1200字范文 > 方言属性 dialectattributes英语短句 例句大全

方言属性 dialectattributes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-24 03:15:34


方言属性 dialectattributes英语短句 例句大全



1.In the fourth part the author mainly analyzed thedialectattributesof"oguz-nam(a|¨)”.第四部分根据上述《乌古斯传》语言的各种特点来分析其语言的方言属性问题。

2)property of vernacular方言归属


1.Research on Distribution and Classification of Dialects in Jingdezhen;景德镇地区方言归属与分布考察研究

2.A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Sino-American Official Languages;中美官方语言中国家角色、归属感与地位问题的研究

3.The need for self-knowledge and understanding of the restrictive, separative influences of religious and nationalistic conditionings was constantly stressed.他的言论和专著无法归入任何一种特定的宗教,既不是东方的也不是西方的,而是属于全世界的。

4.The Belongingness of the English Langauage from the Perspective of Socioliguistics;从社会语言学角度审视英语语言的归属问题

5.belonging to or characteristic of a dialect.属于方言的,或有方言特征的。

6.The dialect of English spoken in Kent.肯特方言属英语的肯特方言

7.He arranged his speech under four main heads.他把发言内容归纳成四个主要方面。

8.This area falls under the powers of the local court.该地区归属地方法院管辖。

9.Let"s get Back to our main subject.我们言归正题/言归正传。

10.Of or having the nature of an attribution or attribute.归属的,属性的属于或有归属物性质的

11.The dialect of Ojibwa spoken by the Ottawa.奥塔瓦语奥塔瓦人的语言,属奥吉瓦语的方言

12.The Siouan language of the Oto, dialectically related to Iowa.奥托语奥托族的语言,属苏语系,为衣阿华方言

13.Experi mental Research on Fo-normalization and Word Tonality in Jiangyan Dialect;基频归一法和姜堰方言单字调实验研究

14.Study on the Tonal Change of Qusheng(去声) Divided into Yinping(阴平) and Yangping(阳平) in Pingdu(平度) Dialect;山东平度方言去声分归阴、阳平的语音考察

15.Discussion on inductive method and data-driven language learning method;论归纳法和依照数据处理的语言学习方法

16.Study on Application of Data Generalization Based on Attribute-Oriented Induction;面向属性归纳的数据概化方法的应用研究

17.On the Ownership of the Individual Spouse s Antenuptial Property s Fresh Benefit after Marriage;论夫妻一方婚前财产于婚后所生利益的归属

18.The Ownership of the Added Value of the Property Owned by Wife/Husband Before Marriage;夫妻一方婚前财产婚后取得收益的归属


property of vernacular方言归属

3)linguistic characteristic语言学属性

4)language nature语言的属性

5)attribution method属性方法

6)Attributes of Methodologies方法属性


