1200字范文 > 留守初中生 left-behind junior middle school students英语短句 例句大全

留守初中生 left-behind junior middle school students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-25 05:30:29


留守初中生 left-behind junior middle school students英语短句 例句大全

留守初中生,left-behind junior middle school students

1)left-behind junior middle school students留守初中生

1.To explore the relationship between mental health and life events, copping style among the countryleft-behind junior middle school students, we used questionnaire and private interviews research methods.本研究根据现代留守初中生存在的实际问题和已有研究存在的不足,使用问卷调查法和个案访谈法,旨在探讨农村留守初中生的心理健康与生活事件、应对方式的现状及其相互关系。


1.The Research on Family Factors and Psychological Adjustment of Left-behind and Living-with-parents Middle School Students;留守、非留守初中生的家庭因素与心理适应研究

2.Stay middle school mental health analysis of the survey;留守初中生心理健康问题的调查分析

parative analysis of the relations between extracurricular sports activities and the mental health of left alone and non left alone middle school students留守与非留守初中生课外体育活动与心理健康关系的对比分析

4.Research on Emotional Intelligence and Self-esteem of Rural Left-behind Junior Middle School Students in Northern Jiangsu;苏北农村留守初中生情绪智力、自尊实证研究

5.Research on Left-behind Students in Junior High School of Education in Rural Guangxi;广西农村留守初中生教育问题调查研究

6.Peer Interactions Obstacles and Educational Suggestions of Left-behind Junior Middle Students in Countryside;农村留守初中生同伴交往障碍及教育对策研究

7.Negative Influence of the Absence of Parental Rearing among Middle School Students Left in Rural Areas;亲子分离对农村留守初中生心身症状的影响

8.Analysis of the Causes of the Unsatisfactory Achievements of the Rear Middle School Students in Rural Areas and the Corresponding Measures;农村“留守初中生”学业不良原因分析及教育对策

9.A Study on Moral Troubled Behavior of Junior School Students Staying on in the Countryside and its Countermeasures;农村“留守初中生”品德性问题行为及教育对策

10.Investigation and Group-Intervention: Mental Health of Left-behind Junior High School Students农村留守初中生心理健康调查与干预研究

11.A Intervention Study on the Developmental Characteristics for the Social Self-Concept of Liushou Junior High School Students留守初中生社会自我的发展特点及干预研究

12.The Study and Psychological Intervention of Self-enhancement of Left-at-home Junior High School Students留守初中生的自我提升状况及其心理干预研究

13.Mental Development and Self-psychological Intervention of Left-behind Middle School Students留守初中生心理发展状况调查及自我心理干预

14.Interpersonal Trust of Rural Left-behind Junior Students in Liangping梁平县农村留守初中生人际信任状况分析

15.Relationship Between Attachment to Parents and Peers and Coping Style of the Left-home Kids in Junior Middle School农村留守初中生依恋与应对方式的关系研究

16.Research on Relationship between Mental Health and Life Events, Copping Style among the Country Left-behind Junior Middle School Students;农村留守初中生心理健康与生活事件、应对方式的关系研究

17.A Study of Left-behind Junior Students’ Life, Mental Health and Coping Style in Rural Areas农村留守初中生生活事件、应对方式和心理健康的调查研究

18.Mental Health and Its Influential Factors of Rural Left-behind Junior Middle School Students in Hunan;湖南省农村留守初中生心理健康状况及影响因素的研究


Living-with-parents middle school students非留守初中生

3)junior school students left behind in rural areas农村留守初中生

1.The results show thatjunior school students left behind in rural areas score higher significantly in these factors: interpersonal relationships,depression,anxiety and emotional imbalance of ASLEC,venting,fancy and tolerance of CSSMSS,interpersonal sensitivity,loss and health adaptability of MMHI-60.结果表明农村留守初中生在三个量表中的部分因子要显著高于非留守初中生,这些因子是青少年生活事件量表中的人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、情绪不平衡,中学生应对方式量表的发泄、幻想和忍耐,中学生心理健康量表的人际关系敏感、丧失和健康适应。

4)Middle School students who stay at home without parents for months in Guang Chang广昌初中留守学生

5)parent-absent middle school students留守中学生

1.The subjects are 278parent-absent middle school students who are from four middle schools of Zigong and Leshan.文章采用中学生孤独感问卷对自贡、乐山地区四所中学共278名留守中学生进行了调查,结果发现:①农村留守中学生在纯孤独感因子上分值均高于非留守中学生,呈现显著差异;②农村留守中学生的孤独感水平存在性别差异,留守女生在对重要关系未满足程度的知觉因子上的分值均显著高于留守男生;③农村留守学生孤独感水平存在年级差异,在对自己社交能力的知觉的纬度上却存在显著性差异,且留守高中生高于留守初中生;④父母是否双方外出打工、外出时间长短与监护人类别、教养方式是影响农村留守中学生孤独感水平的重要因素。

6)Left-home students in high middle school留守高中生


《初中数学万题选》《初中数学万题选》新编精解本 第三版,初一适用。北京大学出版社出版中国人民大学附属中学,北京大学附属中学,北京市第四中学,北京师范大学附属实验中学,清华大学附属中学合编。责任编辑;王 艳封面设计;林胜利定价;12元书号;isbn 7-301-03357-5/g·400
