1200字范文 > 兼职心理咨询员 Part-time counselors英语短句 例句大全

兼职心理咨询员 Part-time counselors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-14 05:52:39


兼职心理咨询员 Part-time counselors英语短句 例句大全

兼职心理咨询员,Part-time counselors

1)Part-time counselors兼职心理咨询员


1.Improper Role Playing and Psychological Weariness of Part\|time Psychological Consultants of Universities and Colleges;高校兼职心理咨询员的角色误区与心理疲劳

2.Issues Relating to University Political WorkersInvolvement in Psychological Consulting;论高校辅导员兼职心理咨询的若干问题

3.The Causes and Countermeasures of Psychological Consultant’s Job Burnout in Vocational College高职院校心理咨询员职业倦怠成因及对策研究

4.Effect of Peer-Counselor Training on the Development of Mental Health:A Case Study in Shenzhen Polytechnic;朋辈心理咨询员训练对心理健康水平影响——以高职院校为例

5.Women"s Advisory Committee of the Vocational Training Council职业训练理事会妇女咨询委员会

6.Suggestion for the Management on Counsel Through the Criterions As A Professional Counselor;从心理咨询师职业标准的颁布谈心理咨询工作的管理

7.A Study on the Psychological Counseling Practitioner s Personality Characteristics, Vocational Interests, and the Relationship between Them;心理咨询从业人员的人格特征和职业兴趣及其相关研究

8.Analyze and Suggestions for Actuality of the Training for the Psychological Consultants心理咨询师培训现状分析——以上海心理咨询培训中心学员为例

9.Thoughts on the Psychological Consulting System for the Students in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校大学生心理咨询体系的思考

10.When psychological counseling is becoming a career --Comments on the colleges responses to the psychological counseling;论高校在心理咨询职业擅变中的应对

11.Explorations in Psychological ConsultingService for Students of Vocational Colleges;高等职业院校学生心理咨询工作探索

12.Advisory Management Committee [Hong Kong Teachers" Centre]咨询管理委员会〔香港教师中心〕

13.The Professional Identity of College Counselor;高校心理咨询员专业认同的初步研究

14.Expanding the Main Condition of Psychology Treatment and Consultation Personal in Brief;略论心理治疗与咨询人员的基本条件

15.(The author is visiting professor of physics at NUS and member of Chinese Newspapers Resource Panel.)·作者为华文报咨询团成员、国大物理系兼任教授。

16.Occupational Health Advisory Committee职业健康咨询委员会

17.Upon University Mental Counselors" Job Burnout on Psychological Contract基于心理契约的高校心理咨询师职业倦怠分析

18.But only 46.8% of students acquired supports from their instructors, 11.3% from psychology counsel;对辅导员提名率46.8%; 对心理咨询人员提名仅有11.3%;


psychological consultant心理咨询员

1.A Summary of Research on the Burnout of Psychological Consultants;心理咨询员的枯竭研究概说

2.The line ofpsychological consultant is still in the starting stage, several factors which are the personality ofpsychological consultant, the speciality of this line, the internal rules and regulations of vocational college and insufficient communication among people can easily make consultants have the feeling of job burnout.高职院校心理咨询业尚属起步阶段,心理咨询员的人格特征、心理咨询行业的特殊性、高职院校内部规章制度与人员沟通不够等因素,极易使心理咨询员产生职业倦怠。


1.The Professional Identity of CollegeCounselor;高校心理咨询员专业认同的初步研究

4)psychological counseling professional心理咨询人员

1.In my opinion, psychological counseling is a professional work,psychological counseling professionals should master the fundamental theories, skills and practical abilities through education and training, so as to improve career morality and mental quality.面向大学生的心理咨询已经在高校开展起来 ,但现有高校心理咨询人员的素质令人担忧。


1.Investigation of Vocational College Students to Cognition of MentalCounseling;高职高专院校大学生对心理咨询的认知调查

2.Investigation of SocialCounseling;社会心理咨询机构的现状调查

3.Accreditation and Credential inCounseling Profession in U.S.A;美国心理咨询的资格认证制度

6)psychological consultation心理咨询

1.Role ofpsychological consultation in the higher vocational education;心理咨询在高职教育中的作用

2.Onpsychological consultation and privacy protection for college students;论心理咨询与大学生隐私权的保护

3.College libraries and reader spsychological consultation;高校图书馆与读者心理咨询


成功心理咨询员的特征成功心理咨询员的特征characters of successful psychological counselor成功心理咨询员的特征(eharaeters ofsueeessful psyehologieal eounselor)作为一名成功的心理咨询员应具备的特征是:(l)有健全的人格特质。真诚坦率,热情开朗,关心他人,有丰富的想像力和独特的判断力,自信心强,有开拓精神,还要有幽默感。(2)有扎实的心理咨询的专业理论。精通心理咨询和心理治疗各种流派的理论,并能根据我国的国情择取精华形成自己有关心理咨询和心理治疗有创见的观点,善于运用各种心理咨询和心理治疗的技术开展其工作。(3)具有丰富的心理咨询和心理治疗的临床经验。既要有个别咨询的临床经验,又要有团体咨询的临床经验,熟悉心理咨询和心理治疗各阶段的发展状况和自身应采取的心理咨询和心理治疗的技术。(4)遵守职业道德。心理咨询员应严格遵守心理咨询和心理治疗的职业道德,要以来访者的利益为重,保守秘密,尊重来访者的隐私权。(张条玮撰牟丈博审)
