1200字范文 > 解剖与生理简介—解剖与生理速成课


时间:2019-01-22 16:40:49






1)经典解剖位置(classic anatomical position)


矢量面(sagittal plane )、冠状面或额状面(coronal or frontal plane)、横切面或水平面(transverse or horizontal plane)


主体(axial parts)、附属(appendicular parts)

前或腹侧(anterior or ventral)、后或背侧(posterior or dorsal)

上或者颅侧(superior or cranial)、下或者尾侧(inferior or caudal)




along the medial line, ( ) to the heart, but ( ) to the vertebrae, ( ) to the collarbone(锁骨), but ( ) to the stomach.


I’d like you to take a second and really look at yourself. I don’t mean take stock ofyour life, which really isn’t any of my business. But i mean just look at your body. Hold up your hand. Wiggle it around. Take a sip of water. Hold your breath. Sniff the air. These things are so simple for most of us, that we don’t give them a moment’s thought. But each one of this things is oh so much more complex than it feels. Every movement you make, every new day that you live to see , is the result of a collection of systems working together to function properly. And in short, you, my friend, are a magnificent beast. You are more convolutedand prolific and polymorphously awesome than you probably even dare to think. For instance, did you know that, If they were all stretched out, your intestines would be about as long as a three- story building’s tall? Or that by the time you reach old age, you’ll have produced enough salivato fill more than one swimming pool? Or that you lose about two-thirds of kilogram every year in dead skin cells? And you will lose more than 50 kilograms of them in your lifetime. Just tiny, dired-up pieces of you, drifting around your house and setting on your bookshelves, feeding entire colonies of dust mites. You are on your little world. And i’m here to help you get to know that world, the body that you call a home, through the two disciplines ofanatomy, the study of the structure and relationship between body parts, and physiology, the science of how those parts come together to function and keep that body alive.Anatomy is all about what your body is, physiology is about what it does, together they comprise the science of us.

我希望你花几秒钟,好好看看你自己。我并不是说,评价一下你的生活。这真的不关我的事。我就是指看一看你的身体。动动手指,甩甩胳膊,喝口水,憋一口气,闻闻空气。这些事对我们绝大多数的人来说都太容易了。以至于我们从来没有仔细地想过。但是每一件这样的小事都比我们实际感觉到的要复杂得多。你的每一个动作,你生存下来的每一天都是一系列生理系统相互协作,正常工作的结果。简而言之,我的朋友,你是一个神奇的小野兽。你身体的盘旋扭曲,富饶高产和形态多样,奇妙到你想都不敢想。举个例子,你知道,如果全部展开,你的肠子足足有三层楼那么高;从你出生到进入老年期的时间里,你分泌出的唾液,足够填满不止一个游泳池;你每年丧失的皮肤细胞有2/3kg,而你一生当中,丧失的皮肤细胞超过50kg. 你身上的微小碎片,在你的房间里漂浮着,落在你的书架上,喂饱尘螨。你生活在你自己构成的小世界里,我就是来帮助你认识你的小世界。这个你称为“家”的身体, 通过两个姊妹学科:解剖学研究人类身体各部分的结构和关系,生理学研究身体各部分如何相互协调发挥功能,维持机体生存。解剖学研究身体是什么,生理学研究身体做什么,两者结合就构成了研究我们自身的科学。

It’s a complicated science, i’m not to gonna lie to you and it draws on a lot of other disciplines, like chemistry and even physics. And you’ll have to absorb a lot of new terms, a lots of Latin, gobs of Greek. But this course isn’t just gonna be an inventory of your individual parts, or a diagram about how a slice of pizza gives you energy, because these disciplines are really about why you are alive right now,and how you came to be alive, how disease harms you and how your body recovers from illness and injury. It’s about the big picture stuff that we either have spent most of our time thinking about or trying not to think about death, and sex, and eating, and sleeping, and even the act of thinking itself. All of these behavior we can understand through anatomy and physiology. IF you pay attention and if i do my job well enough, you’ll come out of this course with a richer, more complete understanding not only of how your body works, everything from handshakes to heart attacks, but i think you’ll also start to see that you are really more than just sum sum of your parts.


We are going to understand the living body by studying a lot of dead ones. And for a long time, we did this mostly in secret. For centuries the dissection of human bodieswas very tabooin many societies, and as a result, the study of anatomy has following a long and slow and often creepy road. The second-century Greek physician Galen gleaned what he could about human form by performing vivisection on pigs. Da vinci pokedaround in dead bodies while sketching his beautiful detailed anatomical drawings until the pope made him stop. It wasn’t until the 17thand 18thcenturies that certified anatomists were allowed to perform tightly regulated human dissections, and they were so popular that they were often public events, with admission fees, attended by the likes of Michelangelo and Rembrandt.The study of human anatomy became such a craze in Europe that grave-robbing became a lucrative, if not legal, occupation...Until 1832, when Britain passed the Anatomy Act which provided students with corpses in the form of executed murderers. Today, students of anatomy and physiology still use educational cadaversto learn, in persnal and hands-on, what’s inside a human body by dissecting them. And it’s totally legal. The cadavers are volunteers which is what people mean when they say they’re “donating their body to science.”


So what about these dead bodies shown us? Well, one big idea we see over and over is that the function of a cell or an organ or a whole organism always reflects its form. Blood flows in one direction through your heart, simply because its valves prevent it from flowing backward. In the same way, your bones are strong and hard and this allows them to protect and support all your soft parts. The basic idea, that what a structure can do depends on its specific form, is called the complementarity of structure and function. And it holds true through every level of your body’s organization, from cell to tissue to system. And it begins with the smallest of the small;atoms. You are just a conglomeration of atoms about 7 octillion of them, to be precise. Fortunately for both of us here, we’ve covered the basics of chemistry that every incoming physiology student needs to know in Crash Course Chemistry. So i’ll be referring you there throughout the course when it comes to how things work in atomic level. But the next level up from the chemistry of atoms and molecules includes the smallest units of living things cell. All cells have some basic functions in common, but they also vary widely in size and shape,depending on their function. For example one of the smallest cells in your body is the red blood cell, which measures about 5 micrometers across. Now contrast that with the single motor neuron that runs the length of your leg, from your big toe to the bottom of your spine, about a meter from end to end. Typically, cells group with similar cells to form the next level of organization: tissues, like muscles, membranes and cavity linings nervous, and connective tissues. When two or more tissue types combine, they form organs the heart, liver, lungs, skin, etc.that perform specific functions to keep the body ans work together and combine to get things done, forming organ system. It’s how, like, the liver, stomach, and intestines of your digestive system all unite to take that burrito from plate to pooper. And finally, all those previous levels combine to form the highest level of organization the body itself.


Me and you and your dog, we’re all glorious complete organisms, made from the precise organization of trillions of cells in nearly constant activity. This ability of all living systems to maintain stable, internal conditions no matter what changes are occurring outside the body is called homeostasis, and it’s another major unifying theme in anatomy and physiology. Your survival is all about maintaining balance of both materials and energy.You need the right amount of blood, water, nutrients, and oxygen to create and disperse energy, as well as the perfect body temperature, the right blood pressure efficient movement of waste through your body, all that needs to stay balanced. And by your survival depending on it? I mean that everyone’s ultimate cause of death is the extreme and irreversible loss of homeostasis. Organ failure, hypothermia, suffocation, starvation, dehydration they all lead to the same end, by throwing off your internal balances that allow your body to keep processing energy. Take an extreme and sudden case, your arm pops off, if nothing’s done quickly to treat such a severe wound, you would bleed to death, right? But…what does that really mean? What’s gonna happen? How do I die? Well, that arterial wound, if left untreated, will cause a drastic drop in blood pressure that, in turn, will prevent the delivery of oxygen throughout the body. So the real result of such an injury the actual cause of death is the loss of homeostasis. I mean, you can live a full and healthy life without an arm. But you can’t live without blood pressure, because without blood, your cells don’t get oxygen, and without energy, they can’t process energy, and you die. With so many connected parts needed to make your life possible, and you can see how we need a hyper-precise language to identify the parts of your body and communicate what’s happening to them.

我,你,还有你的狗,我们都是优雅完整的有机体,由数以万亿记的细胞构成的精确器官,在几乎恒定的体内环境下构成。无论机体的外部环境发生何种变化所有的生命系统维持内部环境稳定的这种能力,叫做内稳态,这是解剖与生理学课程中的另一个主要的统一的主题。你的生存,就是在维持平衡物质和能量的平衡。你需要适量的血液,水,营养和氧气,来制造和使用能量,你还需要适宜的体温,正常的血压释放能量的有效的身体运动,所有这些都需要保持平衡。我说“你的生存取决于保持平衡”。我是指,每个人最终死亡的直接原因都是内稳态受到了极端的,不可逆的破坏。器官衰竭,体温过低,窒息,饥饿,脱水都会通过破坏维持你机体持续产能的内部平衡导致相同的结果。举一个极端又突然的例子,你的胳膊突然断掉了.如果这种严重的伤口没有迅速采取措施补救的话,你会流血过多死亡,对吧?但是…这到底是什么意思呢?到底会发生什么呢?我是怎么死的?好吧,这种动脉位置的伤口,如果不治疗,会引起血压的骤然下降,着反过来,会阻断氧气在整个机体内的运输。所以这种伤口真正的后果,引起死亡的真正原因是内稳态的丧失。我是说,少一条胳膊你也可以拥有充实健康的生活,但是你不能没有血压,因为没有血液,你的细胞得不到氧气,细胞不能获得能量,然后你就死了。有这么多互相关联的部分,来使你的生活成为可能,你就会明白,为什么我们需要一种高度精确的语言来描述你身体的各个部分, 并交流这些部分都发生了什么问题。

A doctor isn’t gonna recommend a patient for surgery by telling the surgeon that the patient has an “achy belly”. They’re going to need to give a detailed description, essentially, it’s like a verbal map. So, over time, anatomy has developed its own standardized set of directional terms that describe where one body part is in relation to another. Imagine a person standing in front of you. This is what is called the classic anatomical position, where the body is erect and facing straight ahead, with arms at the sides and palms forward. Now imagine slicing that person into different sections, or planes. Don’t imagine it too graphically, through. Thesagittal planecomes down vertically and divides a body or organ in left and right parts. If you imagine a plane parallel to the sagittal plane, but off to one side, that plane is theparasagittal.The coronal or frontal planesplits everything vertically into front and back, and the transverse or horizontal plane divides the body top and bottom. Look at the body again and you’ll notice even more divisions, like the difference between the axial and appendicular parts. Everything in line with the center of the body, the head, neck, and trunk, are considered axial parts, while the arms and legs , or appendages, are the appendicular parts that attach to the body’s axis. Everything at the front of your body is considered anterior, or ventral,and everything in the back is posterior, or dorsal.So your eyes are anterior, and your butt is posterior, but you’d also say that your breastbone is anterior to, or in front of, the spine, and the heart is posterior to, or behind, the breastbone. Features towards the top of your body, like your head, are considered superior, or cranial, while structures that are lower down are inferior, or caudal.So the jaw is superior to the lungs because it’s above them, While the pelvis is inferior to the stomach because it’s below it. And there is more, if you imagine the center line running down the axis of a body structures toward that midline are called medial, while those farther away from the midline arelateral, and the heart is medial to the arms. Looking at the limbs, your appendicular parts of your body, you call the areas closer to the center of the trunk proximaland those farther away distal. In anatomy term, your knee is proximal to your ankle because it’s closer to the axial line, while a wrist is distal to the elbow because it’s farther from the center.


Okay, so pop quiz! I’m eating a club sandwich. I’m not, i wish i was, but imagine i am. I am so ravenous and distracted that i forget to take out that little frilly toothpick at the top, and i end up swallowing it with a raft of turkey, bacon, and toast. A fragment of the toothpick gets lodged somewhere in here, and my doctor takes an x-ray and says i need surgery. Using anatomical language, how would she direct the surgeon to that tiny wooden stake inside of me. She might describe it as being“ along the medial line, posterior to the heart, but anterior to the vertebrae, inferior to the collarbone, but superior to the stomach. That would give the surgeon a pretty good idea of where to look in the esophagus, just above the stomach. I warned you that at the beginning. Lots of terms. Butall those terms might have just saved my life.

好的,随堂检测。我正在吃多层三明治(要是有三明治倒好了),想象我正在吃。我实在是饿疯了,吃的时候又没有注意,我忘记了要把三明治顶部装饰用的小牙签拿掉,于是我把牙签和大量的火鸡、培根、面包一起吞了下去。牙签的碎片就卡在了某个地方,医生给我拍了张X光片,说我需要做手术。用解剖学的语言,医生会如何向外科医生描述这根小木棍在我体内的位置呢?她会说沿着内侧线,心脏后面,椎骨前面,在锁骨的下面, 在胃的上面。这会使外科医生清楚地了解应该查看哪个部位,就在胃的上方。

And hey, it’s the end of your first lesson, and you’ve already to started to talk the talk. Today you learned that anatomy studies the structure of our body parts, while physiology describes how those parts come together to function. We also talked about some of these disciplines’central principles, including the complementarity of structure and function, the hierarchy of organization, and how the balance of materials and energy known as homeostasis is really what keeps you alive. And then we wrapped it all up with a primer in directional terms, all held together with a toothpick.



