1200字范文 > 域外文学 translation of foreign literature英语短句 例句大全

域外文学 translation of foreign literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-14 19:24:36


域外文学 translation of foreign literature英语短句 例句大全

域外文学,translation of foreign literature

1)translation of foreign literature域外文学


1.The Relations between Dunhuang Literature and Others敦煌文学与周边民族文学、域外文学关系述论

2.The Study of Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties "Extraterritorial" and the Concept of Literature;先秦两汉“域外”认识及其文学表现研究

3.Extraterritorial Culture:Li Wenshan s Extraterritorial Travel Prose;域外文化个案:李文珊的域外游记散文

4.Searching Foreign Land--Influence of Foreign Literature to Hongke s Novels Writing;追寻异域——论外国文学对红柯小说创作的影响

5.A Perspective of "A Collection of Foreign Novels" in China s Translation Circle at the End of Qing Dynasty and the Beginning of the Republic of China from the Angle of Literary Acceptance;从文学接受的角度透视《域外小说集》的译介

6.The diffusion of Huizhou traditional academic culture is divided into the diffusions within and outside the area.徽州传统学术文化传播分徽州区域内传播和区域外传播两类。

7.On Cultural Diplomacy;外交学研究中的一个新领域——关于文化外交的几点思考

8.Another Discussion of the Origin of "Finding Treasure by Chasing Rabbit" in Ancient Chinese Literature and of Its Foreign Culture Source;再论中国古代文学中的“逐兔见宝”母题——兼谈该母题的外域文化渊源

9.Trying to Discuss the Development of Sports Which is in the OverseasCultural Industry and Modern Commercial Sports;域外文化产业视域中的现代商业体育

10.One other important branch of space astronomy consists of infrared and "submillimeter" surveys.空间天文学的另一重要领域是红外和“亚毫米”巡天。

11.In the romantic era, the literary approach dominated all domains of vocal music, with the exception of Italian opera.在浪漫时期内,除义大利歌剧之外,文学几乎支配声乐的领域。

12.The Impact of the Late Qing Foreign Dynasty Detective Novels to Narrative Model of China s Modern Literature;晚清域外侦探小说对中国现代文学时间叙事模式的影响

13.in the realm of literature, science, etc在文学、 科学等领域里

14.Ancient Chinese Teaching in Middle School in the Classical Hermeneutics Horizon;古典阐释学视域下的中学文言文教学

15.the realm of romance [poetry]传奇文学[诗]的领域

16.Literary Criticism: Inside or Outside Literature;文学批评:在文学之内还是文学之外

17.Literary Language Modality:A New Field of the Research on Science of Literature and Art;文学话语形态:文艺学研究的新视域

18.A Review of Foreign Literature Teaching in Normal Colleges According to That in Middle Schools;从中学外国文学教学反观高师外国文学教学


foreign astronomy域外天文学

1.However , it is quite possible that ZBSJ is in fact under some strong influence offoreign astronomy.在认识到《周髀算经》是中国古代唯一的希腊式公理化体系,以及《周髀算经》中盖天宇宙几何模型的正确形状之后,即可发现《周髀算经》中有明显的域外天文学成分:它的宇宙模型与古代印度的宇宙模型极为相似:它的寒暑五带知识在中国传统天文学体系中难以产生并且无人相信:它的天球坐标系统没有赤道特征。

3)Anthology and Sino-literature in Ancient Korea and Japan选本与域外汉文学

4)cultures abroad外域文化

1.Based on the analyses of Huang Bin-hong s works reformed in traditional landscape paintings,this paper expounds the collisions an d relations between Chinese traditional cultures andcultures abroad,and points out that under the background of modern times, artistic innovations must base on the further studies and rational absorptions of traditional cultures home and abroad.文章以黄宾虹先生对传统山水画的成功变革作为事例,阐述了传统文化与外域文化之间不可避免的冲撞和联系;旨在说明在当今的时代背景下,艺术创新的根基来自对传统文化的深入研究,艺术创新的动力和契机在于对外来文化的合理吸收和借鉴。

5)literary field文学场域

1.From the late Qing Dynasty to 1920s,the development of mass media,the rise of independent writer groups and the expansion of modern reader groups shaped such coastal cities as Shanghai into relatively independentliterary field.晚清至20世纪代,大众传媒的发展、独立作家群的产生及现代读者群的扩大使上海等沿海城市形成了相对独立的文学场域。

2.The two key words of Bourdieu sliterary field theory are relation and struggle.文学场域是一个特殊的社群,基于文学和学术活动而客观存在着长幼、世代等人际关系,因此,从理论和实践来说,文学场域也就存在因文学活动而产生的人际伦理关系,称为"文艺伦理"。

6)regional literature地域文学

1.The literature works in Hunan province in Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties typically embodied the duality of ancientregional literature: the seclusion endowing it with outstanding regional features, the opened up traffic enabling the commonality with literature in mainstream.唐五代时期的湖南文学集中体现了古代地域文学的二重性:既由于区域的封闭性而使自身带有突出的地域性,也因交通的开启而得以与主流文学时时保持着共通性。

2.Ba writers in Sichuan have a certain strength and influence onregional literature in the new period.四川的"巴山作家群"是新时期文坛具有一定实力和影响的地域文学群落。

3.It has filled the gap ofregional literature study of Chongqing,wholly revealing the artistic achievement and regional cultural characteristic of Chongqing children literature.它既填补了重庆地域文学研究一个方面的空白,全面展示了重庆儿童文学的艺术成就与地域文化特色,同时又是重庆文学、当代文学、中国儿童文学研究有意味的收获,特别是对中国儿童文学研究,贡献了厚重的创获。


域外1.境外;国外。 2.喻宽泛。
