1200字范文 > 主动追求 Initiative pursuit英语短句 例句大全

主动追求 Initiative pursuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-24 06:51:37


主动追求 Initiative pursuit英语短句 例句大全

主动追求,Initiative pursuit

1)Initiative pursuit主动追求

2)active pursuit主动追求性

1.Three common restrictive conditions of language application are: the expression of abnormal states of things, the expression of newly changed states of things, the expression ofactive pursuit of subject.表现事物的非正常状态、表现事物的新变化状态、表现主体的主动追求性是“把”字句常见的三种语用限制条件。

3)pursuit of democracy民主追求


1.Mao Zedong s Pursuit of Democracy and the Construction of Political Civilization in China;毛泽东的民主追求与中国政治文明建设

2.Self-Innovation Advocating,Excellence Pursuing,to Propel National Automobile Industry;自主创新 追求卓越 振兴民族汽车产业

3.The Pursuit and Probe of Democratic Party into the Value Ideal of Democratic Politics;民主党派对民主政治价值理念的追求和探索

4.He practises the pursue for equality, freedom and democracy all the life.他用自己的一生实践着对平等、自由、民主的追求。

5.Socialist democracy is the basic value pursuit of socialist political civilization.社会主义民主是社会主义政治文明的根本价值追求;

6.Fifth, democracy do not pursue for perfect mechanism, but assure satisfied rectified mechanism.民主不是追求最优的求全机制,而是保证满意的纠错机制。

7.The concept of national self-determination expresses the idea of democracy, according to which, the best qualified governors of people are people themselves.民族自决思想反映了人们对平等、民主、自由和人权的普遍追求。

8.a new mistress now I chase,我在追求新的女主,

9.The huge turnout that Democrats had yearned for ended up proving instead the power of conservative America.民主党一直追求的高投票率最终却帮了美国保守派势力的大忙。

10.The bourgeoisie of China accepted these viewpoints, and parliamentarism became their political goal.从此西方资产阶级议会民主制,成为中国资产阶级追求的政治目标。

11.In its foreign relations, the Chinese nation has advocated cordiality, benevolence, good-neighborliness and universal harmony.中华民族在对外交往中,崇尚亲仁善邻,主张和而不同,追求普遍和谐。

12.Three ways of Socialism Core Value"s Transformation to People"s Aware Pursuit社会主义核心价值体系转化为人民自觉追求的三重路径

13.Training the New Farmers: the Pursuit of the Highest Value in the Socialist Rural Construction培养新农民是社会主义新农村建设的最高价值追求

14.What is Civil Law For--Thoughts about the essence pursuit of civil law;民法何为——对民法本质追求的思考

15.Seeking for the Mainstream Realism of the Extensive Poem Based on Civil Stand--An Explanation for the“Phenomenon of the May Poem League”in North Guangdong在民间立场上对主流现实主义的泛新诗追求——粤北“五月诗社现象”解读

16.Talk about the Nationalization Drive of the Chinese Film Since New Period;论新时期以来中国电影的民族化追求

17.Pursuit of National Characters of Aesthetic Culture in Context of Globalization;全球化语境下审美文化的民族性追求

18.Chinese Culture s Modernity Pursuit from the Nationality Perspective;民族性视域下的中国文化现代性追求


active pursuit主动追求性

1.Three common restrictive conditions of language application are: the expression of abnormal states of things, the expression of newly changed states of things, the expression ofactive pursuit of subject.表现事物的非正常状态、表现事物的新变化状态、表现主体的主动追求性是“把”字句常见的三种语用限制条件。

3)pursuit of democracy民主追求

4)pursue the sensation of movement动感追求

1.It is very important topursue the sensation of movement in the plastic arts, and it displays the abundance of the objective world, meets the aesthetic psychology of people and tackles the inevitable request of art challenge.对造型艺术的动感追求是非常重要的,它是表现客观世界的丰富性、适应人们的审美心理和应对艺术挑战的必然要求。


1.Research on the effect of gaze position oneye-tracking;眼位对主动追踪效果的实验影响

6)pursuit of aestheticism唯美主义追求


