1200字范文 > 多发 Multiple英语短句 例句大全

多发 Multiple英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-08 11:43:03


多发 Multiple英语短句 例句大全



1.Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment ofMultiple Intradural Extramedullary Tumors椎管内髓外硬膜下多发性肿瘤的诊断与手术治疗

2.Based on the observations of red tide in Xiamen sea corea from to and other relevant information,the discipline of multiple red tide and its relationship with the natural factors are preliminarily studied.本文根据历史资料及~厦门海域赤潮的监测结果和相关资料,对赤潮多发性规律及其与自然环境关系进行初步探讨。

3.Objective To explore the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of multiple focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver.目的探讨多发肝脏局灶性结节增生(FNH)的临床特点、诊断和治疗。


1.Hope everyone can support the development of the alliance.Deliver to stick much and much, infuse the water much and much, publicizee much and much!!希望大家能够支持联盟的发展。多多发贴,多多灌水,多多宣传哦!!

2.diabetic polyneuropathy糖尿病多发神经病变

3.multiple-colloid goiter多发性胶性甲状腺肿

4.multiple sclerosisph.1. 【医】多发性硬化

5.multi-emitter laser diode多发射极激光二极管

6.arthrochalasis multiplex congenita先天性多发性关节弛缓

7.multiple fibroepithelial hyperplasia多发性纤维上皮增生

8.acute polyneuroradiculitis急性多发性神经根炎

9.multi-effect multi-stage (flash) vaporizer多效多级闪蒸蒸发器

10.Multi-Channel, Multi-Modal Development多渠道、多模式开发

11.How much is a set and shampoo?卷发又洗发多少钱?

12.I have a lot of trouble with pronunciation.我在发音上有很多困难。

13.Eating too much can make you fat.吃得过多会使你发胖。

14.The engine has more than 4,000 horsepower.这台发动机有4,000多马力。

15.They stink of money.他们钞票多得发霉。

16.primary aldosteronism原发性醛甾酮增多症

17.Today, there are more than 2,000.如今,已发展到2,000多家了。

18.multilevel interconnection generator多层互连信号发生器



1.In order to improve the system performance and reduce the hardware complexity further,this paper proposed a multiple-input-multiple-output(MIMO) scheme,combining Transmitting Antenna Selection and receiver Minimum-selection Maximum Ratio Combining(TAS/MMRC) scheme.为了提高系统性能并最大限度地降低收发端的硬件复杂度,本文提出一种多发多收(MIMO)的传输技术,即发射端采用选择发射并联合接收端采用最少选择最大比合并接收的MIMO技术,记为TAS/MMRC。

3)optical multi-input and multi-output光多发多收

4)multi-effect evaporation多效蒸发

1.The computer-aided calculation of cocurrentmulti-effect evaporation;并流多效蒸发系统的计算机辅助计算

2.Process Simulation and Operation Optimization of Complex Multi-effect Evaporation;复杂多效蒸发过程模拟与操作优化研究

3.The Energy Saving Study of Multi-effect Evaporation Based on Genetic Algorithm;基于遗传算法的复杂多效蒸发系统节能技术研究

5)multiple effect evaporation多效蒸发

1.In this paper,heat balance calculating methods are put forward for crossflow(mixed)feedmultiple effect evaporation processes with solid separation.本文提出了有固相析出的错流进料多效蒸发过程的热量衡算方法,并给出了利用本文热量衡算方法结合相图计算进行有固相析出的多效错流蒸发过程的物料衡算和热量衡算的逐步逼近计算步骤。

6)multi effect evaporation多效蒸发

1.With the total expense as a target and two pressures as decisive variables, the optimal object function of themulti effect evaporation process was derived.以蒸发总费用为目标,以两个压力为决策变量建立了多效蒸发过程的优化目标函数,用BFGS法求得了其最优解。

2.The optimum design software ofmulti effect evaporation system was programmed using Visual Basic 5 0.利用VisualBasic 5 0语言开发多效蒸发系统优化设计应用软件。


