1200字范文 > 土戏 soil opera英语短句 例句大全

土戏 soil opera英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-07 18:09:30


土戏 soil opera英语短句 例句大全

土戏,soil opera

1)soil opera土戏

1.Through the survey aboutsoil opera,we know more and understand the soil play’s connotation deeper,and do some help to the protection of intangibly cultural heritage of the Three Gorges reservoir area.该县的非物质文化遗产丰富,土戏是重要代表之一。


1.Historical Process of the Creation of Local Northeastern Operas(Ⅱ)创建东北本土戏曲剧种的历史进程(中)

2.The Conceiving and Developing of the Earliest Funing Local Drama of Yunnan Zhuang Drama;论云南壮剧最早一支富宁土戏的孕育及形成

3.The Native Cultural Operas in the 1990s China;大文化视角下的乡土情结——20世纪90年代戏曲乡土文化戏浅论

4.LW: Was it fun filming the scene where you participate in the Turkish Oil Wrestling???参与的那场土耳其油泥摔角戏好玩吗?

5.The Research on the Features of Luoxi Drama of Tujiazu Minority in the East of Guizhou [Ⅱ];黔东土家族傩堂戏文化特色研究(下)

6.The Research on the Features of Luoxi Drama of Tujiazu Minority in the East of Guizhou [Ⅰ];黔东土家族傩堂戏文化特色研究(上)

7.Cultural and Artistic Background of Tujia Local Opera;土家族地区戏曲兴盛的文化艺术背景

8.Chinese Theater in the 20~(th) Century: Its Modernization and Localization;二十世纪中国戏剧的现代性与本土化

9.The Original Art Pattern in North China--Heyang Marionette黄土地孕育出的原生态艺术——“合阳线戏”

10.A Research on Folk Drama and Social Populace s Interaction;民间小戏与乡土社会民众的互动状况研究

11.The Relations of Gaojia Operas Music of Quanzhou and Folk Art Music;泉州高甲戏音乐与乡土艺术音乐关系初探

12.Dramatized sport--The soil characteristics and weather changes with respect to sport in China;“戏化”的体育——中国体育的土壤特征与气候流变

13.Rethinking the Theory of Left-wing Drama Popularization;革命·国民·本土——左翼戏剧大众化理论的再思考

14.Introducing agrestic games into athletics teaching in schools of poverty-stricken area;贫困地区学校体育教学中引入乡土游戏的探讨

15.Analysis on Local Development of China"s Network Game Industry中国网络游戏产业本土化发展策略探析

16.Discussion of Variety Shows of Beijing Area in Han Dynasty从出土文物看汉代北京地区的百戏艺术

17.The Formulaic Expressions of Nuo Play"s Artistic Language in Enshi Tujia Areas恩施土家族地区傩愿戏艺术语言的程式表现

18.They loved children and animals and music, and rough plays and digging in the earth.他们热爱儿童,热爱动物和音乐,热爱热闹的游戏以及挖掘土地。


local drama troupe土戏戏班

3)Funing local drama富宁土戏

1.His description was actually the embryo of AiYiYa in Funing local dram他所记述的情景,已经是富宁土戏〔哎依呀〕腔调形成的雏形了。

2.Funing local drama is born against old,profound,historical and cultural background.富宁土戏的诞生,有古老深厚的历史文化背景。

4)play book of local drama土戏剧本

5)agrestic game乡土游戏

1.Introducingagrestic games into athletics teaching in schools of poverty-stricken area;贫困地区学校体育教学中引入乡土游戏的探讨

6)Tujia Nationality"s Nuo opera土家族傩戏


