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臣民 Subjects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-12 12:05:38


臣民 Subjects英语短句 例句大全



1.FromSubjects to Citizens: Shift of Roles and the Formation and Development;从臣民到公民:角色转换界及其生成与发展

2.FromSubjects to Citizens;从“臣民”到“公民”的启蒙


1.Bound to give such allegiance and services to a lord or monarch.臣服的臣民被限制向领主或君主臣服和服役的臣民

2.He is a British subject.他是英国国民或臣民。

3.American citizens and British subjects美国公民与英国臣民

4.loyal subjects of our sovereign我们君主的忠诚臣民

5.an unfaithful servant, subject, etc不忠实的仆人、臣民等.

6.He kept his subjects underfoot.他把他的臣民踩在脚下。

7.The queen showed great compassion for her people.女王对她的臣民很仁慈

8.a manifestation of God"s foresightful care for His creatures.上帝对臣民关爱的表现。

9.citizens, not subjects;是真正的公民而不是臣民;

10.This was the only Don who did not have the respect of his fellows.据悉,他对自己的“臣民”也不正派,硬着心肠欺诈自己的“臣民”。

11.The subjects had to kneel down before the king.在国王的面前臣民必须跪下。

12.He be a ruler enthrone in the heart of his subject他是个为臣民所衷心爱戴的君主

13.His subjects would then respond to his example by being energetic in turn.这样,他的臣民才会像他那样生气勃勃。

14.the native of a Christian land,一个基督教徒土地上的臣民,

15.He is a ruler enthrone in the heart of his subject.他是个为臣民所衷心爱戴的君主。

16.The conqueror govern his new subject with an Iron scepter征服者以铁腕统治其新臣民

17.The king"s suBjects protested against his imperialism.国王的臣民反对他的帝制。

18.British subjects do not need visa to visit Common Market countries .英国臣民访问共同市场国家无需签证。



1.Logically, the assumption on people is needed to be reconsidered Philosophically,the history is made by an infinite series of parallelograms of forces;in the view of jurisprudence,the sovereignty of citizen is more scientific than that of people;politically,the connotation of people is between that ofsubject and citizen.从政治科学上看,“人民”的概念是介于“臣民”与“公民”之间的。

2.On the one hand it lacks independence as"thesubject",on the other hand it has achieved the close combination of the people and the state.它一方面因缺乏主体性而表现为"臣民",另一方面又实现了与国家的紧密结合。

3)subject"s idea臣民观念

4)Japanese citizen日本臣民

5)subject moral臣民道德

6)subject culture臣民文化

1.The fundamental aim of political modernization is the realization of political democracy,and the realization of this democracy requires a change of the political psychological role of the populace,from thesubject culture to the civic culture.政治现代化最基本的目标是政治民主化,而民主政治的实现需要有民众政治心理角色的转换,也就是臣民文化要转变为公民文化。

2.conversion fromsubject culture to civic political culture, and qualified citizens with modern consciousness developed.而民主政治和政治文明的实现有赖于民众政治心理角色的转换,实现臣民文化向公民政治文化转变,培养出具有现代意识的合格公民。

3.The goal of political modernization is the democratization of politics, and democracy depends on the conversion of political psychology and political culture, for china, is th change fromsubject culture to civic culture.民主政治的实现有赖于民众政治心理和政治文化的转换,对于我国来说,也就是培养社会成员的公民意识,由传统臣民文化向现代公民文化的转变。


