1200字范文 > 投融资平台 platform of investment and financing英语短句 例句大全

投融资平台 platform of investment and financing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-16 01:31:08


投融资平台 platform of investment and financing英语短句 例句大全

投融资平台,platform of investment and financing

1)platform of investment and financing投融资平台


1.Build a Platform for Investment and Financing to Improve the Enterprise Technological Innovation Ability in Guizhou Province;构建投融资平台 提高贵州省企业技术创新能力

2.A Study of Evaluation Index System of Investment and Financing Platform of Scientific and Technical Innovation in Wuhan City;武汉市科技创新投融资平台评价指标体系研究

3.Research on the Building and Running of Investment and Financing Platform of the Infrastructure Construction in Dalian;大连市城市基础设施建设投融资平台搭建与运作模式研究

4.The Platform Strategy for Rural Infrastructure Investment and Financing from China Development Bank Jilin Branch;国开行吉林省分行农村基础设施投融资平台战略

5.Study on the Investing and Financing Platform of Port Frastructure港区建设的投融资平台问题研究——以广西钦州为例

6.Turning Investment Companies Owned by Government into the Platform Aiming to Finance for Significant Projects;谈把政府的投资公司建成重大项目投资融资的平台

7.Study on the Construction of Investment and Financing Platform of Scientific and Technical Innovation in Wuhan;武汉市科技创新投融资服务平台构建研究

8.Practices and Explorations of Establishing Forestry Investment and Financing Credit Platforms;林业投融资信用平台构建的实践与探索

9.Analysis of the Investments of Taiwanese Businessmen in Southeast Asia after the Financial Crises;金融危机后台商在东南亚投资之分析

10.Construct the platform to gather funds Crack forestry financing bottleneck- On innovation in Yong′an forestry financing channels;构建资金集聚平台 破解林业融资瓶颈

11.International Factoring: A New Financing Instrument for Small and Medium-sized Foreign Enterprises;国际保理——中小外贸公司融资的新平台

12.On an Outlet for RBM Assets and Construction of Binhai New District s Finance Industries;人民币金融资产输出平台与滨海新区金融建设

13.The Logistics Finance: A New Platform of Financing for SME;物流金融:破解中小企业融资难的新平台

14.Improving Investor Relations by Constructing Communicate Channel in AIS;构建AIS沟通平台 改善投资者关系

15.China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit- Platform, Stage& Rostrum!平台、台、英论坛—中国-东盟商务与投资峰会!

16.Make use of the market platform for financing and employ multiple financing methods to raise funds for sports development.要利用市场融资平台,运用多种融资方式,筹集体育发展资金。

17.Relations between Investment/Fund Raising and Government Policy for Transit Construction in Taiwan;台湾捷运建设投、融资与政府政策的关系

panies Investor Relations Management Level and the Cost of Equity Financing上市公司投资者关系管理水平与股权融资成本


financial platform融资平台

1.The form of Association of credit improvement,avoiding credit risk and building fitfinancial platform for financing of SMEs,are the pivotal to the solution of financing of SMEs.搭建适合中小企业融资的融资平台,增强对借款人风险和信用硬约束、防范风险,弥补制度缺损,提升信用等级,才能从根本上推动我国中小企业融资。

3)government financing platform政府融资平台

4)investment and financing投资融资


6)investing and financing投融资

1.Strategy for developing the mode ofinvesting and financing in the construction and management of physical establishments;试论我国体育场馆投融资管理的发展对策

2.This paper through the discussion ofinvesting and financing behavior of the environmental protection industry builds the game model of environmental protection industry from two aspects of the economic efficiency and the economic and social benefit which decides the willingness of enterprises to invest and finance the environmental protection industry.通过对环保产业企业投融资行为的探讨,从企业投入产出的角度出发,对企业愿意与不愿意投融资于环保产业建立博弈模型并进行分析,最后总结出从长远利益考虑,企业应投融资于环保产业,并为企业提出了相应的对策和建议。

3.And according to the problems in presentinvesting and financing system analysis is conducted and some innovation suggestions are proposed forinvesting and financing system.介绍了城市基础设施建设在城建资金严重不足的情况下 ,如何拓宽融资渠道 ,并对当前基础设施投融资体制存在的问题进行了分析 ,提出了投融资体制改革的建议。


