1200字范文 > 教学道德 teaching morality英语短句 例句大全

教学道德 teaching morality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-06 07:26:21


教学道德 teaching morality英语短句 例句大全

教学道德,teaching morality

1)teaching morality教学道德

2)moral instruction道德教学

1.The theory of structuration-approachmoral instruction,proposed by Japanese scholar Dr.结构化方式道德教学论由日本学者金井肇博士提出,旨在创建愉快有效的道德教学理论。

3)the virtue of teaching教学道德性

4)moral pedagogics道德教育学

5)moral education of college students大学生道德教育


1.Morality Development in Modern Society and Morality Education of College Students;当代社会道德变迁与大学生道德教育

2.Moral Exhortation--The Key to Successful Moral Education of College Students;道德感化——大学生道德教育成功的关键

3.Study on Undergraduates Psychological Reception Toward Moral Education--Including the Emotional Education Pattern among Undergraduates;大学生道德教育接受心理研究——兼论大学生情感性道德教育模式

4.On the Confucianism traditional morals and College students;论儒家道德与当代大学生道德教育的结合

5.On Chinese Traditional Moral and Contemporary High Education Morality Education;浅谈中国优秀传统道德与当代大学生道德教育

6.Colledge Moral Education and Anti-Dühring《反杜林论》中的道德思想与大学生道德教育

7.The University Student Moral Education in Period of Social Transform;社会转型期大学生道德教育问题研究

8.Moral Education and the Cultivation of Healthy Moral Personality among College Students;道德教育与大学生健康道德人格培养

9.Morality Absence and Moral Duty Education in College and University;当代大学生道德失范与道德责任教育

10.Moral Incorrectness of Network and the College Students Moral Education of Network;网络道德失范与大学生网络道德教育

11.University Students Self-moral Education and the Innovation of Higher Institution s Moral Education;大学生道德自我教育及高校德育创新

12.On the Education of Mord Faith of College Students in Ideological and Political Education大学生思想教育中的“道德信仰”教育

13.Listening Attentively Is an Important Aspect in the Ideological and Moral Education of the College Students浅谈大学生思想道德教育的倾听教育

14.On Innovation of the Moral Education of University Students;“以德治国”与大学生思想道德教育创新

15.All-round Education and Moral Cultivation :the Foundation and the Guidance--Personal viewpoints on ideological and moral education for college students;育人为本 德育为先——大学生思想道德教育之我见

16.Education of Honesty and Trustworthiness:A Moral Support for Student Loan for College Students;诚信教育:大学生助学贷款的道德支持

17.Fine Moral Traditions of the Chinese Nation and the College Students Network Moral Education;中华民族优良道德传统与大学生网络道德教育

18.Interent Moral Crisis and Internet Moral Education;试论大学生网络道德危机与网络道德教育


moral instruction道德教学

1.The theory of structuration-approachmoral instruction,proposed by Japanese scholar Dr.结构化方式道德教学论由日本学者金井肇博士提出,旨在创建愉快有效的道德教学理论。

3)the virtue of teaching教学道德性

4)moral pedagogics道德教育学

5)moral education of college students大学生道德教育

6)Moral education in schools学校道德教育

1.Moral education is all long the important content of Chinese education,however,in present-day society,due to the unsatisfactory actual efficacy in moral education in schools,the necessary existence of moral education has been doubted.道德教育历来是中国教育的重要内容,然而在当今社会,由于学校道德教育的实效不理想,其存在的必要性受到了质疑。


《道德和立法原则导论》19世纪英国哲学家、伦理学家J.边沁的伦理学代表作。该书于 1789年第一次发行。全书共分 17章。书中主要提出了两个"原理":①痛苦和快乐是人们的两个最高主宰,也是决定人们应该做和不应该做的道德标准。作者在书中提出凡能求得快乐的就是善,反之就是恶,求善避恶就是道德。这是所谓的"功利原理"。②评价人们行为的善恶,必须考察、计算苦乐的数量大小、时间长短、确切程度、远近后果和能否增长等因素。只有那些大量的、长时间的、确切的、较近的和能增长的快乐,才是最大的幸福。这就是所谓"最大幸福原理"。该书为资产阶级功利主义伦理思想奠定了理论基础,出版后影响很大,作者也因此而负盛名。
