1200字范文 > 广州话 Cantonese英语短句 例句大全

广州话 Cantonese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-30 22:29:32


广州话 Cantonese英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on the Transformation of Tag-question inCantonese;一百年来广州话反复问句演变过程初探

2.Auditory Discrimination of Yinqu vs.Yangqu Tones ofCantonese;关于广州话阴去调和阳去调的听辨实验

3.On the Cause of Literal vs. Colloquial Pronunciation of the Third or Fourth Grade Rims in the Geng Division ofCantonese from a Perspective of Dialectal Comparison;从方言比较看广州话梗摄开口三四等韵字文白异读的由来


1.Word Contact between Cantonese,Mandarin and Hong Kong Dialect;广州话与普通话、香港话的语词接触

parative Description between Nanning Dialect and Guangzhou Dialect in Pronunciation System;南宁话与广州话语音系统的比较描述

3.A Comparison of Pronunciation between Haifeng s Jianmi Dialect and Guangzhou Dialect;广东海丰“尖米话”与广州话语音的比较研究

4.What Does the Hakka-Cantonese Bring to the Heterogeneity of Cantonese?;从客式广州话的特征透视广州话音变的异质环境及趋势

5.My sister speaks Cantonese very fluently.我姐姐广州话说得很流利。

6.Notes on a Plural Structural Particle [ti(?)]啲 in Cantonese;广州话含复数量意义的结构助词“啲”

7.The Grammaticalization and Subjectification of the Verb gou(够) in Cantonese广州话动词“够”的语法化和主观化

8.An OT Analysis of the distribution of nasals in Guangzhou dialect and Beijing Mandarin;广州话与北京话鼻音分布的优选论分析

9.The Effects of the Cantonese Final Particles on the Sentence Predication广州话句末语气助词对句子表述性的作用

10.Analysis on the Transformation of Tag-question in Cantonese;一百年来广州话反复问句演变过程初探

11.Auditory Discrimination of Yinqu vs.Yangqu Tones of Cantonese;关于广州话阴去调和阳去调的听辨实验

12.Quantitative analysis in speaker identification;广州话语音声纹鉴定中的量化分析研究

13.Fluency in spoken and written English is a must, and mastery of Cantonese and Mandarin is also essential.英语说写流利是必备条件,同时必须通晓广州话和普通话。

14.The Cantonese Dialect and Mandarin Speech Audiometric Software for Computerized Audiometer───A Prehminary Report of Exploratory Research计算机听力计专用广州话及普通话言语测听软件研制的初步报道

15.Is this kind of telephone made in Guangzhou?这种电话机产于广州吗?

16.The dialect of Chinese spoken in and around Guangzhou(formerly Canton), China.广东话,粤语中国广州城里或附近地区(旧名广东)所讲的方言

17.Please phone me as soon as you get to the Guangzhou Station. I"ll come to get you.你一到广州站就打电话给我。我会去接你。

18.Grasp the Essence of Southern Talks and Push on Guangzhou"s Modernnization把握“南方谈话”精髓 推进广州现代化建设


Guangzhou dialect广州话

1.Based onGuangzhou dialect and Gulao dialect, this paper has studied the law of the development of the two ancient consonants ‘xia’ and ‘yu’ in Guangdong dialect.以广州话和古劳话为代表,探讨了古匣母和余母在粤方言中的演变规律。

2.Mr Lirong has had such a wonderful discuss on how to analyze Rusheng like Suzhou dialect and Changsha dialect;however,he has not made a detail discussion on Rusheng likeGuangzhou dialect that we have to have a deeper discussion;hitherto no one discusses how to treat Rusheng like Hukou dialect,which should be analyzed better under the situation of Rusheng s gradual .以苏州和长沙为代表的两种处理模式,李荣先生早已做过专门的精辟的论述,毋需多言;以广州话为代表的处理模式,李先生有过讨论但不够详尽,有进一步讨论的必要;以湖口话为代表的处理模式,至今无人问津,在当今入声走向衰亡的大势之下理当做番具体的剖析。

3.As a local accent in Eastern Guangdong, Ebu s Jianmi dialect doesn t belong to Hakka and is, some-how, different fromGuangzhou dialect.鹅埠“尖米话”不属于闽南话、客家话,也与广州话有别,是粤东地区一种比较特殊的方言。

3)2. Cantonese2.广州话


1.What Does theHakka-Cantonese Bring to the Heterogeneity of Cantonese?;从客式广州话的特征透视广州话音变的异质环境及趋势

5)Guangzhou dialect text book广州话教材

1.However,the quality ofGuangzhou dialect text books sold in the market are in different levels,causing perplex to the learners.作为在粤方言区应用广泛的一种活跃方言,广州话是很多外来人士希望掌握的交际工具,但市面的广州话教材质量参差不齐,给学习者造成不少困扰。

6)vocabulary of Guangzhou dialect text book广州话词汇


广东话考究—广州话三字经考级单选题: 1.“笑骑骑”请接下一句:(10分) A.开把遮(伞)B.心好邪C.放毒蛇D.好骑藜 2.“嘴藐藐”请接下一句:(10分) A.打得少B.好苗条C.乜都叫D.吾得照 3.“担凳仔”接下句:(10分) A.霸头位B.霖计仔C.睇鸡仔D.无失威 4.“声大大”请接下一句:(10分) A.走得快B.好鬼晒C.乜都带D.无货卖 5.“有早知”请接下句:(10分) A.无得医B.无乞衣C.老不医D.老先知 多选填空题: 1.“有得震”,_______;“搞搞震”,_______。(10分) 有帮趁无得训无帮趁有得训 2.侧侧膊,_______;搏大雾,________。(10分) 唔多觉稳命搏吾系度唔洗做稳来做 填空题: 1.有姿势(10分) 2.淡淡定(10分) 3.随口up 4.趁佢病
