1200字范文 > 爱德华·蒙克《阿斯伽斯丹的房子》(Haus in Aasgaardstrand 伦敦佳士得2002)

爱德华·蒙克《阿斯伽斯丹的房子》(Haus in Aasgaardstrand 伦敦佳士得2002)

时间:2023-12-27 13:02:54


爱德华·蒙克《阿斯伽斯丹的房子》(Haus in Aasgaardstrand 伦敦佳士得2002)

爱德华·蒙克 阿斯伽斯丹的房子 Haus in Aasgaardstrand伦敦佳士得2002.2 成交价517.375万英镑


Aasgaardstrand was central to much of Munch"s life - many ofhis happiest and, conversely, most troubled times were had there.It featured in his art to the extent that it appears almost as acharacter in its own right. The same houses and features appear inmany of his most iconic works - this landscape that he knew so wellwas a natural template through which, with variations of movement,colour and atmosphere, he could translate his mood and feelings, avital means of catharsis for the tormented artist.

Painted in Aasgaardstrand in 1905, the sparse, quietatmosphere in Huset ved Stranden ("House by the Shore") belies theturmoil in the life of the great Norwegian artist, and indeed theturmoil in Norway itself. It was in 1905 that the union betweenSweden and Norway, imposed upon the latter after the NapoleonicWars, was dissolved. The Norwegians feared imminent invasion,repetitions of the violence and tyranny exerted on them ninetyyears earlier, and Munch, unstable at the best of times, washeavily affected by the paranoia that engulfed the nation. Heretreated to the resort of Aasgaardstrand, to which he had been afrequent visitor since 1889. This was a place, in theory, of calmand solace. However, the mood of violence resulted in Munch arminghimself, challenging visitors and eventually injuring himself in afight with another artist.

Huset ved Stranden shows little of this angst. There is atranquility in this scene, a rare moment of respite for the artist.This tranquility is accentuated by the light, bright colours -Munch"s visit to Paris in 1903 had a great impact on his palette,which lightened up in reaction to the works of the FrenchPost-Impressionists. Accompanying this lyricism is the sinuousflowing brushstroke synonymous with his metaphysical and moretortured paintings of the 1890s.

Shortly after Huset ved Stranden was painted, it entered theMuseum Folkwang in Essen where it stayed for several decades. Thismuseum dedicated itself to contemporary art, and was a strongsupporter of such artists as Gauguin and Van Gogh, hence theinterest in Munch"s work. However, in 1937 Huset ved Stranden wasconfiscated by the Nazis, along with much of the museum"scollection, as an example of "degenerate art". Fortunately, ratherthan destroying the painting, the German authorities sold the workto an Oslo-based dealer, allowing the picture to leaveGermany.


阿斯伽斯丹是蒙克大部分生活的中心 -许多他最开心、反过来最困扰的时期都在那里。在他的艺术中,它的特色在于它本身几乎看起来像一个角色。他的许多最具代表性的作品中都出现了相同的房屋和特色- 他所熟知的这个景观是一个自然的模板,通过它可以改变他的情绪和感受,这是宣泄的重要手段。为受折磨的艺术家。












Edvard Munch (1863-1944)

Haus in Aasgaardstrand

成交总额GBP 5,173,750

估价GBP 1,000,000 - GBP 1,500,000

拍卖 6552

Impressionist and Modern Art (Evening Sale)


拍品 33

Edvard Munch (1863-1944)

Haus in Aasgaardstrand

oil on canvas

39 3/8 x 51 3/8 in. (100 x 130.5 cm.)

Painted in 1905


Niels Werring, Oslo.

Folkwang-Museum, Essen (until 1937).

Horst Halvorsen, Oslo (1939).


Mannheim, Städtische Kunsthalle, 1926, cat. 20.

Berlin, Nationalgalerie, 1927, no. 94.

Venice, XXVII Biennale, 1954, no. 25.

Munich, Haus der Kunst, Edvard Munch, 1954-1955, no. 61, p.29, fig. 38 (illustrated).


J.P. Hodin, Edvard Munch. Nordens genius, Stockholm, 1948,fig. 103.

Exh. cat., Edvard Munch, sommernacht am Oslofjord um 1900,Städtische Kunsthalle, Mannheim, 1988, p. 266(illustrated).




