1200字范文 > 优秀项目 exemplary program英语短句 例句大全

优秀项目 exemplary program英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-25 20:17:19


优秀项目 exemplary program英语短句 例句大全

优秀项目,exemplary program

1)exemplary program优秀项目


1.An Analysis of the American Exemplary Programs of Teacher Education美国教师教育优秀项目比较分析与启示

2.Award for Academic Achievements: One Second Prize, Fujian Social Sciences Publication Awards.获奖项目:省社科优秀成果二等奖1项。

3.Analysis on the Technical Action of Excellent Pitcher;浅析垒球项目中优秀投手的技术动作

4.An analysis on the flow of outstanding personnel of winter sports events in China我国冰雪项目优秀人力资源流动分析

5.Discussion on Accomplishment Course of Excellent Coachers of Dominant Events;我国优势项目优秀教练员成材过程的探讨

6.The Time Speciality of the Process of Being Qualified for ExcellentCoaches of Dominants Events of Our Country;我国优势项目优秀教练员成材过程的时间特征

7.National Aerospace Awards Programs recognized excellence and outstanding achievement.国家航天奖项目已经证明了其优秀卓越的成就。

8.Study on the Psychology Adjustment and the Training Method for the Outstanding Contestant of “Three pats”;3拍项目优秀选手心理调节与训练方法探讨

9.Experimental Research on Body Components of Elite Female Players in Different Sports;不同项目女子优秀运动员身体成份的实验研究

10.A Study on the Ability Structure of Elite Coaches;对我国部分项目优秀教练员能力结构的研究

11.Theory of Physical Ability Model on Athletes of Physical Ability Sport Events;论体能类项目优秀运动员体能模型的理论架构

12.Protection of Intellectual Property Right of Excellent Traditional Chinese Sports;优秀传统民族体育项目的知识产权保护

13.On the Knowledge Structure of Elite Coaches in Some Events;对我国部分项目优秀教练员知识结构的研究

14.A Study on the Tactics for Elite Canoeing Athletes to Compete in 1 000m;优秀男子皮艇运动员参赛1000m项目战术的研究

15.The Study on Quality Controlling"s Optimizing Design of Luneng Lingxiu City"s Project鲁能领秀城项目质量管理优化设计研究

16.A Study on the Training Pattern of Outstanding Athletes in Men’s Changquan Event Category论男子长拳类项目优秀运动员训练模式

17.The Training of Man Slow Firepistol Excellent Athlete男子手枪慢射项目优秀运动员的训练研究

18.Characteristics of sports life span of athletes in China s leading technical and tactical Olympic events;我国技能主导项群奥运项目优秀运动员运动寿命的特征


excellent book优秀书目

1.Teachers should attempt to recommendexcellent books for students, guide them to read, organize students to display extrareading achievements so as to improve students′ ability in Chinese learning, improve their aesthetic competence and create conditions for their all-around development.课外阅读是语文教学的重要组成部分,教师必须有意识给学生推荐优秀书目,组织好阅读引导,指导阅读方法,并组织学生展示课外阅读成果,以帮助学生增强语文能力,提高审美素质,促进全面发展。

3)project optimization项目优化

1.On Application of Value Engineering in Project Optimization Design浅析价值工程在项目优化设计中的应用

4)optimization of projects项目优选

5)new exercises新优项目

6)advantage item优势项目

1.The results indicated that the distribution of the medals appears balance andadvantage item appears universality,the amount of golden medal and the item has high correlation,the rate of medal and item in the 10th National Games is higher than that of the 9th National Games.结果表明:前8名奖牌分布呈现出均衡性和优势项目覆盖的广泛性,金牌数和获得奖牌的项数具有高度的相关性,十运会奖牌数和奖牌项的比值均比九运会有所提升;优势项目和优势项目奖牌数的相关系数为0。


书目之书目收录各种书目、索引等二次文献的目录,又称书目指南。是掌握和利用书目、索引、文摘的重要工具。在中国,《隋书·经籍志》在史部下设有"簿录"类,专收书目文献。历代多有沿袭。清代周星诏编《书目考》,始把书目文献汇编成书。现存较早的书目之书目是周贞亮、李之鼎编的《书目举要》(1920)。此后,邵瑞彭、阎树善等编《书目长编》(1928),汇录书目1300多种。肖璋编《北平图书馆书目──目录类》(1934),是一部记录馆藏的书目之书目。台湾省梁子涵编《中国历代书目总录》(1953),收录现存书目1600多种。冯秉文编《全国图书馆书目汇编》(1958),著录1949~1957年间各类型图书馆编制的书目索引2300多种。在西方,1664年法国F.拉贝编的《图书馆文库》(《书目之书目》)在巴黎出版,这是世界上较早的书目之书目。由于书目事业的发展和书目控制的需要,世界上很多国家较重视书目之书目的编制,如美国有《书目索引:书目之累积书目》(1938年创刊),苏联有《苏联书目之书目》 (年刊,1941年创刊),日本有天野敬太郎编的 《日本书目之书目》(1977)等。国际文献联合会主编的《书目索引》(第4版,1959年开始出版) 是一部世界范围的书目与文献刊物的分类目录。T.贝斯特曼编的《世界书目之书目》(第4版,1965~1966),也是一部世界范围的书目之书目。
