1200字范文 > 传播学 Communication英语短句 例句大全

传播学 Communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-10 04:53:17


传播学 Communication英语短句 例句大全



1.Communication on The Urban Landscape Design;传播学对城市景观设计的启示

2.On Learning Study in the Viewpoint ofCommunicational Audience;传播学受众研究视域下的学习研究


1.Integrated Marketing Communication, from Theory of Communications;整合营销传播:一种传播学视角的观照

2.Public communication of water culture from viewpoint of the communications;从传播学的角度看水文化的大众传播

3.Dissemination Characteristics of Dream of the Red Mansion;从传播学角度看《红楼梦》的传播特色

4.The Establishment of Literature Communication vs. Study of Ancient Chinese Literature Communication;文学传播学的创建与中国古代文学传播研究

5.Study of Media and Communication from Perspective of Information Science;信息科学视野下的传播及传播学研究探析

6.An Analysis of Entertainment TV Programs of Taiwan in the Vision of Communication;用传播学视角看台湾娱乐节目的热播

munication through Dialogue and Dialogue through Communication--The meaning of Bakhtin s Dialogue theory from the perspective of communication;在对话中传播 在传播中对话——巴赫金对话理论的传播学意义

8.A Two-way Dialogue:Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication-Translatology in the Perspective of Communication Science;内向传播和人际传播的双向对话——论建立传播学的翻译观

9.A Research on Blog and Related Issues as Viewed from Mass-Communication;传播学视野下的博客传播及其问题研究

10.The Communication of Buddhism in Dun-huang from Tang Dynasty on to the Early Period of Song Dynasty with the Communism View;从传播学的角度看唐五代宋初敦煌佛教的传播

11.Zheng He Westward Cultural Voyage s Material Culture Transmission;传播学视野下郑和下西洋中的物质文化传播

12.The Approaches of Popularizing Shaolin Kongfu;从传播学的角度探讨少林功夫的传播形式

13.Pan-recreationalized tendency of China s sports mass media in communication science theory;我国体育大众传播中泛娱乐化的传播学解析

14.Analysis of Social Communication Network--A New Approach to Communication Studies;社会传播网络分析——传播学研究的新进路

15.The Development and Function of Physical Education Through Mass Media in Point of Propagation;从传播学视角看体育教育传播媒体发展与功能

16.Disquisition on Rhetorics Transmitting--Transmission of the Rhetorical Information;传播修辞学研究——修辞信息的传播

17.The Elements Research and Functional Study of Science Blog科学博客的传播要素及传播功能研究

18.Ancient Drama Dissemination and Modern Media Art古代戏剧的传播美学与现代传播艺术


communication science传播学

1.Mead, Founder of American Communication Science;米德:美国传播学的鼻祖

2.Analysis of Communication Barriers in Ideological Political Education from the Perspectives of Communication Science and Their Countermeasures Research;传播学视野中的思想政治教育沟通障碍分析及对策研究

3)communication studies传播学

1.On the Emphases of Communication Studies:a Perspective from the Category of Communication;从传播的分类看传播学的研究重点

2.A Review of the Journalism and Communication Studies of Year in Mainland of China;我国的新闻传播学研究


1.Improving the practical effect of university students’ ideological and political education ——An analysis from the visual angle of dissemination;从传播学视角谈提高大学生思想政治教育的实效性

2.The course of university students ideological and political education is a course of dissemination,so must absorb the model dissemination study scientific theory and new methods,to improve the Practical Effect of Ideological and Political Theories.思想政治理论课作为一种传播活动,需吸收借鉴传播学的科学理论与方法,以提高思想政治理论课教学的实效性。

3.The authors summarized some experiences on disseminating of Taijiquan and proposed some advices on its continues internationalization based on analysis of Taijiquan s development by dissemination theory.文章在借助于传播学的理论对太极拳传播进行分析的基础上,总结出了太极拳传播的经验和继续国际化的建议。


1.The Realistic Significance of Scientific Outlook to Path Selection inCommunications Localization——Reemphasizing the Concept of DevelopmentCommunications;科学发展观对传播学本土化路径选择的现实意义——重申发展传播学的理念

2.Without being aware of it, the infiltration of sociology enlarges the scope of traditional communications.社会学的渗透使传统传播学的领地在悄悄扩张。

3.In the 60 years of its development, communications, which appeared after World War Ⅱ, has never been a leading discipline.出现于二战以后的传播学,经过近60年的发展,从没成为主导性的学科。

6)transmission and human communication传播与传播学


