1200字范文 > 司法裁量 judicial discretion英语短句 例句大全

司法裁量 judicial discretion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-04 09:35:49


司法裁量 judicial discretion英语短句 例句大全

司法裁量,judicial discretion

1)judicial discretion司法裁量

1.Thejudicial discretion in the allocation of burden of proof has been set up on civil judicial interpretation in China.我国已经以民事司法解释的形式确定了举证责任分配的司法裁量制度,这个制度对于及时有效地弥补单一通过制定法进行举证责任分配的缺陷,确保法院及时审判案件和充分实现个案的妥当性具有重要的意义。


1.The Discretion in Distribution of Burden of Proof in Civil Action;小议民事诉讼证明责任分配的司法裁量

2.In the Light of judicial practice, certain views on the character, the judicial discretion and the execution of deportation have been put forward in this paper.本文结合司法实践,就驱逐出境的性质、驱逐出境司法裁量、驱逐出境执行等问题谈了自己的看法。

3.Substantial Justice in Judicature and Function Expanding in Judicial Discretion;司法实质正义与司法自由裁量权功能研究

4.On Judicial Review Intensity of Administrative Discretion Act;论行政自由裁量行为的司法审查强度

5.Concept of Judicial Review Regulations on Discretionary Administrative Acts;自由裁量行政行为司法审查规制构想

6.On the judicial supervision of the principle of rationality over administrative discretion;论行政自由裁量权合理性的司法审查

7.Analysis of judicial review system of administrative discretionary right of China;我国行政裁量权的司法审查制度分析

8.On the Judicial Investigation Control over the Power of the Administrative Free Rule;论司法审查对行政自由裁量权的控制

9.On the Judicial Value of Legal Means法律方法的司法价值——从法官的自由裁量权说起

10.Study on the Judges Civil Discretion in the Justice Reform;司法改革中的法官民事自由裁量权研究

11.The Kegulation and the Supervision for Judge s discretion kight with the View of the Judicial Reform;司法改革视野下法官自由裁量权的规制与监督

12.Realizing the Justice of Judicature by Restricting Judges Right to Sentence;通过规制法官的自由裁量权来实现司法公正

13.The Analysis of the Cause of Discretionary Administrative Acts and the Demands of Judicial Regulations;自由裁量行政行为成因及司法规制诉求探析

14.Proportion Principle in Judicial Review on Administrative Discretionary Action;比例原则在行政裁量行为司法审查中的适用

15.On Judicial Inspection upon the Legality of Administrative Arbitrary Rights;论对行政自由裁量权合理性的司法审查

16.On the Judicial Conscience of the Judges--on the Control of the Judicial Discretionary Power of the Judges;论法官的司法良知——兼论对法官自由裁量权滥用的控制

17."Registrar, Lands Tribunal"土地审裁处司法常务官

18.Doom means a judicial sentence or judgment.判令指司法判决和裁定。


judicial discretion司法裁量权

1.Although constructions of review of death sentences will di ffer from angles of formation of judicial policy or that of control ofjudicial discretion, pursuit to formal justice can be concluded in common.虽然从形成司法决策和司法裁量权的程序控制两个角度考虑,对死刑复核程序的设计会有所不同,但形式正义的诉求是两个角度的共同归结。

3)criminal discretion刑事司法裁量权

1.In modern society,criminal discretion is dispensable and has theoretical values while on the other hand it has the possibility of causing corruption.在现代社会中,刑事司法裁量权的存在有其理论价值和现实必要,但也同时具有引发司法腐败的危险,因此需要合理地建构相关的控约机制。

4)judicial discretion司法自由裁量权

1.Some scholars believe that there is conflict between a society ruled by law andjudicial discretion and denies the existence ofjudicial discretion in the name of the doctrine of strict rule of law.有的学者认为法治社会与司法自由裁量权有相互冲突的一面 ,并以严格法治主义的名义试图排斥司法自由裁量权的存在。

2.Judicial Discretion,as the indispensable element in the current development of rule of law, should obtain the rational knowledge and full attention.司法自由裁量权作为我国当前法治发展不可或缺的因素,应获得理性的认识和充分的重视。

5)distribution of discretion司法裁量分配

6)properly applying legal judgment合理司法裁量


