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授课方式 teaching mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-11 13:03:38


授课方式 teaching mode英语短句 例句大全

授课方式,teaching mode

1)teaching mode授课方式

1.The characteristics and teaching method of specialty English were introduced, the content of the textbook,teaching mode and how to test were discussed in the paper.介绍了专业英语课程的特点以及专业英语的教学方法,详细讨论了教学中教材内容的安排、授课方式和考核形式。


1.C++ Courses in Higher Vocational Teaching Construction and Teaching Methods to Explore高职C++课程教材建设及授课方式探索

2.On the Reform of Higher Vocational Student Teaching Way & Examination Mode高职生授课方式和考试模式改革略论

3.Approaches Used in the Course of Groundwater Environment Engineering对“地下水环境工程”授课方式的探讨

4.Workshops are intensive, and typically last 3 whole days.本单元采取集中授课方式,一般授课日程为三整天。

5.Great emphasis in this course, is put on group work and interactive projects.课程的授课方式侧重小组活动和互动项目。

6.The German teachers" method of teaching proved to be very interesting to the children.孩子们觉得德国老师的授课方式非常有趣。


8.The open university is an educational system which will make use of television, radio and correspondence course.开放大学是一种利用电视、收音机和函授课程作为授课方式的教育体系。

9.Teachers can keep students" interest by varying their lessons.教师可以对授课方式稍加变化来保持学生的兴趣。

10.Practice of Data Mining in Analysis of Adult Students Favorite Teaching Methods;数据挖掘技术在成人学生授课方式偏好分析中的应用

11.Study on Athletic Subject Teaching Method of Department of Sports Training in Shenyang Physical Education Institute;沈阳体育学院运动训练系田径专修教学授课方式的研究

12.Distance Education is instructional delivery that does not constrain the student to be physically present in the same location as the instructor.远程教育是授课的一种方式,它不要求学生亲临教师授课地点。

13.A Study of the Methods of Teaching Management Courses Offered by the Correspondence School;党校函授教学中管理类课程教学方式的探讨

14.Reflection on Teaching Professional Courses of Tourism Management by the Means of Multimedia采用多媒体方式讲授旅游管理专业课的思考

15.The paper presents a case study on instruction models of tutoring class based on exploratory practice.笔者以探究式研究方法为指导,介绍了视听课面授模式的个案研究。

16.I advocate separate classes for students to learn Chinese in different ways.我建议我们分班授课,让不同的学生以不同的方式学习华文。

17.mixed-code teaching中英语混合使用的教学方式;使用中英混杂语授课

18.Research in Teaching Methods of Practice Course of Accounting;会计专业“能力”课程授课模式探索


teaching method授课方式

1.Aiming at the situation of music education in teacher college in recent years,the author has made some reformation inteaching methods,contents and styles of accordion education,and gives a careful statements on the method about development and measure of accordion course.针对近些年师范院校音乐教育专业的学生日益增多 ,师资相对紧缺这一实际问题 ,在手风琴教学的授课方式、内容形式等方面进行了一些变革 ,并对教学方法和措施作了较为详细的论述。

3)Teaching way授课方式

1.According course feature,some questions are investiga- ted,such as teaching content adapting to the needs of architecture environmental and equipment engineering specialty,teaching way,teaching method and course practice and examination way.针对这些问题,对教学内容与建筑环境与设备工程专业相适应、授课方式、授课手段、课程实践、考试方式进行了详尽的探讨,以求学生在建筑电气工程设计方面能够做到"能设计、会操作、懂管理"教学指导思想。

4)teaching methods授课方法

1.To accomplish this goal,the basic characteristics of the present thoughts of college students need to be explored and new requirement for teacher quality andteaching methods should also be made.为达此目的,一方面需要深入探索当代大学生思想的基本特点,另一方面也对教师素质和授课方法提出了新的要求。

2.The theoretical teaching in the class of training people s policeman should apply fiveteaching methods of grasping the main points : severing the public security s practice, attaching importance to teaching creativity, highlighting teaching characters , and stressing language arts in order to improve teaching effects and training qualities.民警培训课堂理论教学应运用抓住重点内容、服务公安实践、注重教学创新、突出授课特点和讲求语言艺术等五个方面的授课方法 ,不断提高授课效果和培训质量。

5)teaching method授课方法

1.This article is aboutteaching methodology in chemistry continuing education.本文针对化学继续教育授课方法主要还是以“普教化”模式完成教学任务 ,提出继续教育应适应成人的特点 ,探索一种开放式的授课方法 ,阐述了这种方法的实施策略和实施效

6)teaching mode授课模式

1.During teaching the course,the author adopts variousteaching modes to build up the students ability.《导游业务》作为高等旅游教育中一门理论性与实践性很强的主干专业必修课,作者在授课过程中突出以学生综合素质的培养为核心、采取多样化的授课模式和不拘一格的考核方式等对其教学进行探讨,力求实现理论与实践相结合,教师主导与学生主体相结合授课模式。

2.So improving theteaching mode and the course structure is more and more necessary for the Art Course in the Normal University.因此,高等院校美术师范专业有必要从课程建设和授课模式上进行行之有效的改革。


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