1200字范文 > 初中生 Junior middle school students英语短句 例句大全

初中生 Junior middle school students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-06 00:11:48


初中生 Junior middle school students英语短句 例句大全

初中生,Junior middle school students

1)Junior middle school students初中生

1.Study on early intervention for mental health problems among junior middle school students;初中生心理问题早期干预的前瞻性研究

2.Analysis on the Correlative Factors of Violence Tendency among Junior Middle School Students;初中生暴力倾向的相关因素分析

3.Analysis on ways of improving junior middle school students culture attainments in mathematics;提升初中生数学文化素养策略分析


1.Chinese Revision of Life Orientation Test in Junior High School Students;生活取向量表在初中生中的初步修订

paring China to U.S.A on Biology Curricula Reforms in Middle School;中、美初中生物(科学)课程改革比较初探

pilation of the Scale of Self-concept on Junior Middle School Students in the Northwest China.;西北初中生自我概念量表的初步编制

4.How to Improve the Junior Middle School Students Interest in Ideo-Politics Course;培养初中生思想政治课学习兴趣初探

5.The Prosocial Behaviors Endorsed by Junior Middle School Students--An Interview-Study of 8 Cases;初中生认同的亲社会行为的初步研究

6.A preliminary compilation of junior middle school students family social support questionnaire;初中生家庭社会支持问卷的初步编制

7.Exploring the Changing Tendency of Junior-middle-school-student Attention in Chinese Class;初中生语文课堂注意力变化走势初探

8.A Study on Middle School Students" Communication Problems Scale初中生亲子沟通问题问卷的初步编制

9.Effects of Peer Education on Knowledge and Attitudes of Junior High Scho ol Students Regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health;在初中生中开展性与生殖健康同伴教育初探

10.The Tentative Research of the Experiment for the Forming of the Junior Student s Biology Learning Strategy;初中生生物学习策略形成实验的初步研究

11.On junior high school biology lessons development comprehensive evaluation;初中生物课学生学业发展性综合评价初探

12.Brief exploration of cultivating students independent innovation learning in junior high school biology teaching;初中生物学教学培养学生自主创新学习初探

13.L: They nearly are senior and jounior students.(他们几乎都是初中生和高中生。

14.An Tentative Expioration on Training Middle School Student s Creative Ability Teaching Composition;在作文教学中培养初中生创新能力之初探

15.The Revision of Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire in Middle School Students;人际关系能力问卷(ICQ)在初中生中的初步修订

16.Reading for Middle School Students (Junior Mid Sch)中学生阅读(初中)

17.Modern Middle School Student (jounior mid sch)现代中学生(初中版)

18.62.56 million students in junior middle schools, the gross attendance rate reaching 88.6 percent;初中在校生6256万人,初中毛入学率达88.6%;


Junior high school students初中生

1.A study of parent rearing style and personality characteristic on junior high school students companied with anxiety;伴焦虑的初中生父母养育方式与人格研究

2.Related factors to the achievement of junior high school students;影响初中生学习成绩的相关因素

3.Investigation and analysis of factors that cause junior high school students to shift their interest in sports events;初中生运动项目兴趣转移因素的调查分析

3)middle school students初中生

1.The Research on Pragmatic Competence Improvement for Junior Middle School Students Based on Extracurricular Reading;课外阅读对提高初中生语用能力的研究

2.The Effect of Cognitive Style、Level of Intelligence of Middle School Students and Presentation of Multimedia Materials on Learning;初中生认知风格特点、智力水平和多媒体材料呈现方式对成绩的影响

3.Caries in Primary Middle School Students in Nanhai District佛山市南海区初中生恒牙龋病调查

4)Junior middle school student初中生

1.Relationship Between Junior Middle School Students Perceived Teacher Leader Behavior Model and Their Mental Health;初中生知觉到的教师领导行为模式及其与心理健康的关系

2.Adaptation and examination of situation interest questionnaire of P.E. class of junior middle school students;初中生体育课堂情景兴趣问卷的编制与检验

3.Study in Situdation and Culivation of Meta-cognition of Mathematics Problem Solving in Junior Middle School Student;初中生数学问题解决中元认知能力的现状及提高策略的研究

5)Junior students初中生

piling ofJunior students Oral-communication Strategy Scale;初中生口语交际策略量表的编制

2.The research surveyed the junior students of three grades of some high school by their personality and surfing internet,the investigates adopt the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ young version)and questionnaire of writing by the researcher.为了探讨网络环境下初中生人格心理特点的差异,对某中学初中三个年级的学生进行上网情况调查和艾森克人格问卷(少年版)测查,结果表明:(1)高频上网初中生与低频上网初中生的人格特质在精神质(P)和神经质(N)上存在显著性的差异;(2)不同年龄的初中生的人格特质在精神质(P)和神经质(N)上也存在着显著性的差异;(3)年龄对测谎(L)的影响最大,上网频度对神经质(N)的影响最大,而年龄、性别和上网频度对精神质(P)都有较大影响。

3.Writing ability is one that junior students should acquire in English learning.书面表达能力是初中生英语学习中应具备的重要能力之一,要初中生具备和提高书面表达能力,我的体会有三点:一是掌握写作技能,加强相关文体的写作训练,让学生知道该怎样动手;二是训练学生从词、词组、句子入手,完成文章;三是练讲再练结合,增强学生书面表达的适应性。

6)junior school students初中生

1.‘What are the problems forjunior school students in novel reading after class And how should they deal with these problems.今天,初中生课外阅读存在哪些问题?这些问题该如何解决?本论文就在这样的背景下来探讨初中生小说阅读的问题与对策,希望为改善初中生课小说阅读的状况,为教师更好地指导初中生小说阅读提供有益素材。

2.The main purpose of this study is tobuild a socializational evaluation indicator for thejunior school students--social agescale, to monitoring and diagnosis the barriers which young people face in the process of socialization, and to provide the basis of evidence to enhance the level of youth socialization.本研究的主要目的,是通过构建初中生社会化程度的测量工具——社会年龄量表,建立初中生社会化程度的衡量标准——社会年龄指数,以监测、诊断和预防青少年的社会化过程中的障碍,为提高青少年社会化水平提供实证依据。


《初中数学万题选》《初中数学万题选》新编精解本 第三版,初一适用。北京大学出版社出版中国人民大学附属中学,北京大学附属中学,北京市第四中学,北京师范大学附属实验中学,清华大学附属中学合编。责任编辑;王 艳封面设计;林胜利定价;12元书号;isbn 7-301-03357-5/g·400
