1200字范文 > 炉内结渣 slagging in furnace英语短句 例句大全

炉内结渣 slagging in furnace英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-23 03:01:21


炉内结渣 slagging in furnace英语短句 例句大全

炉内结渣,slagging in furnace

1)slagging in furnace炉内结渣

1.Finally,it presents diagnoses model of optimization operation based on the neural network of preventing the biggest exergy loss item—slagging in furnace,and rationality of this model is validated.最后 ,针对分析出的最大影响因素—炉内结渣 ,得出了基于神经网络的最佳运行诊断模型 ,并验证了合理性 ,因此 ,对于机组高效安全运行有一定的指导作


1.Analysis on the Influence of Straw Burning Characteristic on Boiler Slag in Straw-fired Power Plant秸秆燃料特性对炉内结渣的影响分析

2.Slagging and Its Prevention Analysis for Tangential Fired Utility Boilers;切向燃烧锅炉炉内结渣过程和防治技术的试验研究

3.A Study on the Monitoring for Different Slagging Zones on the Water Wall of Coal-fired Boiler Based on the Numerical Simulation;基于数值模拟的燃煤锅炉炉内结渣区域监测的研究

4.The Study of In-furnace Combustion Process and Slagging Property in 600MW Unit600MW机组炉内燃烧过程与结渣特性研究

5.clinker/5klINkE(r);`klINkL/n rough stony material left in a furnace,etc after coal has burnt(熔炉等内的)熔渣,渣块,煤渣.

6.Experimental Studies of NO_x Reduction by Reburning and Fouling and Corrosion in a Drop Tube Furnace;煤粉炉内再燃脱硝和结渣腐蚀特性的试验研究

7.Research on Flow and Heat Transfer of Slag Film in Gasifier With Liquid Slag-removal Process液态排渣煤气化炉炉内灰渣的流动和换热研究

8.Experimental Research on the Diffusion Characteristics of the Collisional Rich-lean Gas-solid Multiphase Jet Flow and Slagging Prevention Technology;浓淡气固两相射流扩散规律研究和炉内防结渣技术

9.The Research on the Slagging Problems of No.1 Boiler of Inner Mongolia Fengtai Electric Power Generation Co.ltd;内蒙古丰泰发电公司~#1锅炉结渣问题的试验研究

10.Analysis of furnace slagging characteristics in once through boiler made in shanghai boiler works600MW直流炉炉膛结渣特性分析

11.In 1947 the furnace was lined with clinker some ten metres high.1947年这座炉子炉膛内堆积了约10米高的炉渣。

12.blast-furnace cinder高炉矿渣, 鼓风炉炉渣

13.The experiment for combustion adjustment can effectively improve combustion as well as limit the probability of slagging and flameout.燃烧调整试验较好地改善了炉内燃烧特性,有效地减少了锅炉结焦、渣和熄火现象。

14.Simulation of Enhancing Heat Transfer on Waste Heat Boiler of the Incinerator and Analysis of Its Slagging and Fouling;焚烧炉余热锅炉强化换热数值模拟与结渣分析

15.Research on Two Distinguishing Methods for Slagging State of Boiler Furnace锅炉炉膛结渣状态两种判别方法的研究

16.Study on Deposition and Slagging of Coal Burning Boiler Based on Measuring;基于检测的燃煤锅炉积灰、结渣研究

17.Slagging Problem Analysis of Utility Boiler and Problem-solving Measures;电站锅炉结渣问题分析及其解决途径

18.The Study on the Monitoring of Slagging and Fouling in Coal-Fired Utility Boiler;电站煤粉锅炉结渣、积灰监测的研究


slag structure炉渣结构

1.Based on these structural units and the coexistence theory ofslag structure, calculating models of mass action concentrations for the corresponding slag systems have been deduced.以此为基础,按照炉渣结构的共存理论制定了两种渣系氧化能力N_(Fe_tO)的计算模型。

3)boiler slagging锅炉结渣

1.Through aerodynamic field test for 220MW unit boiler,the influence of coal characteristics,hearth structure,operating parameters onboiler slagging was analyzed,some solution and precaution measures were presented which can be used for reference in solvingboiler slagging problems.针对内蒙古某电厂200MW机组锅炉结渣现象严重的问题,在炉内空气动力场试验的基础上,分析了煤质特性、炉膛结构和运行参数等对锅炉结渣的影响,初步提出了对应的解决及防治措施。

4)furnace slagging炉膛结渣

1.Problems entailed by the dense phase pulverized coal system, including the system s conveying stability,pulverized coal burnout andfurnace slagging are elucidated and corresponding countermeasures sugges.分析了该技术所特有的输粉系统简化、燃烧稳定、污染物NOx排放低等特性,阐述了高浓度煤粉系统所带来的输送稳定性、煤粉燃尽和炉膛结渣等问题,并提出了相应的解决方案,比较了常规煤粉系统与高浓度煤粉系统的经济性。


6)furnace clinker炉渣结块


电弧炉单渣炼钢电弧炉单渣炼钢arc furnace single slag steelmakingd ionhuludan之ha Ilangang电弧炉单渣炼钢(are furnaee single Slagsteelmaking)通常指电弧炉炼钢过程不扒除氧化渣即进行还原的一种操作方法。起初是指以返回法冶炼合金钢(如不锈钢)时的单渣炼钢。以返回废钢为主要炉料,熔化后期少量吹氧助熔,不扒除氧化渣,即进入还原期,用脱氧剂(硅铁粉、硅粉或铝粉等)还原渣中贵重元素的氧化物,使这些元素返回钢中,由于渣中的磷也会被还原入钢液,故要求原料中磷含量低于成品钢规格。这种单渣法可以脱硫,故不限制硫含量。为了减少合金元素的损失和快速形成还原渣,熔清后不进行脱碳沸腾,因此成品钢中氢等气体含量略高。应避免加入大量石灰使钢中气体含量增高和扒渣过程的吸气。有时冶炼一般钢种也采用此法。另一种单渣法则是只有氧化精炼的电炉炼钢工艺。20世纪80年代以来,电炉炼钢借鉴了平炉和转炉都是在氧化渣下精炼和出钢,除脱硫能力低外,仍能保证钢的一定质量的经验,改革电炉炼钢工艺,取消还原期,采用只造氧化渣,不造还原渣的单渣法操作工艺,在出钢过程中进行脱氧和合金化,既能保证钢的一定质量,又降低了能量和材料的消耗。缩短冶炼时间。又相应出现了电弧炉无渣出钢技末,从而电炉工艺有了较大变革。碳素结构钢及低合金钢都可用此法生产。 (马廷温)
