1200字范文 > 文学传播学 literature communication英语短句 例句大全

文学传播学 literature communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-23 03:01:10


文学传播学 literature communication英语短句 例句大全

文学传播学,literature communication

1)literature communication文学传播学

1.Literature communication is mainly composed of three sectors: the theory ofliterature communication,historicalliterature communication and regionalliterature communication.文学传播学是研究文学媒介、作家宴集唱和、流派、结社以及文学作品的生产、流传和影响等方面特征及其规律的一门学科,是传播学的分支。

2.The study of ancient Chineseliterature communication can develop a unique area in the field of communication both home and abroad and lay the foundation for the construction of the subject ofliterature communication.进行中国古代文学传播研究,既可在国内外传播学界开拓出文学传播学这一独特学术领域,又为建设文学传播学学科奠定了基础。


1.The Establishment of Literature Communication vs. Study of Ancient Chinese Literature Communication;文学传播学的创建与中国古代文学传播研究

2.Public communication of water culture from viewpoint of the communications;从传播学的角度看水文化的大众传播

3.Christian Medical Missionary and the Transmission of Scientific Knowledge Excluding Medical Science医学传教士与非医学科学文化的传播

4.The Rising of Internet Literature and the Deconstruction of the Literary Propagator;网络文学的兴起与文学传播者的消解

5."ShiShi XinBao. XueDeng": Culture Spread and Literature Growth《时事新报·学灯》:文化传播与文学生长

6.The diffusion of Huizhou traditional academic culture is divided into the diffusions within and outside the area.徽州传统学术文化传播分徽州区域内传播和区域外传播两类。

7.The Spreading of Literature from the Academic Perspective:Study of Taiwan,Hong Kong,and Overseas Chinese-language Literature;学术视野下的文学传播——《华文文学》杂志研究

8.Zheng He Westward Cultural Voyage s Material Culture Transmission;传播学视野下郑和下西洋中的物质文化传播

9.Transmitting power of inmage--On the inmage transmission of academic documents;图像的传播力——试论学术“文献”的图像化传播

munication Analysis On the Problems Existing in International Communication with the Context of Globalization文化全球化语境下国际传播问题的传播学解读

11.External Chinese Character Teaching and the Transmission of Chinese Traditional Culture;对外汉字教学和中国传统文化的传播

MUNICATION AND STYLE--Views On The Revolutionary Literature in the View of Propoganda;传播与文体样式——兼论宣传学视野下的革命文学

13.Premary and Middle School Wushu Teaching: Spreading Heanlty and Harmonious Culture中小学武术教学:传播健康、和谐与文化

14.Li Yan: professor, Communication Research Institute, Humanities College, Zhejiang University, mainly interested in theory of broadcasting and television, culture of broadcasting and television, and critical theory of communication.李岩:浙江大学人文学院传播研究所教授,主要从事广播电视学、播电视文化及传播批评理论研究.

15.Spreading Science and Culture Speeding Social Civilization;加强科学文化传播 促进社会文明和谐

16.《Lust,Caution》:from literture to movie--perfect combination of literature spread with movie spread;《色·戒》:从文学到电影——文学传播与影视传播的有机结合

17.Science Communication and Scientific Culture Research--Starting from the Criticism on Astrology in 1975;科学传播与科学文化研究——从科学传播史上的聚贤庄之战谈起

18.On the Spread and Study of Malaysian Chinese Literature in the Journal Chinese Literature《华文文学》杂志对马华文学的传播与研究


literature communication文学传播

1.On the pre-modernization of Chineseliterature communication during Tang and Song Dynasty——The transformation of Tang and Songliterature communication in the vision of "Song is the beginning of modern China";论文学传播在唐宋之际走向近世化——“宋代近世说”下的唐宋文学传播变革

2.We can sense the rise and fall of literature in the supplement,yet the newspaper supplement is not the main channel ofliterature communication.文学的网络传播冲击了既有的文学传播秩序,网络创作与阅读活动的后现代特征和网络本身极大的发表空间,使文学对期刊、书籍等印刷媒介的依赖有所松弛,但由于作为网络文学的特质的互动性不足等原因,网络文学传播与其应有的革命性相符的文学观念与价值体系来路尚远。

3)Literature and Commuication文学与传播

4)Science of literature communication文献传播学

5)A Meager Opinion on Literature Communication文学传播学刍议

6)mass communication Ph.D. dissertations in America传播学博士论文


