1200字范文 > 粤剧 Cantonese opera英语短句 例句大全

粤剧 Cantonese opera英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-31 16:37:38


粤剧 Cantonese opera英语短句 例句大全

粤剧,Cantonese opera

1)Cantonese opera粤剧

1.Origination, Formation, Development of Cantonese Opera in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期粤剧的起源、形成和发展


1.The New Face of Guangdong Opera;粤剧“变脸”——从文学角度看新世纪广东粤剧

2.my aunty comes from Guangdong, so she knows a lot about Guangdong Opera;我小姨是广东人,对粤剧知之甚多;

3.Operatic offerings included a newly commissioned production of the Cantonese opera Till the Sea Runs Dry and the Italian opera Aida.歌剧方面则有新制作的粤剧"张羽煮海"及意大利歌剧"阿伊达"。

4.The Trans-locality of Local Cultures in Modern China:Cantonese Opera,Music,and Songs in Shanghai,1920s-1930s;近代地方文化的跨地域性——20世纪二三十年代粤剧、粤乐和粤曲在上海

5.Examining Yueju Opera--Its Existence and Developmentin the Modern Economic Society;审视粤剧——现代经济社会中的生存与发展

6.A New Approach to the Origin and Development of Yue Opera Based on the 18 Vagabond Operas粤剧源流新探——以“江湖十八本”为考察对象

7., in an effort to train young opera-lovers.同时,很多学校都把粤剧纳入小学生”乡土教育“课程。

8.The students proposed to develop Sunbeam Theatre into a landmark of North Point District and to promote Chinese opera.同学建议发展新光戏院,作为北角区的新地标及推广粤剧文化。

9.Workshops were held on dance, magic, circus, western and Chinese handicrafts, story-telling and story-building, painting and Cantonese opera training.此外,还有舞蹈、魔术、马戏团、西洋及中国手工艺、讲故事及听故事、绘画及儿童粤剧工作坊。

10.The use of violin in Cantonese music and opera--An analysis on the case of violin in "nationalized" process;小提琴在广东音乐及粤剧演奏中的使用——小提琴“民族化”发展个案分析

11.Dedicated Electronic Link between the Governments of HKSAR and Guangdong Province [HKSAR-Guangdong Link]粤港政府信息网络互联〔粤港专线联网 〕

12.Hua Yue Enterprises Co.华粤行仪器有限公司

13.Guangzhou Huadu Yuehua Foodstuff Factory广州市花都粤华食品厂

14.A Study of the Guangdong Canton-HanKou Private Railway Enterprise (1906-1929);商办粤路公司浅探(1906-1929)

15.Analysis on Hua(话),Jiang(讲),Qing(倾) of Yue Dialect;浅析粤方言的“话”、“讲”、“倾”

16.A Study on the Characteristics of the Assemblages of the Source-reservoir-cap Rocks of Mesozoic Strata, East and Central Guangdong;粤东、粤中地区中生界生储盖组合特征研究

17.A Look into the Characteristics of Guangdong Foods from the Characters for Cooking Techniques in Cantonese;从粤语中关于烹饪技法的字看粤菜的特点

18.Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团


Guangdong Opera粤剧

1.“Zhishiban” of theGuangdong Opera Circle and the 1911 Revolution;粤剧“志士班”与辛亥革命

2.The New Face ofGuangdong Opera;粤剧“变脸”——从文学角度看新世纪广东粤剧

3)House of Cantonese Opera粤剧之家

4)Cantonese operatic artefact粤剧文物

5)Yueju library粤剧图书馆

1.This paper introduces background,survey,setting up a project and preparing to establish of DongguanYueju library construction,and introduces its status of work and service.本文介绍了东莞图书馆粤剧图书馆建设的背景、调研立项、筹建及各项业务工作和服务活动开展的情况。

6)excerpts from Cantonese opera粤剧折子戏


