1200字范文 > 技工学校 technical school英语短句 例句大全

技工学校 technical school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-22 05:08:00


技工学校 technical school英语短句 例句大全

技工学校,technical school

1)technical school技工学校

1.The Practice Research of Application about ISO9000 in Technical School;ISO9000在技工学校应用的实践研究

2.This article has analyzed the quality requirements fortechnical school teachers in supervising practice.文章阐述了对技工学校实习指导教师的素质要求。

3.By the investigation through questionnaire of 97 students fromtechnical schools,I found that the thoughts of boring with study are normally existed.通过对97名技工学校学生的问卷调查,发现普遍存在着厌学的思想,原因来自学生自身、家庭、学校和社会等方面,如何调动学生学习的积极性,培养出符合时代需求的知识、技能型人才,技工教育面临着挑战。


1.Research on Talent Cultivation Mode of Integrating Practice and Study in Technical School;技工学校工学结合人才培养模式研究

2.The reform of fitter production practice in technician training school;技工学校钳工生产实习教学改革探讨

3.Reformation and Practice of Chemistry Course Teaching in Technician School技工学校《化学》课程的教学改革与实践

4.Thoughts on the Paradox:University Becoming Skilled Workers Training School and Shortage of Skilled Workers;大学成为“技工学校”与技工短缺悖论的思考

5.Discuss on Importance of Occupation Guide Work for Technical School Graduate试论技工学校职业指导工作的重要性

6.The Research of Introducing ISO9000 Quality Management System to Technical Schools;技工学校引入ISO9000质量管理体系研究

7.The Practice Research of Application about ISO9000 in Technical School;ISO9000在技工学校应用的实践研究

8.The Basic Characteristics of Relation between Teacher and Student of Technician School in the New Period;新时期技工学校师生关系的基本特征

9.The Research on Learning-Resistance among the Students in Communication Technical College交通技工学校学生厌学现象分析及对策研究

10.Reflection on Offering Electronic Business Specialty for Super Technicians in Technical Schools;对技工学校高技开设电子商务专业的思考

11.The Interior Financial Management Problems in Technical Schools and the Countermeasures;技工学校财务管理工作中存在的问题与对策

12.There are vocational schools which prepare students for a trade.培训行业技术工人的学校叫职业学校。

13.doing an engineering course at the local tech在地区技术学校学工程学.

14.At a technical college students learn such subjects as engineering,building,etc.在技校,学生学习诸如工程、建筑等课程。

15.Probes into the Teaching Reform of "Electrotechnics" in Technical Schools技校《电工学》课程教学改革的探讨

16.The Practice Research of Situational Teaching Based Technique School Factory on Electrotechnics;基于技校实习工厂的电工学情境教学实践研究

17.Promoting Moral Education by Applying Modern Educational Technology;应用现代教育技术促进学校德育工作

18.Application of Computer Technique in P.E.;计算机技术在学校体育工作中的应用


technical schools技工学校

1.The Research of Introducing ISO9000 Quality Management System to Technical Schools;技工学校引入ISO9000质量管理体系研究

2.This paper discusses the importance of moral education totechnical schools and provides opinion that people education quality should be improved from three aspects in the management of moral education and illustrates them respectively.论述了德育教育对技工学校的重要性,提出了从德育管理中提高育人质量,应从3个方面着手,并分别阐述。

3.As an important component part of vocational education in our country and the main body of vocational training activities,technical schools shoulder an important mission of vocational training system, a fundamental variation has happened in the connotation oftechnical schools.技工学校作为我国职业教育的重要组成部分和开展职业培训活动的主体,肩负着职业教育与培训的重要使命。

3)technical school strdents技工学校学生

4)senior technical schools高级技工学校

1.Based on the idea of compound management to the professional English curricula insenior technical schools,this paper trid to expound the characteristics of the professional English insenior technical schools and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the current management to the English curricula.本文以高级技工学校专业英语课程的复合型管理为理念,对高级技工学校专业英语课程的特点进行阐述并对现行的专业英语课程管理的利弊进行分析。

5)Technical college of communication交通技工学校

6)coal mechanic school煤炭技工学校

1.This paper,combiningcoal mechanic school teaching practice management status,makes a preliminary exploration to three practice teaching management modes: campus production-education combination;campus practice teaching;off-campus practice base.本文结合煤炭技工学校实习教学管理现状,对煤炭技工学校校内产教结合型、实习教学型和校外基地型三种实习教学管理模式进行初步的总结和探索。


