1200字范文 > 肝胃不和型 The type of Gan Wei Bu He英语短句 例句大全

肝胃不和型 The type of Gan Wei Bu He英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-11 21:00:04


肝胃不和型 The type of Gan Wei Bu He英语短句 例句大全

肝胃不和型,The type of Gan Wei Bu He

1)The type of Gan Wei Bu He肝胃不和型


1.Clinical Study on Treatment with Ventro-Acupuncture of Bo-Shi on Chronic Gastritis Related to Incoordination between Liver and Stomach;薄氏腹针治疗肝胃不和型慢性胃炎的临床研究

2.Clincal Study on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease of the Discordavce of Liver and Stomach Syndrome with Weinin Particles;胃宁颗粒治疗肝胃不和型胃食管反流病的临床研究

3.Research on the Level of Relativity Assimilation Hormone in the Liver/Stomach Disharmony Type Patients Blood肝胃不和型胃脘痛与血浆相关胃肠激素水平的研究

4.Observation of bile reflux gastritis with incoordination between the liver and stomach treated by Qizhiweitong Granule气滞胃痛颗粒治疗肝胃不和型胆汁反流性胃炎临床观察

5.Study on Quality of Life of the Decoction of Jiawei Xiaochaihu in Treating Chronic Gastritis Due to Incoordination between Liver and Stomach;加味小柴胡汤对肝胃不和型慢性浅表性胃炎患者生存质量的影响

6.Prolonged Ⅱ phase,Ⅲ phase and shortened Ⅰ phase were found in ILS group,DHSS group,RFD group and SPD group.肝胃不和型、脾胃湿热型、饮食停滞型和痰湿中阻型Ⅱ组相、Ⅲ相延长,相缩短;

7.Clinical Study and Mechanism of Action Probe on Regulating Stomach and Calm the Adverse-rising Energy on Live-stomach Disharmony Syndrome of GERD和胃降逆法治疗肝胃不和型胃食管反流病的临床研究及作用机制探讨

8.Study on Relationship between Incoordination the Liver and Stomach Syndrome of Chronic Hepatitis B and the Hepatitis B Virus in Gastric Mucosa、in Serum;慢性乙型肝炎肝胃不和证与胃粘膜、血清HBV相关性研究

9.The Clinical Observation of Treating Functional Dyspepsia of Liver Depression and Spleen Vacuity Syndromes by Coursing the Liver and Fortifying the Spleen and Harmonizing the Stomach疏肝健脾和胃法治疗肝郁脾虚型功能性消化不良的临床观察

10.Clinical and Experimental Study on Shuganheweifang in Treating Bile Reflux Gastritis of Stagnated Heat in Liver and Stomach Type;疏肝和胃方治疗肝胃郁热型胆汁反流性胃炎的临床与实验研究

11.Treatment of 86 Cases of Insomnia Following Stomach Disorders by"Shugan Hewei Huayu Anshen Decoction"疏肝和胃化瘀安神汤治疗胃病不寐86例

12.Effect of combination of Chinese herb with soothing liver and strengthening spleen,regulating stomach ascending qi and point application on functional dyspepsia with hepatic stagnation and spleen deficiency type疏肝健脾、和胃降逆方加味合穴位敷贴治疗肝郁脾虚型功能性消化不良80例疗效观察

13.Rusults: The syndrome could be divided into3 types: Ganweibuhe, Weiyinkuixu and Piweixuhan.结果:胃炎(脘痛)床证候可分为三类:肝胃不和、阴亏虚、胃虚寒。

14.The Curative Observation and Mechanism Discussion of Treating Bile Regurgitational Gastritis with Weile Grain;胃乐颗粒治疗胆汁反流性胃炎(肝胃不和证)疗效观察及机理探讨

15.Clinical Study on Yuan Xiang Wei an Capsule in Treating Disharmony between Liver and Stomach Syndrome of Epigastric Pain;元香胃安胶囊治疗胃脘痛肝胃不和证的临床研究

16.Effect of Shugan Hewei Tang on Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide and Somatostatin in the Antrum of Functional Dyspepsia Model Rats疏肝和胃汤对功能性消化不良大鼠胃窦组织中VIP和SS的影响

17.Clinical Study of Functional Dyspepsia Treated by a Method of Shuganheweihuayu疏肝和胃化瘀法改善功能性消化不良胃动力的临床研究

18.84 Cases of Non-ulcerative Indigestion Treated with"Regulating Middle Warmer-Qi by Dis- persing Depressed Liver-Qi疏肝健脾和胃法治疗非溃疡性消化不良84例


Incoordination between the liver and stomach type肝胃不和证型

3)Liver-stomach disharmony肝胃不和

1.Liver-stomach disharmony is actually the common type of syndrome differentiation in treating stomachache illness.肝胃不和证是临床上胃脘部疼痛疾病的常见辨证类型,它有具体的定义和治法方药,而查阅文献资料鲜有医家对木土不和论述,甚至常常有人把木土不和与肝胃不和混淆,认为两者可以互换或通用,实际上木土不和与肝胃不和有很大的区别,认识不清楚往往会导致治疗不彻底。

4)Disharmony between liver and stomach syndrome肝胃不和证

5)the type disorder of the stomach-spleen脾胃不和型

6)Liver-Discharging and Stomach-Harmonizing疏肝和胃

1.Treatment of bile reflex gastritis with TCM ofLiver-Discharging and Stomach-Harmonizing, a Report of 36 Cases;疏肝和胃法治疗胆汁返流性胃炎36例临床观察


肝胃不和肝胃不和 肝胃不和 病证名。又称肝气犯胃。指肝失疏泄,胃失和降的病证。多由情志不遂,气郁化火,或寒邪内犯肝胃所致。有寒证、热证之分。肝郁化火,横逆犯胃,以脘胁胀痛,吞酸嘈杂,舌红苔黄为主症,属热;寒邪内犯肝胃,以巅顶痛,吐涎沫,舌淡苔白滑为主症。治宜调和肝胃。
