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英汉词汇 English and Chinese vocabulary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-11 03:49:02


英汉词汇 English and Chinese vocabulary英语短句 例句大全

英汉词汇,English and Chinese vocabulary

1)English and Chinese vocabulary英汉词汇

1.In order to cultivate the learners culture quality and reduce the communication barriers,it is necessary to discover the connotative meaning of culture by understanding the cultural differences reflected byEnglish and Chinese vocabulary.从英汉词汇层所反映的文化差异来探讨这种文化内涵现象,旨在加强对学习者文化素质的培养,使语言学习和文化意识结合起来,以减少交际障碍,提高对词文化的敏感性和使用英语的得体性,最终获得较强的跨文化交际能力。

2.According to the method of classification, the article has given a preliminary comparison to the cultural connotation betweenEnglish and Chinese vocabulary.以分类的方式对英汉词汇的文化内涵作了初步的对比,把文化内涵的词汇分为五种:对等词、重叠词、半缺项词、缺项词、矛盾词。


1.Cultural Comparison between English and Chinese Words and English Vocabulary Teaching;英汉词汇的文化比较与英语词汇教学

2.There is an English Chinese vocabulary at the end of the book.书末附有英汉词汇表。

parison of the Cultural Connotation between English and Chinese Vocabulary and English Vocabulary Teaching;英汉词汇文化内涵对比与英语词汇教学

4.The Key to English and Chinese Words Translation Exactly Depends on Mastering Their Changes Correctly;正确把握词义是英汉词汇翻译的关键

5.On the Culture Load of Animal Nouns and Plant Nouns in English and Chinese;英汉词汇中表动植物名词的文化负荷

6.Contrast of Words in Translating Words from Chinese into English: Comment on Lin Yutang s Translation Six Chapters of A Floating Life;英汉词汇对比与汉译英中的词汇翻译——兼评林语堂《浮生六记》英译本

7.Influence of English-Chinese Vocabularies on the Differences of Cultures between the East and the West中西文化差异对英汉词汇交流的影响

8.On Consideration to Both Forms and Meanings of Words;谈英汉词汇“形”与“意”的兼顾问题

9.Lexical Representation for Vocabulary Building in ECLDs;英汉学习词典对扩建词汇的信息处理

parative analysis on non-lexical and lexical reduplications of Chinese and English;汉英非词重叠和词汇重叠式对比分析

11.A Contrastive Study of the Result of Lexicalization between English and Chinese N+N Compound Words;英汉“名+名”复合词词汇化结果对比研究

12.A Contrastive Lexicalization Study of English put and Chinese fang;说put道“放”——汉英动词词汇化对比一例

13.The Influence of Modern English New Word on Chinese Vocabulary System;现代英语新词对汉语词汇系统的影响

14.Phonetic Motivation and the Comparison of English-Chinese Onomatopoeia;词汇的理据性与英汉拟声词对比分析

15.Word Lacunas and Selection of Word Meanings in E-C Translation;英汉翻译中词汇的空缺和词义的选择

16.Insights into Vocabulary Teaching for Senijors from Their Chinese-English Translation Errors汉英词汇误译对高年级词汇教学的启示

17.A Study of the Relation between Lexical Density and Lexical Cohesion in English-Chinese Translation Texts英汉翻译文本中词汇密度与词汇衔接关系研究

18.A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Words Culture and Its Implication in College English Teaching;英汉语词汇文化对比与大学英语教学


English-Chinese vocabulary英汉词汇

1.Studies on cultural connotation ofEnglish-Chinese vocabulary can help English learners .从英汉词汇层所反映的文化差异来探讨这种文化内涵现象,旨在加强对学习者文化素质的培养,使语言学习和文化意识结合起来,以减少交际障碍,提高对词文化的敏感性和使用英语的得体性,最终获得较强的跨文化交际能力。

3)English and chinese words英汉词汇

1.Culture differences attached to English and Chinese words respectively result to semantic unequivalence between English and Chinese words in terms of words function,domain,its metaphor,emotion and frequency used in its language.英汉词汇所附着的文化意义的不对等导致许多英汉词汇意义的不对等,包括其功能意义、范畴、联想意义、情感意义、使用频率等方面的不对等,这将在跨文化交际中引起障碍。

4)Chinese and English words汉英词汇

5)English and Chinese animal words英汉动物词汇

1.Under the influence of its individual culture,bothEnglish and Chinese animal words have different connotations.由于受到英汉各自文化的制约和影响,英汉动物词汇的内涵意义有所区别。

6)metaphorical words in English and Chinese英汉隐喻性词汇

1.This paper makes a contrastive study ofmetaphorical words in English and Chinese.研究结果表明,英汉隐喻性词汇之间存在着诸多异同点,如词汇和理据不同,但喻义和文化内涵相同;词汇、理据和文化内涵不同,但喻义相同;词汇、理据和文化内涵相似,喻义相同;词汇相同,但喻义不同等。


