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模范作用 exemplary role英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-04 16:51:38


模范作用 exemplary role英语短句 例句大全

模范作用,exemplary role

1)exemplary role模范作用

1.View onexemplary role of advanced characteristics of college teacher Party Members in diathesis education;论高职教师党员先进性在素质教育中的模范作用



2.Party members played a vanguard and exemplary role.广大共产党员发挥了先锋模范作用。

3.How to Play an Exemplary Vanguard Role for a Party Member;试论如何发挥共产党员先锋模范作用

4.The New Solutions on How the Moving Members of the CPC to Give Pioneer Examples;发挥流动党员先锋模范作用的新思路

5.The exemplary vanguard role of the Communists is of vital importance.共产党员的先锋作用和模范作用是十分重要的。

6.Reflection of CPC s Advances with Model Function of College Teachers as CPC Members;用高校教师党员的模范作用去体现党的先进性

7.The Eighth Route Army ought to have an exemplary role to play in the course of this reform.八路军应在这一改造过程中起模范作用。

8.the free discussion that is emblematic of democracy; an action exemplary of his conduct;.自由讨论是民主的象征;他行为的模范作用。

9.On How CPC Member Teacher Take the Lead in Specialty Construction;党员教师如何发挥在专业建设中的模范作用

10.The Party Member exerting the role of Avant-courier for constructing the Harmonious Campus;论党员在构建和谐校园中先锋模范作用的发挥

11.On the Exemplary Vanguard Role of Party Member Teachers in Universities;高校教师党员先锋模范作用平台建设研究

12.How to Give Full Play to Grass-roots Party Branch s Pioneering and Modeling Role;浅谈如何发挥基层党支部的先锋模范作用

13.Doing Justice to the Exemplary Role of the CPC Members-the Foothold of the Campaign of Maintaining the Advanced Nature of the CPC Members;党员模范作用的发挥是先进性教育的落脚点

14.Meaning and Practice of the Communists Examples;共产党员发挥先锋模范作用的意义及实践

15.How to Play an Exemplary Pioneer Role as a Member of the Chinese Comm unist Party;怎样才能更好地发挥党员的先锋模范作用

16.The Practice of “Three Represents” and the Exemplary Vanguard Role of the Communists;实践“三个代表”重要思想 发挥党员先锋模范作用

17.Key Demand of Communist Party and Exemplary Vanguard Role of the Communists;党的先进性核心要求与党员的先锋模范作用

18.On Ways and Mechanism University Student Party Members" Exemplary and Vanguard Role大学生党员发挥先锋模范作用的途径和机制


model function模范作用

1.By taking the construction of Chinese Communist Party Student Member as a key point,the pioneermodel function and better study habite were formed in the study ambience construction,all the students have been infected and brought up in the harmonious campus,and student member construction of Chinese Communist Party have been advanced.以学生党员队伍建设为抓手,在学风建设中充分发挥学生党员的先锋模范作用,在党员队伍中形成良好学习风气的同时,带动引导周围的同学形成良好的学习习惯,在学生中营造良好的学习氛围,建设和谐校园,促进学生党建工作。

3)exemplary vanguard role模范作用

1.Theexemplary vanguard role of Communists in the new period;新时期共产党员的先锋模范作用——学习邓小平理论和党章体会

2.Therefore, we should emphasize the political core of the Party and theexemplary vanguard role of the communists.为此 ,必须发挥党组织的政治核心和战斗堡垒作用 ,充分发挥党员的先锋模范作

4)exemplary vanguard role先锋模范作用

1.It is an important principle in Marxist theory of party s construction to keep the advanced nature of communist party members and bring into playexemplary vanguard role of communist party members.保持共产党员的先进性,发挥共产党员的先锋模范作用是马克思主义党建理论的一个重要原则。

2.The construction work of party branches in colleges should avoid "three misunderstandings",attach importance to the construction of party activities team,ensure the quality of new Party members,do well the continuing education work of student Party members,and full play theexemplary vanguard role of Party members.高校学生党支部建设工作必须走出"三大误区",抓好入党积极分子队伍的建设,保证新发展党员的质量,做好学生党员的继续教育工作,充分发挥党员的先锋模范作用。

5)the model role played by the Party member党员模范作用

6)morality model function道德模范的作用


胞饮作用和胞吞作用胞饮作用和胞吞作用pinocy tosis and endocytosis吸收膜外吸附的溶液或物质.例如大分子或分子的聚集体(moleeular aggregates),如图所示。一般胞饮作用是指以这种方式吸收液体徽滴的过程,胞吞作用是指吸收大分子或分子聚集体的过程,但有时也用胞饮作用或胞吞作用泛指通过质膜内陷吸收膜外所吸附的物质的过程。通常这种过程在矿质养分吸附中的作用不大,但胞饮作用或胞吞作用为大分子的吸收提供了一种可能的机理。(饶立华)胞饮作用和胞吞作用(pinocy‘0515 and“n-docytosis)细胞外的液体徽滴或物质吸附在质腆上,通过质膜内陷形成小囊泡而被消化吸收的过程。电镜观察的资料证明植物根可以通过质膜内陷的方式脆饮作用及胞吞作用示意图(a)质膜外吸附大分子及液滴,(b)质膜在吸附大分子及液滴的部位内陷.(c)质膜内陷部位形成的小t泡进入细胞质,(d)小续泡膜溶解。其内含物转移到细胞质中
