1200字范文 > 老炼 conditioning英语短句 例句大全

老炼 conditioning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-29 02:38:57


老炼 conditioning英语短句 例句大全



1.Based on the measured results of the emission current before and after voltageconditioning, it can be considered that the emission current measured and the field enhancement factor calculated could be as important parameters to evaluated theconditioning effects.通过对真空灭弧室在电压老炼前后,发射电流的测量结果,在试验基础上,提出把测量发射电流、计算场增强系数作为评价老炼效果的重要参数。

2.The surface microstructure of CuCr and CuCrWC contact alloys af-terconditioning is investigated.研究了CuCr和CuCrWC真空触头合金老炼过程中表层组织形成的特点。

3.sparkconditioning, the impulse withstanding voltage level can be .当开断电流接近真空灭弧室的极限开断电流时,冲击绝缘水平有较大幅度的下降;采用工频电压作用下的高压火花老炼处理,可以使尚未达到电寿命极限的真空灭弧室的冲击耐压水平基本得到恢复。


1.Reliability Evaluation under Burn-in Test Data;老炼试验数据情形下设备的可靠性评估

2.Effect of Diabolo Exercise on Anti-aged Ability of Elder People;“空竹”锻炼对老年人抗衰老能力的影响

3.Analysis on the Effect of Exercise Psychology of the Elderly Population;锻炼心理学对老年人体育锻炼的身心影响

4.The teacher excused me from sport because I had a headache.我头疼,老师同意我不参加锻炼。

5.The Effects of Exercises on Bone Healh of Middle and Old-aged Women;体育锻炼对中老年女性骨健康的影响

6.The Research about the Exercise Effect of the 42-stytle Taijiquan on The Middle and Old Age;中老年人42式太极拳锻炼效果的研究

7.Discussion on Modern Old People s Physical Training Methods;现代老年人合理体育锻炼方法的探讨

8.The Influence of Taijiquan Exercise on the Anxious Level of Senior Citizens;太极拳锻炼对老年人焦虑水平的影响

9.The Current survey of physical training among the Adults and the Elderly in Shaoyang city;邵阳市成年、老年人体育锻炼现状调查

10.Research on Moderate Intensity of Middle and Elder Age Woman s Physical Exercise;中老年女性健身锻炼适宜强度的研究

11.Analysis of factors affecting keep-fit exercise of the aged;影响老年人从事健身锻炼的因素分析

12.Exploration on the Effect of Psychological Health of Old People Participating in Physical Training;老年人参加体育锻炼的心理效应初探

13.Influence of Taijiquan on Blood Viscosity in the Elderly;太极拳锻炼对老年人全血粘度的影响

14.The Effect of Physical Exercising on Psychological Temper of Aged People;体育锻炼对老年人心理情绪影响初探

15.A Study on the Influence of Physical Health on the Psychological Health of the Aging People;身体锻炼对中老年人心理健康的影响

16.The Impact of Physical Exercise on the Empty Nest Elderly Mental Health体育锻炼对空巢老人心理健康的影响

17.The older generation is also more likely to take a healthy amount of exercise, with 12 per cent spending at least 30 minutes doing so each day.老一辈的人经常进行适度锻炼,12%的受访者每天至少锻炼30分钟。

18.Taking exercise every day makes him look younger rather than older.每天锻炼身体使他显得年轻而不是年老。



1.Some new defects will be introduced by a long time burn-in,but burn-in is not useful if the time is not long enough.老炼是对电子元器件施加应力,剔除有缺陷的元器件的过程。

2.At first , this paper introduces resumptively some basic knowledge : reliability screening test , high temperature burn-in principle and techniques.数字电路高温老炼测试系统是一种用于数字电路老化筛选的专业试验设备,它可实现在动态老炼过程中对器件进行功能测试。

3.A solution to expand a dedicated burn-in(BI) system to a multi-purpose one by an external switching matrix was introduced.介绍了如何藉由在老炼系统外部提供适当设计整合的模块,达成把单一功能的老炼系统扩充成为通用型功能的老炼系统的目的。


1.Research on Exhausting andAgeing of an 126 kV Vacuum Interrupter;126kV真空灭弧室的排气和老炼

2.This report describes the ageing norm designed for the newly developed low noise bi-alkali image intensifier.像增强管老炼工艺可以尽早排除管子的早期失效和可能出现的图像缺陷,有利于管子尽快达到稳定工作状态,起到工艺稳定和筛选的双重作用。


5)aging process老炼

1.To enhance the whole performances of devices,three improved technologies are introduced in the experiments,including annealing at 600℃ in the vacuum environment,the hydrogenation treatment at the hydrogen atmosphere,and theaging process for 15 hours.为了提高器件的整体性能,试验采用了三种工艺改进方法,在真空环境中600℃高温退火;在氢气中进行氢化处理;对器件进行15 h的老炼。



