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社会总体想象 imagination of the whole society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-18 11:49:30


社会总体想象 imagination of the whole society英语短句 例句大全

社会总体想象,imagination of the whole society

1)imagination of the whole society社会总体想象

2)imaginaire social社会总体想象物

1.The creation of foreign images asimaginaire social often embodie.作为社会总体想象物的异国形象创造自始至终都体现了认同与颠覆两极的张力作

3)social collective imagination社会集体想象

1."Being Prosperous" had been asocial collective imagination upon China in Korean people\"s minds.在中国与朝鲜长时间相互交往的过程中,中国经济的繁荣发达已经成为朝鲜的社会集体想象。

4)social imagination社会想象

1.Ideology and utopia are two important perspectives insocial imagination.意识形态与乌托邦是社会想象的两个重要维度。


1.Ideology And Social Imagination:Utopian Literature--The Whole Imagination of Ruritanian;意识形态与社会想象:乌托邦文学——理想社会的整体构想

2.A zealous but impractical reformer of human society.空想象狂想但不切实际的社会改革家

3.On the Methodology Thinking Implication in The Sociological Imagination论《社会学的想象力》的方法论思想蕴涵

4.How Does Sociology Imagine?--Consideration about the Foundation of Sociology社会学如何想象——有关社会学基础的思考

5.The Narrative of the Movie and Attention of the Society: Young;青春想象:《早熟》的境遇叙事与社会关注

6.Corporation:An Imagination on "Total Social Organization":On Durkheim s Thoughts of Social Solidarity;法人团体:一种“总体的社会组织”的想象 涂尔干的社会团结思想研究

7.He was imaginative, his imagination concentrating on outrages against society.她富于想象力,这种想象力却发挥在对社会施暴行上。

8.The think tank is a very important social phenomenon of America.思想库是美国一个非常重要的社会现象。

9.The author places the ideal of reforming life& society on Baoyu"s image.贾宝玉形象寄托了作者改造人生、造社会的理想。

10.The writer"s long separation.from social life dried up his imagination.长期脱离社会生活使这位作家的想象力枯竭了。

11.Exploring Hawthone′s Social Ideal on The Characters in 《The Scarlet Letter》;从《红字》对两性形象的塑造来看霍桑的社会理想

12.A Social Psychological Study of Stephen Crane s Reforging and Recreating Imagination;斯蒂芬·克莱恩再造和创造想象的社会心理意义

13.Mutual Relationship Between Western Ethic Thonghts & Western Social Moral Phenomena;西方伦理思想与西方社会道德现象的互动关系

14.Social Work"s Strengths Perspective and Sociological Imagination--the Compatibility and Contrast of Two Angles社工的优势视角与社会学的想象力——两种视角的兼容与对比

15.Without imagination and love of adventure a society soon becomes stagnant and begins to decay.一个社会如果没有想象力,不爱冒险,不久就会变成一个停滞不进的社会,并且开始腐朽。

16.He has no idea what kinds of hardships these workers passed through in the old society.他根本想象不到这些老工人在旧社会吃过怎样的苦。

17.Consider the iPod, which has become a cultural phenomenon by successfully crossing into the mainstream想一下iPod吧,它成功的打入了主流社会并且成为一种文化的现象。

18.This text regards"idea of socialism of Fabian" in the early country"s theory as a research object.本文以其早期国家理论中的“费边社会主义式的想法”为研究对象。


imaginaire social社会总体想象物

1.The creation of foreign images asimaginaire social often embodie.作为社会总体想象物的异国形象创造自始至终都体现了认同与颠覆两极的张力作

3)social collective imagination社会集体想象

1."Being Prosperous" had been asocial collective imagination upon China in Korean people\"s minds.在中国与朝鲜长时间相互交往的过程中,中国经济的繁荣发达已经成为朝鲜的社会集体想象。

4)social imagination社会想象

1.Ideology and utopia are two important perspectives insocial imagination.意识形态与乌托邦是社会想象的两个重要维度。

5)the socialist imagined community社会主义想象共同体

6)aggregate society总体社会

1.The subject society is a basic element of theaggregate society and the total of the relationship between subjects concerning directly man s present life.人类社会是主体和客体的统一,是经济、政治、文化和社会等基本要素的综合,这就是总体社会。


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
