1200字范文 > 国剧 National Drama英语短句 例句大全

国剧 National Drama英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-28 06:01:16


国剧 National Drama英语短句 例句大全

国剧,National Drama

1)National Drama国剧

1.On the Differences in the Concept of "National Drama" among Yu Shang-yuan,Zhao Tai-mou,and Xiong Fo-xi——The Second Paper of the Series on "National Drama Movement"略论余上沅、赵太侔和熊佛西“国剧”理念的差异——“国剧运动”研究系列论文之二


1.Russian dramatist (1860-1904).俄国剧作家(1860-1904)。

2.On British Playwright Caryl Churchill s Environmental Plays;论英国剧作家凯萝·邱吉尔的环保戏剧

3.From "Antagonism" to "the State of Being Chinese Plays"--Theory of"5·4" Drama;从“对抗化”到“国剧化”:“五四”戏剧理论批评

4.International Theatre Institute国际戏剧学会(戏剧学会)

5.A Centenary History of Chinese Spoken Drama in China and the World;话剧百年:从中国话剧到世界华语话剧

6.Judgmenting Chinese Classical Tragedy Form the Top Ten Classic Tragedy of China;从十大古典悲剧看中国古典悲剧的悲剧性

7.The new play at the National Theatre"s a wow.国家剧院上演的那出新剧极为轰动.

parison of the Aesthetic Expression between Chinese Opera and Western Opera;中国京剧与西方歌剧审美表现之比较

9.On Brecht s Theatrical Creation Ideology;论德国戏剧家布莱希特的戏剧创作观

10.A Study of Chinese Musical Development from the Phantom of the Opera;试从《歌剧魅影》看我国音乐剧的发展

11.Early Modern Drama: The Prologue to the Modernization of Chinese Theatre;早期话剧:中国戏剧现代转型的序幕

12.On the Relationship between Chinese Realism Dramas and the Western Inherent Dramas;中国现实主义话剧与西方内向型戏剧

parison of Singing between Beijing Opera and European Opera;中国京剧唱法与欧洲歌剧唱法之比较

14.The Song for the Gongmo Kerchief Dance and the Form of the Drama of Chinese Theatre in Their Early Phase;《巾舞歌辞》与中国早期戏剧的剧本形态

15.The Three-Dimension Drama Education Model of National Opera College论国立剧专“三维一体”的戏剧教育模式

16.Manizales International Theatre Festival马尼萨莱斯国际戏剧节

17.Are you interested in Chinese theater?你对中国戏剧感兴趣吗?

18.She shows great interest in American drama.她对美国戏剧很有兴趣。


Beijing opera as national theater京剧国剧说

3)Chinese opera中国歌剧

1.On the Combination of Nationalization and Diversification of Chinese Opera Creation;论中国歌剧创作民族化与多元化的结合

2.The Artistic Characteristics of the Opera "Regret for the Past" and Its Positive Effect on the Development of Chinese Opera;歌剧《伤逝》的艺术特征及其对中国歌剧发展的启示

3.Chinese opera develops a school of its own in worldwide opera stage.对传统艺术的吸取促使中国歌剧个性风格的形成,对西洋歌剧优势因素的吸收则成为中国歌剧发展过程中不可或缺的因素。

4)Chinese Spoken Drama中国话剧

1.The author tried to find the aesthetics realization of esthetic modernity of Chinese spoken drama, and discussed both the Chinese modernistic drama"s historical and esthetic value.本文试图以现代性的理论向度,从中国现代主义戏剧的发展历程中,选取具有典型意义和研究价值的剧作家和剧作,来揭示中国话剧审美现代性的美学体现以及中国特色,从而论证中国现代主义戏剧的历史价值和美学价值,并且探讨中国现代主义戏剧兴衰的历史轨迹及其原因。

5)the dream of Chinese drama国剧梦

6)Chinese drama中国戏剧

1.There is an interactive relationship between Bertolt Brecht andChinese drama.布莱希特与中国戏剧是一种"双向互动"的关系。

2.Through a comparison betweenChinese drama and European drama as a continuation of Greek drama, this paper attempts to explore the distintive differences and characteristics in the process of their formation.中国戏剧和以古希腊为代表的西方戏剧在形成过程中有着鲜明的差异和特征。

3.Allegory, language distinction, artistic atmosphere are the three core categories ofChinese drama.寓言、本色、意境是中国戏剧的三大核心范畴。


