1200字范文 > 广州方言 Cantonese英语短句 例句大全

广州方言 Cantonese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-23 11:03:46


广州方言 Cantonese英语短句 例句大全



1.On ancient Chinese words inCantonese;广州方言口语中留存的古汉语词

2.Why Entering Tone Retained Fully inCantonese广州方言何以较完整保留入声

3.The meaning and usage of the word "bao" has changed greatly in contemporaryCantonese dialect.通过对“爆”在当代使用情况的跟踪考察,结合广州方言文献资料进行参证分析,结果表明:“爆”的意义和用法在当代广州方言里都发生了较大变化,构成的方言新词语有些还进入了普通话的词汇系统,表现出方言与民族共同语的互动关系。


1.Guangdong Music composed in the Guangzhou dialect area,广东音乐产生于广州方言区的器乐品种,

2.Transferred Usage and Cultural Connotation of Guangzhou Dialect in Dietetic Words论广州方言饮食类词语转指用法及其文化内涵

3.The complexity of lexical development as seen from Tim in Cantonese;从广州方言口语词“掂”的变化看词语演变的复杂性

4.The dialect of Chinese spoken in and around Guangzhou(formerly Canton), China.广东话,粤语中国广州城里或附近地区(旧名广东)所讲的方言

5.Study on the Vocabulary of Hakka Dialects in Meizhou;广东梅州客方言词汇内部差异比较研究

6.Maps of the Suzhou Dialect《苏州方言地图集》

7.On the Cause of Literal vs. Colloquial Pronunciation of the Third or Fourth Grade Rims in the Geng Division of Cantonese from a Perspective of Dialectal Comparison;从方言比较看广州话梗摄开口三四等韵字文白异读的由来

8.Sociolinguistics Analysis on Guangzhou Real Estate Advertising Slogans and Phrases;广州房地产广告主题语的社会语言学分析

9.In 1836, foreign merchants in Guangzhou established the “Canton General Chamber of Commerce of Foreign Residents.”6年 ,西方商人在广州组织了广州外侨总商会。

10.As a branch of Cantonese, Yulin dialect is popular in Yuzhou district of Yulin City in Guangxi and is called Yulin Baihun by the local people.玉林话是流行于广西玉林市玉州区的一种粤语亚方言 ,本地称为玉林白话。

11.Exploration of Hakka Dialect: Its Depth, Width and Polyangles --Summary of the Articles for the Fourth World Hakka Dialect Academic Conference in Meizhou;广度、深度与多维角度的透析——梅州第四届客家方言国际研讨会论文综述

12.Researches on Speech Activities of Bidialectal Area in South Hunan Province;湘南(郴州)双方言的社会语言学透视

13.A Lanzhou dialect corpus for speech engineering一个面向言语工程的兰州方言语料库

14.Utterance of the Symbols: Culture Change of Islamic Spaces for Religious Activity in Guang Zhou;符号的言说:广州伊斯兰教活动场所及文化变迁

15.An Investigation on Rumor Spreads in Guangzhou SARS Incident;广州非典型肺炎事件中的流言传播调查

16.Dialectal Comparison, History of Dialectal Areas and Dialectal Division: A Case Study of fenyinci in Jin Dialects and qiejiaoci in Min Dialects;方言比较、区域方言史与方言分区——以晋语分音词和福州切脚词为例

17.The Vocabulary Change of Xuzhou Dialect in the Last Sixty Years --The Investigation of Tendency of Xuzhou Dialect s closing to Common Speech (II);徐州方言词汇60年来的变化——徐州方言向普通话靠拢趋势考察之二

18.Simple Analysis on the Dialect Phenomenon in Film and Television--And Analysis on the Feasibility of Creating Dialect Advertising;方言影视现象初探——兼论方言广告创作的可行性


Cantonese dialect广州方言

1.By analyzing the historical documents on Cnatonese dialect handed down by Western missionaries and those dictionaries onCantonese dialect published lately, and at the same time combining the real situations of modern dialect parol, the word "tim" has undergone two major changes in the last two centuries, i.广州方言的口语词"掂",本义是"直","妥当"是它的引申义。

2.The substrate words inCantonese dialect are existed in both name of places and in spoken form.广州方言中的底层词,除保留在地名和口语中之外,有的既是口语词,同时又是构成地名的词语,本文所讨论的"栏"与"墟"就是这一类词语。

3.The series of research papers and books onCantonese dialect study usually divide reverse-words in Can- tonese into two categories: 1.研究广州方言的系列文章及论著,一般将广州方言异序词分为两大类:1。

3)Guangzhou dialect广州方言

1.This paper analyzes two groups of culturally-loaded words inGuangzhou dialect:1) Helan (荷兰,Holland) and hongmao (红毛,redhair),which involve the history of Dutch activities in southwest Pacific in late Ming dynasty;2) Homophone taboos of xiong (凶, disastrous) and shu (输,to lose),with discussion on the scales of taboo.本文分析两组广州方言文化词:(1)"荷兰"和"红毛",其中涉及明末荷兰人在西南太平洋海域活动的历史;(2)"凶"与"输"的同音避讳,讨论到"避讳级度"问题。

2.This paper studies the meaning transferred ofGuangzhou dialect in dietetic words with practical examples, analyzes its application characteristics and the implicit cultural connotation.本文结合实例探讨广州方言里饮食类词语的词义转指情况、分析归纳其使用特点,及其隐含的文化内涵。

4)A Dictionary of the Guanɡzhou Dialect《广州话方言词典》

5)Xuzhou dialect徐州方言

1.Investigating of Closing Tendency to the Common Speechof the Chinese Language in Xuzhou Dialect -- The Analysis of Changing Characteristics and Phonetic Differences Between old Groups and Young Groups;徐州方言向普通话靠拢趋势的考察——新老派语音差异及变化特点分析

2.This article selects a part of custom vocabulary ofXuzhou dialect to investigate the changes in the local old age,middle-aged and young people and analyze reasons,discusse the present situation and the development tendency of the change.本文选取一部分徐州方言的民俗词语,考察其在当地老年、中年和青年人中的变化,分析产生这些变化的原因,探讨这种变化的现状与发展趋势。

3.There are two literary and colloquial reading systems,one old and one young,in the entering tone words ofXuzhou dialect.徐州方言入声字存在着年龄层面上新老两派文白异读系统,老派音文读和白读之间,韵母不存在对立,大都是[e],而声调上对立整齐,凸显了文白异读中声调手段的强表达功能;文读的阴平调值向44靠拢。

6)Yongzhou dialect永州方言

1.Therefore,according to that,the paper has tested 35 original verb words of the etymological notes inYongzhou dialect.文章考求方言本字,根据的是古今语音对应规律、词义的相关性与古文献资料印证三条标准,并据此考证了永州方言本字中的30个动词。


