1200字范文 > 保底 floored英语短句 例句大全

保底 floored英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-24 19:08:28


保底 floored英语短句 例句大全



1.We derived symmetry relationships between values and optimal exercise boundaries of the American capped call andfloored put option by means of PDE arguments and extended our results to the options with the cap and the floor varying with time.利用偏微分方程方法给出了美式封顶看涨期权定价和美式保底看跌期权定价之间的某种对称性,并将此结果推广到上限和下限随时间变化情形下的美式期权合约,为期权交易者提供了投资依据。


1.Calculation of Minimum Area of Cultivated Land Conservation in Beijing and the Institution Based on Equivalent Area;北京耕保底线测算和“等效面积”耕保机制

2.There will be no ceiling or floor in giving Bonuses to the employees对员工的奖金实行上不封顶,下不保底

3.practice of imposing “no ceiling or lower limit”“上不封顶, 下不保底” 的办法

4.A Prime Study on Minimum-Proceeds-Guarantee Clause of Private Placement Fund;民间私募基金“收益保底”约定初探

5.Protective metal sump shield发动机底盘保护钢板

6.The Regulation on Protection of Undersea Cable Channel海底电缆管道保护规定

7.International Convention for the Protection of Submarine Telegraph Cables保?海底电缆的国际公约

8.confidential nature of working paper of audit审计工作底稿保密性

9.What’s Wrong with Saving Changes to Files?保存文件到底错在哪里?

10.A spiked plate fixed on the bottom of a shoe to prevent slipping and preserve the sole.鞋钉固定在鞋底上的带齿的底盘,用于防滑并保护鞋底

11.Foundation: Make sure your foundation is the same color as your skin. Foundation is meant to protect and give the face a smooth look.底妆:保证你的底妆和你皮肤的颜色一致。底妆可以保护你的皮肤和让你的脸看起来更滑。

12.Unless... the chips are insured against theft, aren"t they?除非……这批芯片投保了窃盗险,到底有没有保啊?

13.Study on the Baseline Equality of Medical Security System on the Goal of Universal Coverage全民医保目标下医疗保障制度底线公平研究

14.cup, protective,of plastics, for placing under furniture塑料保护座,放置在家具底部

15.cover with a protective sheathing, as of a ship"s bottom, for example.被保护物包裹着,比如轮船的底部。

16.Protect the bottom heads of acetylene cylinders from damp ground.保护钢瓶底部,防止接触潮湿的地面。

17.Technical standard for external surface cathodic protection of bottom of steel storage tanks钢制储罐罐底外壁阴极保护技术标准

18.English stills bears the imprint of the Norman invasion.英语保留了诺曼底侵略的烙


Substrate Protection底物保护

1.The essential groups of three N acetylglucosaminyltransferases(GnTs) of rat kidney were studied by using chemical modification and substrate protection methods.用化学修饰法和底物保护法研究了大鼠肾脏3种N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖转移酶(GnT)的必需基团,发现氨基和吲哚基为GnT-II、GnT-IV和GnT-V共同的必需基团,其中氨基可能参与和共同供体底物UDP-GlcNAc的结合,吲哚基对GnT-II和GnT-IV可能是受体底物——七糖糖链Gn2M3Gn2-PA的结合基团,而对GnT-V可能是不参与底物结合的必需基团。

3)fund with promised lowest return保底基金

1.Because of the widely-existed jump of market price,thefund with promised lowest return can not be guaranteed.利用无套利原理,当股指满足跳扩散模型时,用偏微分方程的方法给出了有违约可能的保底基金的定价和保底不成功概率的公式并作了一些定性分析。

4)minimum guarantee底线保障

5)Bottom Power保底功率

6)dividing after guaranteeing profits保底分成


