1200字范文 > 金州新区 New Golden District英语短句 例句大全

金州新区 New Golden District英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-18 15:55:34


金州新区 New Golden District英语短句 例句大全

金州新区,New Golden District

1)New Golden District金州新区

2)Suzhou New District苏州新区

1.Primary Study on Eco-industrial Park Consrtuction inSuzhou New District;苏州新区生态工业园建设初探

2.The main factors of the economic and environmental coordinated development ofSuzhou New District are paying great attention to environmental protection planning,strictly importing projects ,controlling the pollutiong of industries for villages and towns,in creasing more funds for environmental protection,perfecting infrastructure,rigorously enforcing environmental management.重视环境保护规划 ,严把项目引进关 ,控制乡镇工业污染 ,增大环境保护投入 ,完善基础设施 ,严格环境管理是实现苏州新区经济与环境协调发展的主导因素。


1.The Comparison between WND and SND and the suggestion of the SND further development;无锡新区与苏州新区发展之比较分析

2.Some Consideration of the Planning of New City Residential Areas: With Case Study of Suzhou New District;城市新区居住区开发建设规划探析──以苏州新区为例

3.Positive Analyses of the Economic and Environmental Coordinated Development of Suzhou New District苏州新区经济与环境协调发展实证分析

4.Research on Safeguarding and Renewal in Historic Districts Adjacent River;苏州临河历史街区的保护与更新研究

5.Study on New Relationship of "Government-Corporation" of Suzhou Industrial Park;苏州工业园区新型“政府—企业”关系研究

6.A Study on Assessment of Ecological Risk of Water Environment in Suzhou High-tech District苏州高新区水环境生态风险评价研究

7.Qualitative Evaluation of Peasants" Environmental Protection Consciousness in Suzhou High-tech Zone苏州市高新区农民环保意识定性评价

8.Analysis on state comfortable dwelling’s plant scenery of Suzhou city--with Suzhou Xinkang garden as example苏州市安居示范小区的植物造景特色分析——以苏州市新康花园为例

9.A Study on the Conservation & Redevelopment of Traditional Neighbourhood in Suzhou in Past 20 Years;近来苏州古城传统街区保护与更新的研究

10.The Investigation & Study on Sports Consumption of the Residents in Suzhou National New High-tech Industrial Development Zone(SND);苏州高新区居民体育消费现状的调查与研究

11.Performance Assessment for Land Compensation and Resettlement Policy of Suzhou Hi-tech Zone;苏州高新区征地补偿安置政策绩效评价

12.The Countermeasure of Developing Circular Economy of FineChemical Industry in Suzhou High-tech Zone;苏州高新区精细化工业循环经济发展的对策

13.Interplay between Regional Culture,Immigration,and Creation as Seen in Suzhou and Shanghai;移民文化与区域创新——以苏州与上海为例

14.Countermeasures for Developing Circular Economy of Electronic and Information Industry in Suzhou High-Tech Zone;苏州高新区电子信息业循环经济发展的对策

15.On the Cultural Characteristics and New Literary Changes in Suzhou District During the 17th Century;17世纪苏州地区的文化特色与文学新变

16.The Experience and Enlightenment from the Innovation of the Public Administration System in Suzhou Industrial Park;苏州工业园区公共管理体制创新的经验与启示

17.Thinking and Suggestions for the Renovation and Renewalof Guanqian District, Suzhou;对苏州观前地区整治更新的思考与建议

18.Research on Talent Solution in Industrial Transformation of SND苏州高新区产业转型中的人才问题研究


Suzhou New District苏州新区

1.Primary Study on Eco-industrial Park Consrtuction inSuzhou New District;苏州新区生态工业园建设初探

2.The main factors of the economic and environmental coordinated development ofSuzhou New District are paying great attention to environmental protection planning,strictly importing projects ,controlling the pollutiong of industries for villages and towns,in creasing more funds for environmental protection,perfecting infrastructure,rigorously enforcing environmental management.重视环境保护规划 ,严把项目引进关 ,控制乡镇工业污染 ,增大环境保护投入 ,完善基础设施 ,严格环境管理是实现苏州新区经济与环境协调发展的主导因素。

3)Xingzhou district新州区

4)Jinzhou area金州区

1.A study is made of the characteristics of the teachers’occupational pressure of country Middle schools inJinzhou area in Dalian by means of a questionnaire.本文采用问卷调查法对大连市金州区农村中学教师的职业压力特点进行研究,研究结果表明,大连市金州区农村中学教师的职业压力表现为工作负荷、社会期望、人际关系、自我发展需要、教学及考试压力和学生因素6个维度,除人际关系方面压力比中等强度略低外,教师在工作负荷、社会期望、自我发展需要、教学及考试压力和学生因素5个方面压力感比中等强度高,可以看出教师职业是一种高压力的职业,大连市金州区农村中学教师普遍承受着较重的压力。

5)Suzhou High-tech Zone苏州高新区

1.The Countermeasure of Developing Circular Economy of FineChemical Industry inSuzhou High-tech Zone;苏州高新区精细化工业循环经济发展的对策

2.Study on Ecosystem Health Assessment of Development Areas— Case Study of Suzhou High-Tech Zone;开发区生态系统健康研究─以苏州高新区为例

3.Countermeasures for Developing Circular Economy of Electronic and Information Industry in Suzhou High-Tech Zone;苏州高新区电子信息业循环经济发展的对策

6)zhengzhou Hi-Tech zone郑州高新区

1.However, the Zhengzhou Hi-tech Zone has little positive influence towards the urban economy for its GDP only accounted for 3.而郑州高新区2002年的国内生产总值仅占郑州市总量的3。


