1200字范文 > 德育价值观 the values of moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育价值观 the values of moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-25 09:51:18


德育价值观 the values of moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育价值观,the values of moral education

1)the values of moral education德育价值观

1.Adaptation and transcendence:the values of moral education in the scientific concept of development适应与超越:科学发展观视野中的德育价值观


1.Conformity, Subjectivity and the Retification of the Values in Moral Education;规范性、主体性与德育价值观的辩正

2.Adaptation and transcendence:the values of moral education in the scientific concept of development适应与超越:科学发展观视野中的德育价值观

3.An Analysis on education of the world outlook, life outlook and value outlook in college moral education;略论高校德育中的世界观、人生观、价值观教育

4.Chinese Traditional Morality and Education of Values for University Students;中国传统道德与大学生的价值观教育

5.The Situation of Modern College Students’ Values and Ethics and the Education Strategies;当代大学生价值观、道德观状况及教育对策

6.Study of moral education and value outlook education in the teaching of accounting;会计专业教学中的道德教育与价值观教育探索

7.Education of Student s Leisure Value Outlook Highlighted by Moral Education in University;高校德育应重视对学生休闲价值观的教育

8.The Present Situation of Contemporary College Students Life Values and Their Moral Education;当代大学生生命价值观现状与道德教育

9.Value Ideas Changes in Social Transformation Period and Reform of School Moral Education;社会转型时期价值观念变迁与学校德育变革

10.The Transformation of the Western Moral Education Under the Background of Pluralistic Values;价值观多元背景下的西方道德教育变革

11.The Reform and Reflections of China′s Moral Education in the Vicissitudes of Values;价值观念变迁中的中国德育改革与反思

12.To think about notion of morality and value of undergraduate in new age;对新时期大学生道德价值观教育的思考

parative study on physicai education value viewpoint of high school students in Dezhou city and HongKong and Macao and Taiwn regions;德州市、港澳台地区中学生体育价值观比较研究

14.Analysis of College Moral Education under Values Diversity价值观多元化下学校道德教育方法浅析

15.From Moral Relativism to Core Values; Psychological Considerations about the Reorientation of School Moral Education;从道德相对主义到核心价值观——学校道德教育转向的心理学思考

16.On Good-Oriented Innate Character of Educational Development--Values reflection of educational development in moral philosophy;论教育发展的向善性——教育发展价值观的道德哲学审思

17.A Study & the Thouhts for Moral Educational Countermeasures of Differences of Guangxi Normal University Students Occupational Values;广西高师本科生职业价值观的差异性研究及其德育对策思考

18.An Analysis on the Relation between Mass Media and Today s University Students Moral Education;大众传播媒介与当代大学生道德价值观教育浅探


Moral values education道德价值观教育

3)moral education value德育价值

1.Therefore, it sbecoming more important to give rein to themoral education value of psychological health education and improve the effec--tiveness of moral education.新形势下,高校德育工作面临着社会利益多元化而形成的价值取向两难、学生心理问题和心理压力不断加大的新情况、新问题,充分发挥心理健康教育工作的德育价值,增强德育工作的实效性显得越来越重要。

4)moral values道德价值观

1.Research on the characteristics of college studentsmoral values;大学生道德价值观特点的调查研究

2.The current problems need to be solved forthe college studentsmoral values;当前大学生道德价值观应解决的几个问题

3.The Study on Adolescent s Moral Values;青少年道德价值观的探索性研究

5)moral-stressed outlook on value贵德价值观

1.In the ancient time of China, Confucianmoral-stressed outlook on value commanded the society, and also highly effectively promoted the economic development of a great country.中国古代以儒家贵德价值观统率社会,卓有成效地推进了泱泱大国的经济发展。

6)Medical ethics values医德价值观


价值观教育价值观教育values educations价值观教育(va一ues edueations)按照一定社会或阶级的要求,以教育的方式有目的、有计划、有组织地把符合社会要求的思想、价值观以及道德规范转化为个体的思想意识和道德品质的教育。在教育过程中,教育者要根据个体的心理规律采取科学、有效的教育方法。5.西蒙从认知、情感和行动三个方面提出了建立价值观的七个因素。尤为强调情绪和情感因素的作用。科尔伯格将个体道德判断的发展分为六个阶段,认为教育的基本目的是促进这些阶段的发展。(赵娟撰成立夫审)
