1200字范文 > 茶社 tea theater英语短句 例句大全

茶社 tea theater英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-15 20:15:17


茶社 tea theater英语短句 例句大全

茶社,tea theater

1)tea theater茶社

1.For the long time,Pingxian is always performing in thetea theater,sotea theater is not only the place to the sip teas and to spend leisure time but also the place to perform and bear the witness of this folk art forms in the areas of Qinghai.长期以来,坐唱曲艺的表演基本上都在茶社里进行,因此,茶社的功能意义已不再是单一的品茶、消遣,而是逐渐成为青海地方传统曲艺文化的承载者、见证者,曲艺文化的精神与魅力也不断地显现在其中。


1.There is also a charming tea house set in a pavillion over the water.这也有一个迷人的茶社在水上面的亭子里。

2.The Research on the Present Situation of Carrying on and Development of Traditional Fotk Art Forms in Xining Tea Theater西宁茶社传统曲艺文化传承与发展状况调研

3.Yesterday, nobody dance, just talking. Here not coffee shop, it"s" CLUB"!!昨天没有人跳舞,都在说话了,妈的,这是CLUB哦不是茶社哦!

4.Such dances can be found in the Shehuo, yangko, Caicha (Picking Tea Leaves) of the Han nationality,如汉族的社火、秧歌、采茶,

5.a party at which tea is served.备有茶水的午后社交聚会。

6.Studies on the Booming of Tea Culture and Its Effects in Modern Time;茶文化的兴盛及其对社会生活的影响

7.A Study on the English Version of the Sequel to the Classic of Tea-from the Perspective of Sociosemiotics;从社会符号学角度评析《续茶经》英译本

8.On the Development of Tea Economy and Social Changes in the Tang and Song Dynasties;论唐宋时期茶业经济发展与社会变迁

9.An Interpretation of the"Patriarchal"Society of Chinatown in Eat a Bowl of Tea解读《吃碗茶》中的唐人街“父权制”社会

10.Highlight Tea Culture to Promote Construction of Socialism Harmony弘扬茶文化 促进社会主义和谐社会建设

11.Observations at Tea Houses: The Renaissance of Public Spaces in Rural Regions and Social Integration at the Grass-Roots Level茶馆观察:农村公共空间的复兴与基层社会整合

12.They have a sewing bee every four weeks at the community center.他们每4周在社区中心举办一次缝纫茶会。

13.On Important Position of Tea Industry for Social and Economic Construction in Shangnan County;论茶叶产业在商南经济社会建设中的重要地位

14.The Prosperity and Decline of Guangzhou Tea Export Trade and Its Social Influences during the Qing Dynasty;清代广州茶叶外贸的兴衰及其社会影响

15.The Discovery and Explanation of the Souvenir from the First Performance of camellia woman by Chunliushe;春柳社首演《茶花女》纪念品的发现与考释

16.On the existence and dovelopment of “the Lantern Dance” in xiangxi,Hunan province;试论湘西茶灯在社会文化转型期的生存与发展

17."La Dame aux Camellias" reflects the bitterness of the society,which makes people perceive human nature at all times.《茶花女》是一本随时随地使人读懂人性的书,茶花女的故事能够体现出社会的悲凉!

18.China, lemon, iced tea中国茶、 柠檬茶、 加冰的茶


tea cave society茶峒社会

1.Shen Congwen has described a harmonioustea cave society of western Hunan in Border Town.沈从文在《边城》里描绘了一个和谐融洽的湘西茶峒社会。

3)TIAN Han Teahouse田汉茶社

1.The study on theTIAN Han Teahouse s Dadiao Tune of Shiqiao Town;石桥镇“田汉茶社”大调曲考察


1.Technology of membrane-sterilization applied in industrialized production oftea drinks;膜除菌技术在茶饮料工业化生产中的应用

2.Analysis of Popularization of Tea in England;茶在英国的普及时间辨析

3.Wine andtea in Chinese culture;谈酒与茶在中国文化中的意蕴及精神

5)Tea, tea, water and tea,茶,茶,水和茶。

6)Tea catechin茶儿茶素

1.Tea catechin is a high effective and low toxic scavenger of free radical and has various pharmacological and healthy functions Its absorption,distribution,biologic transformation and excretion were summarized in this paper,so as to provide some theoretical reference for further study of tea catechi茶儿茶素是一种高效低毒的自由基清除剂 ,具有多种药理和保健功能。


