1200字范文 > 《曹操与杨修》 Cao Cao And Yang Xiu英语短句 例句大全

《曹操与杨修》 Cao Cao And Yang Xiu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-08 07:41:39


《曹操与杨修》 Cao Cao And Yang Xiu英语短句 例句大全

《曹操与杨修》,"Cao Cao And Yang Xiu"

1)"Cao Cao And Yang Xiu"《曹操与杨修》

1.A Great Talent, Often First——On Shang Changrong"s Artistic Value from"Cao Cao And Yang Xiu"成大器者,常为第一——从《曹操与杨修》看尚长荣艺术价值


1.A Great Talent, Often First--On Shang Changrong"s Artistic Value from "Cao Cao And Yang Xiu"成大器者,常为第一——从《曹操与杨修》看尚长荣艺术价值

2.Speak of the devil and here she is.说曹操,曹操就到。

3.Look, speak of the devil, and here he appears.瞧,说曹操,曹操到。

4.The Contrast Between Personality and Writing Style of Caocao and Caozhi;曹操、曹植父子文格与人格的矛盾比对

5.The Relationship Between Cao Cao s Management Art of His Surbordination and Nine Ranks of Evaluation of the Wei State;曹操用人之道与曹魏“九品官人法”的关系

6.Talk of devil and he"ll appear说到曹操,曹操就到

7.A gymnastic session of workers of a watchmaking factory in the working class sector of Tchao Yang.手表厂工人正在做操,摄于产业工人聚集的曹杨地区。

8.The Reader Dimension and Acceptance Effect on the Image of Cao Cao;读者维度的曹操形象与文学接受效应

9.Cai Yan s Literary Creation and His Relation with Cao Cao;蔡琰的文学创作及与曹操关系之述评

10.Jian an Style and Youxian Poem--A Close Look at Caocao s Youxian Poem;“建安风骨”与游仙诗——曹操游仙诗探微

11.Tongquetai and CaoCao--The 3rd thesis about the falsity or truth of the story of three kingdoms;铜雀台与曹操——《三国演义》虚实论之三

12.The Affinity of Jianan Literature and Politics;从曹操看建安文学与政治的亲和关系

13.Values of Heroism and Cultural Education in Cao Cao s Family;“英雄”价值观念与曹操的家族文化教育

14.at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao, a famous politician, constructed the Tongquetai (Bronze Sparrow Terrace) at Yecheng (to the southwest of today"s Linzhang County, Hebei Province),东汉末,著名的政治家曹操,在邺城(今河北临漳县西南)修建了铜雀台,

15.John said he"d be coming-and talk of the devil here he is now.约翰说他要来,结果说曹操,曹操就到。

16.Sure of angels, and you will hear their wings.说鬼就见鬼,说曹操曹操就到。

17.Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear.讲着某人,某人就到;说起曹操,曹操就到。

18.A Roam Between"Chinese Style"and"Wei Style":On the Artistic Spirit of Cao Cao s Literature;徜徉于“汉音”与“魏响”之间——曹操诗文艺术精神探析


Cao Cao s Contribution to Qingshang Music曹操与清商乐

3)Cao Cao曹操

1.Cai Yan s Literary Creation and His Relation withCao Cao;蔡琰的文学创作及与曹操关系之述评

2.The Reader Dimension and Acceptance Effect on the Image ofCao Cao;读者维度的曹操形象与文学接受效应


1.The Contrast Between Personality and Writing Style ofCaocao and Caozhi;曹操、曹植父子文格与人格的矛盾比对

2.Superfical Opinion on the Poetry ofCaocao s Implication and Content;浅析曹操诗歌的意韵和涵盖

3.On the General Mood ofCaocao’s Clan and Its Influence;论曹操家族门风及其影响

5)Talk of the devil and the devil comes说曹操,曹操到

6)Speaking of the deril !说曹操。曹操到


