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结渣 slagging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-11 04:30:12


结渣 slagging英语短句 例句大全



1.Study of the method for determining weighting coefficient of coal ashslagging fuzzy combination forecast based on rough set theory;基于粗集理论的煤灰结渣模糊综合评判权系数确定方法研究

2.Characteristic of mineral species distribution in furnace and its influence on theslagging during coal combustion;煤灰矿物质在炉内的迁徙分布规律及其对沾污结渣的影响

3.Investigation of the Roles of FeS_2 and Iron Bearing Clay Minerals in Pingshuo Coal during Slagging Deposition of Pulverized Coal Fired Boiler;煤中FeS_2和含铁粘土矿物在锅炉结渣过程中的作用


1.Slagging characteristics of medical glass and hospital waste slag医用玻璃及医疗垃圾灰渣的结渣特性研究

2.Experimental Investigation on Mechanism and Critical Temperature for Coal Ash Slagging on the Combustion-belt Materials燃煤锅炉卫燃带结渣机理及结渣临界温度的实验研究

3.The Study on Fluidization Simulation and Agglomeration Behavior in Fluidized Bed;流化床的流动模拟及结渣现象的探讨

4.Study on Deposition and Slagging of Coal Burning Boiler Based on Measuring;基于检测的燃煤锅炉积灰、结渣研究

5.Slagging Problem Analysis of Utility Boiler and Problem-solving Measures;电站锅炉结渣问题分析及其解决途径

6.The Study on the Monitoring of Slagging and Fouling in Coal-Fired Utility Boiler;电站煤粉锅炉结渣、积灰监测的研究

7.A Research on Enhancing Anti-Slagging Capacity for Pulverized-Coal-Fuel Boilers;提高燃煤锅炉抗结渣能力问题的研究

8.The Research of Based Neural Network on Ash Slagging Characteristic;基于神经网络的煤灰结渣特性的研究

9.The Study of In-furnace Combustion Process and Slagging Property in 600MW Unit600MW机组炉内燃烧过程与结渣特性研究

10.Analysis on the Influence of Straw Burning Characteristic on Boiler Slag in Straw-fired Power Plant秸秆燃料特性对炉内结渣的影响分析

11.The research process of anti-slagging for biomass pellet fuel生物质固体成型燃料抗结渣研究进展

12.Analysis of furnace slagging characteristics in once through boiler made in shanghai boiler works600MW直流炉炉膛结渣特性分析

13.Effects of MgO on coal-ash slagging on refractory boardsMgO对卫燃带材料上煤灰结渣的影响

14.A New Method to Determine Slagging Characteristic of Coal-Fired Boilers一种评判燃煤锅炉结渣特性的新方法

15.dross coal渣煤, 不粘(结性)煤

16.agglomerate foam concrete烧结矿渣泡沫混凝土

17.Effect of mushroom substrate and biogas residue on the growth and fruiting of banana沼渣、食用菌菌渣对香蕉生长和结果的影响

18.A Study on Modified Asphalt with Leaching Residues of Oceanic Polymetallic Nodules and Cobalt-rich Crusts;大洋多金属结核氨浸渣与富钴结壳酸浸渣改性沥青实验研究



1.Methods for Judging Ash Depositing and slaggingof Boilers and Their Application;锅炉受热面积灰结渣判别方法的应用分析

2.Fuzzy Set Predicting Aalysis on BoilerSlagging in Power Plant;电站锅炉结渣的模糊数学预示分析

3.In view of slagging problem in the application of existing refractory belt technology,the ultimate reason for the slag on refractory belt surface was analyzed.针对现有锅炉卫燃带技术应用中存在的结渣问题,分析了卫燃带表面结渣的实质,依据切圆燃烧锅炉的炉内结渣规律和水冷壁带的隔离作用,提出了切圆燃烧锅炉燃烧器背火侧卫燃带分块布置方式,并简述了该新型布置方式在某台360MW燃煤锅炉的应用效果。

3)furnace slagging结渣

1.The mechanism and the harm of the heated surfacefurnace slagging of the large tangential-circled coal-fired boiler is expounded.阐述了大型切圆燃煤锅炉受热面结渣的过程、机理及危害,分析了影响结渣的原因;结合工作实例,总结了锅炉设计与运行中防止结渣应采取的措施。

2.The cause offurnace slagging of No.分析了娘子关电厂 3#炉大修后试运行过程中发生炉内结渣的原因 ,介绍了通过燃烧调整解决炉内结渣和低负荷不投油稳燃的经验 ,对同类型锅炉的燃烧调整有借鉴作

3.The causes offurnace slagging in PG650t/h Boiler are analyzed, and some measures are presented to prevent.分析了PG650t/h锅炉结渣的原因 ,提出了相应的技术对策。


1.Analysis and treatment of thefouling formed during the oxidation of cyclohexane;环己烷氧化过程中结渣的分析及处理

2.Fault feature acquisition forfouling of water walls of pulverized coal boiler;煤粉炉水冷壁结渣故障特征提取

3.This paper gives a brief description of fuel characteristics, pollutants emission andfouling behaviour of co-combustion of alternative fuels with coal.阐述了替代燃料与煤混合燃烧的燃料特性、污染物排放和结渣特性,探讨了该技术目前的应用前景和存在的问题。


1.Bedagglomeration characteristics during fluidized-bed combustion of biomass fuels;生物质流化床燃烧过程中的结渣特性

2.From the experiments ofagglomeration in the CFBC,the physics-chemistry change and the mechanism in the forming ofagglomeration are studied. so as to control and reduceagglomeration in the CFBC通过对循环流化床燃烧过程结渣的实验研究,认识结渣的物理化学过程。

3.One of them is the seriousagglomeration occurring in the PFBC developed by IHI, a Japanese boiler manufacturer.在日本IHI公司的PFBC 锅炉结渣问题一直困扰已久,由于缺乏有效手段预测和避免结渣的发生,造成了较大的经济损失。



结疬结疬 结疬 病名。亦名血胤疮。指痈疽、溃疡生于腋下,胁肋部位者。见《外科启玄》卷六。书中有:“血胤疮……,二三年变为结疬,三五年出黑水死。”证治参见腋疬条。
