7.A Critique of Said s Postcolonial Literary Critic Theory;对赛义德后殖民主义文学批评的批评

8.Eco-criticism: An Literary Critical Perspective that Extends to Nature;生态批评:向自然延伸的文学批评视野

9.What Is Criticism For?-Two Symptoms of Contemporary Literary Criticism;批评何为?——当前文学批评的两种症候

10.Real Criticism --Wang Tongzhao s critical literary theories;“真的批评”——王统照的文学批评论

11.Criticism is the Explosion of Emotion an Outline of Wang Meng s Literature Criticism;批评是一种燃烧:王蒙的文学批评论纲

12.The Construction of Contemporary Chinese Literary Criticism and the Mechanism of Literary Criticism当代中国文学批评的建构与批评机制

13.On the Characteristics in Literary Criticism of Shen Cong-wen;批评的文体和文体的批评——论沈从文文学批评的特征

14.A Re-criticism of Cultural Criticism of literature--A Recall of and Reflection on Critic Methodologies of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature;文学文化批评的再批评——中国现当代文学批评方法的回望与反思

15.Heading or the Academic Literary Criticism--SU XUE-line s Literary criticism;走向学术化的文学批评——苏雪林文学批评论

16.Literary Rhetorical Criticism and Academic Characteristics of Contemporary Chinese Literary Criticism;文学修辞批评与中国当代文学批评的学术品格

17.Marxist criticism马克思主义文学批评

18.The Enlightenment of Liberalism Literary Criticism to the Construction of Current Literary Criticism;自由主义文学批评对当前文学批评建设的启示


literature criticism文学批评

1.The Introspection of Literature Criticism Nowadays:A Opening Discussion Started from Mao Dun s Literature Criticism;文学批评的当下反思——从茅盾文学批评谈开去

2.Soul in masterpiece between adventure — —discuss theliterature criticism of Li Jian Wu;灵魂在杰作间的奇遇——论李健吾的文学批评


1.On network literarycriticism and Chinese ancient romantic charmcriticism;网络文学批评与中国古代神韵批评

2.As an important category in ZhuGuangQian s literarycriticism,the interest means an aesthetic judgment including enjoy、distinction and sensitivity that people own."趣味"作为朱光潜文学批评理论中的重要范畴之一,其含义是指主体所具有的以"欣赏、鉴别、敏感"为主要内容的审美判断能力。

3.This text combines with the literature idea of the writer to analyse and inquire into his literarycriticism.本文结合作家的文学观念,对其独具特色的文学批评作一分析和探讨。

4)literature critics文学批评

1.The domesticliterature critics on the works by Maupassant have achieved a lot during a rather long-term research yet covered a relative limit extent.国内的文学批评对莫泊桑作品的研究历时已久,成果不少,然而范围较窄,这篇《爱情》鲜被提及。

2.Until Qing dynasty,Fu note finally became one uniform ofliterature critics,finishing the course breaking away from poem note and deyeloping independently.赋话滥觞于汉魏六朝,唐宋以后则包容在诗话、四六话和笔记之中,一直到清代才最终走完了与诗话分离而独立发展的历程,成为文学批评的样式之一。

3.If theliterature critics wants to play building role in the construction of culture, it should find errors, not beauty; dialogue, not monologue; be systematic, not one - sided.在商业文化和娱乐文化占据社会每一个角落的今天,如何做文学批评是很难的。

5)criticism on literature文学批评批

6)Criticism Literature批评文学


