1200字范文 > 军镇 Jun Zhen英语短句 例句大全

军镇 Jun Zhen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-19 08:54:09


军镇 Jun Zhen英语短句 例句大全

军镇,Jun Zhen

1)Jun Zhen军镇

1.Jun Zhen replaced the System of the town of garrison troops,and they not only had the early-stage alarm function,but had the defensive function.唐代的四川地区地处“西抗吐蕃,南抚獠蛮”的前沿,为了加强对西南地区少数民族政权的军事防御和进攻,在此设立了大量的军镇。

2)Regimentary land reclamationtowns军垦城镇

3)Juntun Town军屯镇

4)the army of Zhen song镇嵩军

1.This article which takethe army of Zhen song as an example,try to do a case study on the bandit behavior of armies within the boundaries of Henan and Shaanxi province in the period of the Northern wa.本文试以镇嵩军为例,对北洋军阀时期豫陕两省境内的军队匪化问题作一专题研究。

5)strategic post军事重镇


1.From a Military Town to a Commercial City On the Development Track of Chongqing从军事重镇到工商重镇——重庆城市发展轨迹研究

2.In Ming dynasty, northwest border refer to the four borer towns,they were Yansui,Ningxia,Gansu,Guyuan,which lie in northwest.明代西北边镇是指分布在西北的延绥、宁夏、甘肃、固原四大军事重镇。

3.The Research of Military Fortresses of Nine Defense Areas Along the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty;明长城“九边”重镇军事防御性聚落研究

4.jackboot tactics军事镇压手法, 粗暴手段

5.During the years of Hongwu emperor, Dusi in eastern Liao exercised double functions: military control and administration.洪武年间 ,辽东都司行使着军事镇戍和行政管理双重职能 ;

6.Sengkelinchin s Troop Action of Supressing the Northern Expeditionary Army of Taipingtianguo;僧格林沁镇压太平天国北伐军的军事活动

7.the military governor of a German town in the 12th and 13th centuries.在12和13世纪德国城镇的军事统治者。

8.Jun, Zhen, Barrier and ferrys Administrative Function on Concerning Foreign Affairs in Tang Dynasty唐代军镇关津的涉外事务管理职能

9.The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising.军事行动是镇压起义的第一步。

10.To relinquish military possession or occupation of(a town, for example).撤退放弃军事地区或占领地(如一城镇)

11.Military area of importance. No admittance!军事重地,禁止进入。

12.Chongqing Office of the Eighth Route Army八路军重庆办事处旧址

13.By January 5 the Germans abandoned hope of taking this key town.到1月5日,德军已放弃夺取这一重镇的希望。

14.A small-town newspaper"s emphasis on local affairs.以当地事物为重点的小镇报纸

15.The missions of the Military Intelligence Battalion in the U.S. Army have renewed significance.美国陆军军事情报营的任务显得尤为重要。

16.MR. CHEN: What is the focus of the U.S. Army"s RMA efforts?陈:美国陆军军事革命努力的重点是什么?

17.Military communication is very important both in wartime and peacetime.军事通信在战时和平时都十分重要。

18.See "A Circular on the Situation" of this volume.参见本卷《中国军事形势的重大变化》。


Regimentary land reclamationtowns军垦城镇

3)Juntun Town军屯镇

4)the army of Zhen song镇嵩军

1.This article which takethe army of Zhen song as an example,try to do a case study on the bandit behavior of armies within the boundaries of Henan and Shaanxi province in the period of the Northern wa.本文试以镇嵩军为例,对北洋军阀时期豫陕两省境内的军队匪化问题作一专题研究。

5)strategic post军事重镇

6)Zhenhai Army镇海军

1.Zhexi communicated closely to the Central Government and the adjacent Chieh-tu Shih in the development process, with the rise and fall ofZhenhai Army, it showed the transition between Tang and Song Dynasty.浙西道在其发展过程中,与中央和邻道产生了相互交织的密切联系,在镇海军兴废与漕运断续下,折射唐朝中叶后多方面的走向,开启唐宋之际的历史过渡。


