1200字范文 > 沿河方言 the dialects along the Yellow River英语短句 例句大全

沿河方言 the dialects along the Yellow River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-31 18:00:00


沿河方言 the dialects along the Yellow River英语短句 例句大全

沿河方言,the dialects along the Yellow River

1)the dialects along the Yellow River沿河方言


1.Demonstrative Pronouns in Dialects of Northern Shaanxi Jin Patois down the Huanghe River and Their Origins;陕北晋语沿河方言的指示代词及其来源

2.The relationships among the dialects of the areas along the Yellow River in Qin-Jin Provinces and reasons of its formation秦晋两省黄河沿岸方言的关系及其形成原因

3.Word-level Phonetic Variation of the Dialects in the areas along the Yellow River in Shanxi and Shaanxi Provinces秦晋两省黄河沿岸方言词汇中的语音变异

4.Illustration of Dialect Homophone Misuse in the Chapter of Dialects in Records of History in Hexi District;河西方志方言章误用“方言同音字”类举

5.They punted along the river.他们撑着方头平底船沿河航行.

6.)go along a river in a punt,esp for pleasure乘方头平底船沿河航行(尤指游览).

7.along rivers, around lakes, up mountain-anywhere!沿着河,绕湖,上山--到任何地方!

8.The site, distributed over 2000m2, is situated by the Dong Liao River.该遗址位于东辽河沿岸,面积2万余平方米。

9.Study on Optimal Storage Capacity of Underground Reservoir in North China s Small Coastal Valley;北方沿海小流域河谷型地下水库最优库容研究

10.Discussion on throughput forecasting of alongshore port area of re-navigable river复航河流沿岸港区的吞吐量预测方法的探讨

11.Language: Spanish is the official language, but some minorities on the east coast speak English and Indian.语言:官方语言为西班牙语,东部沿海地区少数人讲英语和印第安语。

12.In general, the development of the language of the Chinese modern fiction is oriented towards" unity between language and speaking".现代汉语小说的语言基本是沿着"言文一致"的方向发展的。

13.The bank or area alongside a river.河边,河畔河流的岸边或沿河流的地区

14.Interpreting Xuanwu Dialect in Henan Province in Terms of Complete Human Cultural Information;河南玄武方言“全完人”文化信息解读

15.The Er(儿) Suffix in Adverbial Phrases in the Dialect of Xunxian(浚县) County Henan(河南) Province;河南浚县方言形容词短语的小称儿化

16.On the Sentence Pattern "Ba(把)+O+V+Ta(它)" of the Luoshan Dialect in Henan Province;河南罗山方言“把+O+V+它”式处置式

17.Special Grammatical Function of "X-er" Form in Hebei Dialect;河北方言中特殊语法功能的“X-儿”形式

18.The Modal Auxiliary "lao" Expressing Possibility in Linzhou Dialect;河南林州方言中表可能的情态助词“咾”


Hebei dialect河北方言

1.InHebei dialect,the special grammatical function of the form "X-er" has the following types: in the structure of "N.在河北方言中特殊语法功能的"X-儿"主要有:用在"A儿去咧"结构中,"儿"用在"名词+儿"中,其中"儿"相当于"里,""V-儿"相当于"V的"结构,"儿"相当于时体虚成分或方位介词等几种功能。

pared with Putonghua,Hebei dialect is different in vocabulary and grammar,Iet alone alone pronunciation.河北方言与普通话比较 ,语音自不必说 ,词汇、语法同样存在差异。

3.In theHebei dialect " X- er" is very complex from the point of view of pronounciation, meaning and grammar.河北方言中“X-儿”形式无论从读音来看,还是从其表义和语法功能的表现上来看情况都很复杂,加之河北方言的独特地理位置,对其进行研究,一方面,可以为汉语方言的进一步研究提供重要语料,为共同语儿化研究提供一些有益的证据支持;另一方面,我们在语料详细描写的基础上对其进行一些深入的理论探讨,对儿化的性质、成因、音系地位以及“儿”的语素地位问题提出我们的看法,丰富有关理论研究的内容。

3)Henan dialect河南方言

1.The history and present situation of studying onHenan dialect;河南方言研究的历史和现状

2.Successful application of theHenan dialect and diverse rhetorical devices make this novel suit both refined and popular tastes and filled with humor and wit.《歧路灯》中人物语言各有声口、富于个性,再加上河南方言的成功运用和丰富多彩的修辞手法,从总体上看,此小说的语言雅俗共赏妙趣横生,独具风格。

3.Dialectism approaches Henan since comparing with putonghua vocabulary , the difference experiencing is very small in daily exchange, The research toHenan dialectism is not very sufficient therefore at present.河南方言词汇由于与普通话词汇比较接近,在日常的交流中感受到的差异很小,所以目前对河南方言词汇的研究不是很充分。

4)Hequ dialect河曲方言

1.InHequ dialect,the reduplication patterns of nouns are very abundant.河曲方言重叠式名词丰富多样,文章通过对其中四种主要格式AA式、ABB式、AAB式、AABB式的分析,显示出重叠式名词的构成特点及其表义特征。

2.The author has made a thorough contrast betweenHequ dialect and Putonghua in pronunciation with enough materials and found the correspondent rules in pronunciation and the difficult and key points for people in Hequ in learning speaking Putonghua.文章用充分的材料将河曲方言语音与北京话语音进行了深刻的比较,找出了语音对应规律和河曲人学习普通话的重点和难点。

5)Baihe dialect白河方言

1.TheBaihe dialect has 4 tones,Yinping(阴平)、Yangping (阳平)、Shangsheng(上声)、Qusheng (去声).白河方言共有四个声调:阴平、阳平、上声、去声。

6)Tanghe dialect唐河方言

1.The introduction part introduced briefly the research object goal, theTanghe dialect research present situation, this article research technique, the language materials origin and the style showed, and also give the briefing introduction to theTanghe dialect sound system.本文分绪论和正文两大部分,绪论部分简要介绍了研究的对象、目的、唐河方言的研究现状、本文的研究方法、语料来源及体例说明,且对唐河方言的声韵调系统也作了简要说明。


沿河1.靠河地带。 2.顺着河道。
