1200字范文 > 新区规划 new district planning英语短句 例句大全

新区规划 new district planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-16 05:35:17


新区规划 new district planning英语短句 例句大全

新区规划,new district planning

1)new district planning新区规划

1.Fault detection by CSAMT and its application tonew district planning in Beijing;CSAMT探测断层在北京新区规划中的应用


1.A Study on the Comprehensive Urban Design in the New Urban District;城市新区规划中的整体城市设计研究

2.New Territories District Planning Division [Planning Department]新界区规划部〔规划署〕

3.New Chubu (Japan) Regional Planning Institute新中部(日本)区域规划所

4.Conceptual Plan and Its Application in the Plan for Zhongzhou New City Zone in Tong an District of Xiamen City;概念规划及其在厦门同安新城区规划中的运用

5.Pay Attention to the Differences between Rural Planning and Urban Planning in New Rural Construction新农村建设要重视乡村规划与城市规划的区别

6.Discussion on Integrated Urban-rural Planning in Core Zone of Tianjin Binhai New Area天津滨海新区核心区的城乡统筹规划

7.Study on Geohazard Division and the Plan of Control in Fuxin Areas;阜新地区地质灾害区划与防治规划研究

8.The New Exploration of the New Rural Area Planning in Dongting Lake Area;环洞庭湖区新农村规划的“新”探索

9.The new district covers an area of3.14 km?规划区人口规模为40000人,规划新区总面积为3.14平方公里。

10.Research of Environment Protection Plan of the New Centralized-built Area of Changchun Advanced Technical Development Area;长春高新区集中新建区环境保护规划研究

11.On the New Pattern of China s Regional Economic Development and Xinjiang s Regional Planning;我国区域经济发展新格局与新疆区域规划

12.A Study of New Concept Regional Planning Based on New Regionalism in China基于新区域主义的我国新概念区域规划研究

13.The Consideration of Park Planning According to the Humanistic Requirement: Take Nanjing High and New Technique Park Master Plan as an Example;基于人本需求的园区规划思考——以南京高新区总体规划为例

14.The Bonded Area of Shatoujiao in Shenzhen finishes drafting a new program for the "ninth five-year plan"深圳沙头角保税区绘就“九五”新规划

15.The New World: The Second Planning Promoting Real Estate Quality新世界:二次规划提升区域地产品质

16.EAROPH News and Notes《东方区域规划和住宅组织新闻和评论》

17.City Landscape Planning Application on New Zone Development;城市景观规划在新城区建设中的应用

18.Research on the Recycle Economy of New Industry Park;新建工业园区循环经济规划思路研究


New Campus Planning新校区规划

3)planning area of new city新城规划区

4)new regional planning新区域规划

1.This article makes a survey of the macro-background of renascence of regional planning; expounds the basic features ofnew regional planning, the relevant planning philosophy and the guarantee system of regional planning.本文考察了区域规划再兴的宏观背景 ,阐述了新区域规划的基本特征、规划应对的理念及区域规划的制度保障体系 ,试图为我国区域规划工作的发展提供一定借

5)planning and architectural design of new campus新校区规划设计

6)urban new area planning城市新区规划

1.Study on the analysis approach of simulation model system inurban new area planning;城市新区规划仿真模型系统分析方法研究


