1200字范文 > 结渣性能 slagging behavior英语短句 例句大全

结渣性能 slagging behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-09 15:15:07


结渣性能 slagging behavior英语短句 例句大全

结渣性能,slagging behavior

1)slagging behavior结渣性能

1.Through test of mixedly burning shenhua coal with other bituminous coals in laboratory condition,the regularity of variation in ignition,burnout,as well asslagging behavior and contamination after mixedly burning shenhua coal with other bituminous coals in different ratios has been grasped.通过在试验室条件下对神华煤与其它烟煤混煤的掺烧试验,掌握了神华煤掺入不同比例其它煤后,混煤的着火、燃尽和结渣性能及沾污性能的变化规律。



2.Study on the Structure and Property of Bagasse"s Lignosulfonate;蔗渣木质素磺酸盐结构与性能的研究

3.dross coal渣煤, 不粘(结性)煤

4.Research on Crystallization Properties of the Fluoride-free Mold Fluxes Based on TiO_2;含钛无氟连铸结晶器保护渣结晶性能研究

5.Study on Composition, Structure and Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete Containing Steel Slag Powder钢渣粉活性粉末混凝土组成、结构与性能的研究

6.Study on Hardening and Mechanical Properties of Moderate Heat Portland Cement with Large Content of Phosphorus Slag大掺量磷渣水泥的凝结硬化特性与力学性能

7.Study and Its Application on Chemical and Physical Properties of Mold Powder for Broad Slab Caster;宽板坯连铸结晶器保护渣理化性能研究及应用

8.Properties of Cementations Binder Consisting of Phosphogypsum,Slag,Lime and Cement磷石膏-矿渣-石灰-水泥体系胶结性能研究

9.Ananlysis on Effect of Binding Agent on Agglomerability of LF Refining Slag黏结剂对LF精炼渣成块性能的影响分析

10.Optimization on Mould Powder of Weathering Steel Beam Blank Continuous Casting耐候钢异型坯连铸结晶器保护渣性能优化研究

11.Effect of Promoter on Structural Performance of Residue Hydrotreating Catalyst in Circulating Fluidized Bed助剂对沸腾床渣油加氢催化剂结构性能的影响

12.Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity and Environmental Effect of Ocean Polymetallic Nodules and Cobalt-rich Crusts Residue;大洋多金属结核氨浸渣与富钴结壳酸浸渣抗菌性能与环境效应评价

13.Molten steel leakage by binding is often related to the properties of mould powder.粘结漏钢往往与所使用的结晶器保护渣性能有关。

14.Research on Properties of Al_2O_3-CaO SlagAl_2O_3-CaO熔渣性能的研究

15.Experimental study of the effect of calcium carbide sludge used as the admixture of cement on the properties and structure of the cement电石渣作混合材对水泥结构与性能影响的试验研究

16.Study on Composition、Structure and Properties of Cement and and Concrete with Steel-making Slag Powder Mineral Additive;含钢渣粉掺合料的水泥混凝土组成、结构与性能的研究

17.Case Hardening and Wear Property at High Temperature of Electro-slag Melting and Casting Steel-bonded Carbide;电渣熔铸钢结硬质合金的表面硬化及其高温耐磨性能研究

18.Study on Heat Transfer in Mould and Optimization of Performance for Mould Flux of FTSC Thin Slab Cast in Tangshan Iron and Steel CO.;唐钢FTSC薄板坯连铸结晶器传热研究与保护渣性能优化


slagging characteristic结渣特性

1.Experimental study on theslagging characteristics of biomass briquette combustion equipment;生物质成型燃料燃烧设备结渣特性试验研究

2.The studies are carried out on theslagging characteristic of power coal through the index discriminance by measuring theslagging characteristic,the component of coal ash,the melting point of ash and the mechanism of slagging is analyzed according to the testing samples of Jiaozuo anthracite,Shanxi Hejin lean coal,Shanxi Hongdong 1/3 coking coal,Jiyuan coking coal,Shanxi Yulin long flame coal.通过对焦作无烟煤、山西河津瘦煤、山西洪洞1/3焦煤、济源焦煤、陕西榆林长焰煤五种煤样的结渣特性、煤灰成分、煤灰灰熔点的测定,运用指数判别法研究了煤的结渣特性。

3.According to test and investigation,we found theslagging characteristics of biomass briquette hot-blast stove,and analyzed as well as concluded the slagging process and its influential factors of biomass briquette hot-blast stove,further,the author concluded slagging genesis of biomass .采用生物质成型燃料热风炉,分别进行了炉膛温度、燃料层厚度、燃料粒径和过量空气系数等对结渣率影响的试验,根据试验与观察,得出了生物质成型燃料热风炉的结渣特性,并分析总结了生物质成型燃料热风炉的结渣成因、过程及结渣影响因素。

3)slagging characteristics结渣特性

1.This paper is to introduce the study onslagging characteristics of large capacity coal fired boiler by use of Fuzzy mathematics model.介绍采用模糊数学方法对我国大容量机组锅炉结渣特性的研究成果。

2.According to GB/T 1572-2001(the measuring method of fuelslagging characteristics),GB/T 476-2001(ash and slag analytical method)and relevant judging rules,theslagging characteristics of sawdust briquette were analyzed.根据GB/T1572-2001燃料结渣特性测定方法和GB/T476-2001燃料灰渣分析方法及有关不同判别法则,对木屑成型燃料燃烧的结渣特性进行了分析,认为木屑成型燃料具有轻微结渣与沾污倾向,可作为多种炉用燃料,以实现燃烧设备的安全、稳定、经济燃烧,从而为生物质成型燃料燃烧设备设计提供了理论依据。

3.The numerical simulations of theslagging characteristics under multi-operating modes in three types of W-flame boiler were carried out by use of the slagging models coupled with the gas-solid two phase flow and combustion models.采用结渣模型耦合气固两相流动燃烧模型,对3种不同型号W火焰锅炉的结渣特性进行了多工况数值模拟,结合实际运行状况,对结渣位置、程度及原因进行了对比分析。

4)slagging property结渣特性

1.Results show that with increasing calcium to sulphur ratio a peak valve inslagging property can be observed at the ratio of 2:with a ratio of slagging of calcium based desul.该文针对六盘水无烟煤中添加石灰石的钙基脱硫试样的结渣特性、加热过程中矿物质行为,利用电子探针对加热过程中不同钙硫比的钙基脱硫灰样的矿物质行为进行研究。

2.Basing on the maximum subjection degree principle in fuzzy mathematics,a "six factors model" considering the boiler operating condition and common coalslagging property is used to test the veracity of four models on predicting the slagging properties of boiler.基于最大隶属度原则,采用常规煤质结渣特性指标以及炉膛运行参数组成的“6指标法”对模糊理论预测燃煤结渣的4种常用模型进行了分析和检验。

3.Basing on the maximum subjection degree principle in fuzzy mathematics, a "six factors model" considering the boiler operating condition and common coalslagging property is used to test the veracity of four models on predicting the slagging properties of boiler.基于最大隶属度原则,采用常规煤质结渣特性指标以及炉膛运行参数组成的"6指标法"对模糊理论预测燃煤结渣的四种常用模型进行了分析和检验。

5)clinkering property结渣性

1.A method which is similar to standard method determiningclinkering property of coal expect using pressurized combustion reactor is demonstrated.本文介绍了加压下评定煤结渣性的方法,此法和常压的规范化方法相似,只是把燃烧过程改在加压反应器内进行。

6)the slagging characteristics结渣特性

1.According to the measuring method of fuel slagging characteristics,ash and slag analytical method and relevant judging rules,the author analyzedthe slagging characteristics of corn straw briquette through experiments.根据燃料结渣特性测定方法和燃料灰渣分析方法及有关判别法则,对玉米秸秆成型燃料燃烧的结渣特性进行了试验与分析。

2.According to the measuring method of fuel slagging characteristics, ash and slag analytical method and relevant judging rules,the slagging characteristics of corn straw briquette was judged.根据燃料结渣特性测定方法和燃料灰渣分析方法及有关判别法则,作者对玉米秸秆成型燃料燃烧的结渣性能进行了判别。


不锈钢的物理性能、力学性能和耐热性能不锈钢的物理性能 不锈钢和碳钢的物理性能数据对比,碳钢的密度略高于铁素体和马氏体型不锈钢,而略低于奥氏体型不锈钢;电阻率按碳钢、铁素体型、马氏体型和奥氏体型不锈钢排序递增;线膨胀系数大小的排序也类似,奥氏体型不锈钢最高而碳钢最小;碳钢、铁素体型和马氏体型不锈钢有磁性,奥氏体型不锈钢无磁性,但其冷加工硬化生成成氏体相变时将会产生磁性,可用热处理方法来消除这种马氏体组织而恢复其无磁性。 奥氏体型不锈钢与碳钢相比,具有下列特点: 1)高的电阴率,约为碳钢的5倍。 2)大的线膨胀系数,比碳钢大40%,并随着温度的升高,线膨胀系数的数值也相应地提高。 3)低的热导率,约为碳钢的1/3。 不锈钢的力学性 不论不锈钢板还是耐热钢板,奥氏体型的钢板的综合性能最好,既有足够的强度,又有极好的塑性同时硬度也不高,这也是它们被广泛采用的原因之一。奥氏体型不锈钢同绝大多数的其它金属材料相似,其抗拉强度、屈服强度和硬度,随着温度的降低而提高;塑性则随着温度降低而减小。其抗拉强度在温度15~80°C范围内增长是较为均匀的。更重要的是:随着温度的降低,其冲击韧度减少缓慢,并不存在脆性转变温度。所以不锈钢在低温时能保持足够的塑性和韧性。 不锈钢的耐热性能 耐热性能是指高温下,既有抗氧化或耐气体介质腐蚀的性能即热稳定性,同时在高温时双有足够的强度即热强性。 不锈钢国际标准标准 标准 标准名 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准(国家技术监督局) KS 韩国工业标准协会规格Korean Standard AISI 美国钢铁协会规格America Iron and Steel Institute SAE 美国汽车技术者协会规格Society of Automative Engineers ASTM 美国材料试验协会规格American Society for Testing and Material AWS 美国焊接协会规格American Welding Society ASME 美国机械技术者协会规格American Society of Mechanical Engineers BS 英国标准规格British Standard DIN 德国标准规格Deutsch Industria Normen CAS 加拿大标准规格Canadian Standard Associatoin API 美国石油协会规格American Petroleum Association KR 韩国船舶协会规格Korean Resister of Shipping NK 日本省事协会规格Hihon Kanji Koki LR 英国船舶协会规格Llouds Register of Shipping
