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条件句 conditional英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-08 00:44:18


条件句 conditional英语短句 例句大全



1.The available description of them is usually concerned only with the predictives like If it rains tomorrows I won t go, and the unrealconditionals.条件句是英语教学中最难处理的语法专题之一,不论从句法结构上还是语义上都很微妙,有时甚至连英语为本族语的人都难以理解,目前也还没有全面系统的描述。

2.In this thesis, I try to reveal the meaning of verb forms in English "Ifconditionals within the framework of Construction Grammar.笔者试图在本文中以“构块语法(Construction Grammar)”为理论框架揭示英语“If”条件句中动词形式的意义。


1.Towards Conditional Conventionality;试论条件句和结论句之间的逻辑规约

2.The intensional semantics of if-conditionals and its implications in the analysis of when-clauses;If-条件句的内涵语义分析——兼论if-条件句式和when-句式的相似性

3.If-Conditionals and Sufficient-Conditionality;if条件句与充分条件性——if构块式理据的研究

4."If we go" is a conditional clause."要是我们去的话"是条件句。

5.A Study on the Acceptability of Conditionals with Future Orientation英语将来时性条件句的可接受性分析

6.A Study of the Acquisition of English If-conditional Sentences by Chinese Learners;中国学习者对英语条件句的习得研究

7.A study of the counter-factual meaning of future-focused counter-factual conditionals;将来时间焦点违实条件句的违实解释

8.Viewing Non-genuine If-conditionals in Pragmatics and Rhetoric Perspective;语用与修辞视角下的If-非真实条件句

9.Logical Analysis to Possible World Counterfactual Conditional Sentence;可能世界中反事实条件句的逻辑分析

10.English indirect conditionals and their degrammaticalization (II);英语间接条件句及其非语法化(下)

11.“Logical Conventionality” Examined Methodologically;从If条件句研究方法论看“逻辑规约度”

12.English indirect conditionals and their degrammaticalization;英语间接条件句及其非语法化(上)

13.A Study on Semantic Meanings of Open If-clause;关于开放性If-条件句的语义研究

14.Conjunctions in English and Chinese Conditionals;英汉条件句:if与“如果”和“如果说”

15.A mood, tense, clause, or word expressing a condition.条件(从句)表示条件的语气、时态、从句或词

16.a conditional clause,ie one beginning with if or unless条件从句(由if 或unless起首的从句).

17.Study on Syntactic Conditions and Grammaticalization of "X Yilai, Y";“X以来,Y”句的成句条件及语法化研究

18.On the Formation of Japanese Double-subject Sentence with Existential Verb Aru;存在词做谓语的日语双重主语句的成句条件




4)condition sentence条件语句

1.A sentence such as “if x is a ,then y is b ,else y is c ”is calledcondition sentence.句型为“若x是a,则y是b,否则y是c”的陈述句叫做条件语句。


1.It is common occurrence in language use that diversified contents, even contents without conditional relations, can be woven inif-conditionals.多种不同的语义关系都可以进入英语if条件句,这是人们早已知道的语言事实。

2.Traditional grammar deals withif-conditionals by analyzing the types of conditionals and the verb forms in the two clauses; logicians studyif-conditionals from the perspective of the truth value of the conditions in them.If条件句一直是语言学中最重要的研究领域之一。

3.English If-conditionals is a complex linguistic phenomenon existing in syntactic structures, semantic relations and pragmatic context.IF条件句是一个句法结构、语义关系和语用环境都很复杂微妙的语言现象。

6)conditional complex sentence条件复句

1.The structures of theconditional complex sentences used in The Book of Men Zi;《孟子》中条件复句的结构形式


