1200字范文 > 正歌剧 opera seria英语短句 例句大全

正歌剧 opera seria英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-13 11:41:29


正歌剧 opera seria英语短句 例句大全

正歌剧,opera seria

1)opera seria正歌剧

1.Study of Arias in Italian Opera Seria in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century;18世纪上半叶意大利正歌剧咏叹调研究


1.Study of Arias in Italian Opera Seria in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century;18世纪上半叶意大利正歌剧咏叹调研究

2.Body of people with the power to make and change laws正统戏剧(非歌舞喜剧、时事讽刺剧等)

3.Opera stars;an opera libretto.歌剧名星,歌剧的歌词

4.He"s been called the mew genius of British opera.他正被人们称作英国歌剧的新天才。

5.They are now putting the finishing touches to the opera.他们现在正对这个歌剧作最后的加工。

6.Plans are afoot to stage a new opera.上演一部新歌剧的计划正在酝酿之中。

7.The author of a libretto.歌剧、音乐剧的歌词作者

8.Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团

9.When would a scene from her opera appear?什么时候会登出一幅她正在演的那出歌剧的剧照呢?

10.One of the principal comedy companies of the day was playing an engagement at the Grand Opera House.当时一家主要的喜剧团正在大歌剧院按合同进行演出。

11.practice performance of a play,opera,etc(戏剧、歌剧等的)排练,排演

12.There"s a musical at the theater tonight.今晚剧院里上演歌舞剧。

13.a temperamental opera singer.喜怒无常的歌剧歌手。

14.prima buffa [ 5bufE ](歌舞喜剧的)主要女歌星

15.singer of lead role in an opera.在歌剧中演主角的歌手。

16.with his distinctive performance of music for @Hello Dolly!他对歌剧《嗨,多丽

17.A theater designed primarily for operas.歌剧剧院主要为歌剧演出而设计的剧院

18.the legitimate drama [theater]正统戏剧 [演剧]


Italian opera seria意大利正歌剧

1.The Baroque opera stages were permeated with the mythology, legend and magic ofItalian opera seria.巴洛克时期的歌剧舞台为意大利正歌剧的神话、传说和奇幻内容所弥漫。


1.Different Words for Similar Purpose——A comment on the opera reformations of Gluck and Mozart;言于异而求于同——评格鲁克和莫扎特的歌剧改革

2.On the Relation between Aria Libretto andOpera Elements——Taking the opera "The White Haired Girl" as an example;歌剧咏叹调唱词与歌剧戏剧元素的关系——以民族歌剧《白毛女》为例

4)Opera & Dance Theatre歌剧舞剧院

5)Beijing Opera And Opera京剧与歌剧

6)A small theater opera小剧场歌剧

1.A small theater opera<>, in recent years was consider the first story in the local community for clues to the Chines and Western dramatic art-based combination of the original opera.小剧场歌剧《再别康桥》被认为是近年来第一部以本土故事为线索,以中西方戏曲艺术相结合方式为主的小剧场原创歌剧。


4-正庚基苯甲酸-4-正庚基苯酯CAS:79606-06-7中文名称:4-正庚基苯甲酸-4-正庚基苯酯英文名称:4-n-Heptylphenyl 4-n-heptylbenzoate
