1200字范文 > 英汉姓氏 English and Chinese surnames英语短句 例句大全

英汉姓氏 English and Chinese surnames英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-14 08:09:41


英汉姓氏 English and Chinese surnames英语短句 例句大全

英汉姓氏,English and Chinese surnames

1)English and Chinese surnames英汉姓氏

1.Bearing close relationship with history, religion, tradition, values and customs etc, it attracts lasting concerns from many scholars, who study onEnglish and Chinese surnames from various perspectives of the disciplines they are engaged in and have achieved fruitful results.国内外不同领域的学者纷纷从自身学科的角度研究英汉姓氏,涌现出大量与姓氏研究相关的成果。


1.English and Chinese family names are different in origins and development, but they share some characteristics.英汉姓氏的起源和发展各自不同,但又具有相似之处。

2.Name in English (Surname first)英文姓名(先填姓氏)

3.Probing into Chinese and English Names from Cultural Mentality,Sources and Convention;汉英人名姓氏的文化心态、来源与命名习俗探微

4.Hillary Clinton nee Rodham.希拉里·克林顿的娘家姓氏是罗德汉。

5.The Cast of Cultural Difference on Names--Comparative Study of the Surname Custom between China and English-speaking countries;文化差异在姓名上的投射——中、英姓氏习俗的对比

6.English surnames have an interesting history.英国人的姓氏有一个有趣的历史。

7.But there was a time in England when there were no last names.可是英国曾经有个时期,人们没有姓氏。

8.Sexism in Personal Names-- A Contrastive Analysis of Women s Names in English and Chinese;姓名中的性别歧视——汉英女性姓名对比分析

9.A Study of the Vietnamese Attitude Towards Chinese Cultureas Revealed in Their Personal Names;从姓氏字号看越南人对待汉文化的态度

10.Pragmatic Equivalence in Names and Address Terms Translation;论英汉姓名、称谓语翻译的语用对等

11.Man-based Contrastive Studies of Languages on E-C Family Names;语言对比,以人为本:从汉英语的“姓”解析

12.Similarities and Differences of English and Chinese NamesFeatures and Their Inner Cultural Details;英汉姓名异同及其所蕴涵的文化底蕴

13.The evolution of English surnames and the effect of social and cultural factors;英语姓氏的演变与社会文化因素的作用

14.In the paper, a kind of Chinese telephone number-input technology for Chinese surname character and its applications are presented.文章提出了一种汉字姓氏电话码输入方法及其一些应用。

15.Schema-inspired Semiotic Approach to Name Translation;图示理论框架下汉英姓名互译的符号性研究

16.The Semeiology Approach to the Features and Functions of Chinese and English Names;从符号学的角度探析汉英姓名的特征及功能

17.Study on Transliterating English Personal Names into Chinese in Classic Chinese Region典型华语地区英语姓名的汉语译名之比较分析

18.Cognitive Grammar and Shi s Dictionary of Chinese-English Translation;认知语法与《史氏汉英翻译大词典》


surname culture of English and Chinese汉英姓氏文化

1.Difference betweensurname culture of English and Chinese is,in fact,the difference between the two nationality cultures in epitome.文章剖析了汉英姓氏文化差异的方方面面,努力挖掘造成这种差异的文化根源。

3)Chinese surname character汉字姓氏

1.In the paper,a kind of Chinese telephone number-input technology forChinese surname character and its applications are presented.文章提出了一种汉字姓氏电话码输入方法及其一些应用。

4)Chinese family names汉语姓氏

5)names in English and Chinese汉英姓名

6)full names of English and Chinese英汉姓名


